Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 278 Brother 8!I will avenge you!

Chapter 278 Starling!I will avenge you!

This is indeed a solution, but Chen Jiaying was worried that Qi Rui would be exposed if she was discovered in full view, so she asked, "Qi Rui, are you really going to take such a risk?"

Qi Rui knew what Chen Jiaying was worried about and said: "Sister Jiaying, don't worry, there will only be me and two doctors in the interrogation room tomorrow, and I can easily find a chance to switch the package. If there is no chance, I will not make a move."

"Okay, I'll prepare it for you right now." Chen Jiaying went to work. At this time, Tang Ling came from the kitchen in the backyard with the freshly prepared meal, and saw Qi Rui asking, "Qi Rui, let's eat together."

"Brother Tang, I ate it, how is Uncle Li's?"

"Uncle Li has already gone to see Chairman Ming in person. She is indeed straight-tempered and likes to show everything on her face. Uncle Li has also discovered this. Now she has started to work as Chairman Ming."

"Well, as soon as possible, if Uncle Li is short of money, you can give it to him." Tang Ling hid the two sums of money for buying opium, and Qi Rui planned to turn all the money into supplies and send it to the base and Yan'an.

"Qi Rui, this money has helped the organization a lot."

"Brother Tang, I want to tell you one more thing. You have to be prepared. Tomorrow, the Inoue Mansion and the intelligence department of the dispatched army will cooperate with the police in the French Concession to check the car dealers. If you encounter trouble, you can take out the special advanced class I gave you. Prove it to them with an informant, and if they do anything outrageous, call me immediately."

"Qi Rui, don't worry, the car dealership is fine."

Chen Jiaying prepared the potion and came over: "Qi Rui, this is a solution with sodium thiopental, is the bottle the same?"

"Exactly the same, Miss Jiaying, what's the matter with you?" Qi Rui took the bottle and asked,
"I'm fine, Xiaoxue comes here to accompany me every day, and I also recruited two girls who have studied medicine to help, and gradually I won't let Xiaoxue come here."

"Xiaoxue is bored at home by herself, she is willing to come and accompany you."

"Qi Rui, be careful! The organization has repeatedly emphasized to ensure your safety." Chen Jiaying urged again,

"I will be careful for you, I won't disturb your meal, Xiaoxue is still waiting for me, let's go!"

Qi Rui took the medicine and returned home. Fu Yingxue had reheated the food several times, and told her the situation briefly during the meal.

"Old Ba Haizhengchu who will send the Eight King Kong away tomorrow! Is there really no way to save people?" Although the camps are different, it is true that Haizhengchu is an anti-Japanese hero, Fu Yingxue asked,
Qi Rui shook his head and said: "I have thought of many ways, but none of them can succeed."

"Can't Sister Jiaying think of a way to make people fake death? Then we can think of a way?"

"It's useless to ask Hai Zhengchu to fake death, because there are two doctors next to him, even if there are no doctors, the devils will use Hai Zhengchu's corpse to make a fuss, so fake death is simply impossible."

"Then can we just send him away?"

"Yes, because the devil has no patience with him, and the devil will use all kinds of truth-telling drugs for him. If he says something in a coma, and let the devil use it to make a big report, Hai Zhengchu's famous name will be destroyed. destroyed."

"It's a pity!" Fu Yingxue, as an old underground worker, still understands Qi Rui's helpless choice. If one day she is arrested, she will also want to die just like Hai Zhengchu, so she must kill herself when she is arrested. Never fall into the hands of devils.

Early the next morning, in the interrogation room of the special high school, Hai Zhengchu had already been tied to the torture chair. Qi Rui said to the two doctors, "Are you all ready?"

"Ready, ready to inject anytime."

"No one from secret service headquarters?"

"I didn't see it."

"Go and check him again. I want to make sure he's fine after the injection."

Qi Rui walked to a small table, on which were several bottles, large and small, as well as medical supplies such as syringes.

"Hayi!" The two doctors went to examine Haizhengchu together. Qi Rui used the skill of the thief to change the solution of diluted sodium thiopental. The solution used was the same, and the bottle was also the same. Qi Rui had observed it long ago. .

After checking his body, Qi Rui looked at Hai Zhengchu and asked, "Don't you want to talk?"

"Talk about Nima! Hurry up if you have any tricks, I can't wait for Ba Ye!" Hai Zhengchu shouted disdainfully with his chest out,
"Haizhengchu, I'm going to give you the veritable medicine right now. As long as you take this medicine, you will answer whatever we ask. How can you be a hero when I see it!"

Hai Zhengchu really wanted to die, but now he was so weak that he didn't even have the strength to bite his tongue and kill himself.

Even if Hai Zhengchu had the strength to bite his tongue and kill himself in front of two doctors, it is impossible. It is nonsense to bite his tongue and kill himself in TV dramas. If you want to bite your tongue off, you have to stick it out. If a person finds out, biting his tongue will not kill him unless blood pours into his trachea and chokes him to death.
"Then try it!" Haizhengchu felt a little guilty, because he had also heard of this kind of medicine, and Lixingshe had it, but as far as he knew, the effect was not very good, and it might even kill people .

The two doctors worked together to inject thiopental sodium into Haizhengchu, during which Qi Rui changed the solution bottle back.

After the injection, Hai Zhengchu lost consciousness in less than five seconds, Qi Rui went over to ask the two doctors: "Is it all right?"

"It doesn't seem right." A doctor said nervously when he found out that Hai Zhengchu was in a deep coma.
"what happened?"

"He seems to have completely lost consciousness!"

"Isn't it right?"

"Most of this medicine is used as an anesthetic, but the amount we used only made him lose consciousness, but not a complete coma!"

"Is the dose too high!?"

"No, we have calculated it dozens of times."

"Haizhengchu is not a normal healthy person. He has just had an operation and hasn't eaten for several days. He relies on nutrient solution to maintain his life. Are you sure your calculations are correct?"

"Let's try to save it."

Qi Rui went over to check it, and it looked clumsy and unprofessional, but Qi Rui had already confirmed that the old Ba Haizhengchu of the Eight Great King Kong had died for his country. At this moment, Qi Rui secretly vowed: Myna, go well!I will definitely kill Liu Haidong to avenge you!

The two doctors struggled for a long time, because there was no two-way mirror in this interrogation room, Qi Rui took a chance to pour out some of the solvent in the solvent bottle.

Until the doctor told him that Haizhengchu was dead, Qi Rui scolded angrily: "You two idiots! I told you to calculate the dosage, why did you overdose!"

"We... this..." The two doctors didn't know what was going on, but after checking, it was indeed the overdose of sodium thiopental that caused the death.

(End of this chapter)

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