Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 279 Using Corpses

Chapter 279 Using Corpses
Qi Rui stomped out of the interrogation room, and when he returned to the office, he immediately called Mieko Sakai and told Masanori Tanaka by phone.

After some investigation, it was finally determined that Haizhengchu died of a drug overdose, so what else could be done, the two doctors could only be punished, and Tanaka Zhengxian called Ding Mocun for a meeting.

"Everyone, Haizheng died at the beginning. We didn't have much hope for him at first, but when he died, the corpse should still be useful. Let's say that he was in a coma during the torture, and the corpse will be sent to Ren'ai Hospital later. Spread the news and see if we can catch the judge combination again!"


Masanori Tanaka's plan was implemented immediately, and an ambulance was called from Ren'ai Hospital to take away Hai Zhengchu's body, and spread the news that he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Tanaka Masanori kept Shunsuke Kuchi and asked, "Section Chief Kuchi, how is your plan going?"

"It's almost the same. I have already divided them into groups. We have sent a total of 48 people to the four main target cities of the Polaris Project, [-] from Chongqing, [-] from Lanzhou, and [-] from the other two cities. President Shigeharu Matsumoto The required materials and equipment have been shipped in advance, and the four teams can start working quickly after they have passed."

"Very good, Kagezuo Zhenzhao just called to ask about this."

"Don't worry, Colonel, so far everything is going well. In less than half a month, they have completely mastered several sets of code words and secret codes. Even if they start tomorrow, there will be no problem."

"Finally there is still good news, then you just look at the arrangement, I will directly sign and go to the finance department to get the amount of money needed."


"Section Chief Kuchi, do you think my plan just now will be successful?"

Tanaka Masanori's plan is impossible to succeed at all, because without Qi Rui's order, the judges will not make a move.

Qi Rui had to cooperate with Tanaka Zhengxian, and said: "I don't think the chance of success is very great, because now Li Shiqun is in Ren'ai Hospital, Director Ding has led people to ambush for two days, and there is no movement. He should be someone who knows about their ambush. There are too many, the judges gave up without seeing any chance, and if Hai Zhengchu goes there again, it will not be the same."

"You're right, so what do you think we should do?"

"Major Tanaka, I suggest that Li Shiqun be transferred to the Army Hospital, and a small team of Secret Service Headquarters will be fine."

"There are too few people in the team."

"We will also send people there, and with your gendarmerie on the periphery, it should be fine."

"Very well, just do as you said, you can command this operation, don't leak it." Tanaka Masanori urged,


Qi Rui arranged immediately. He asked Sakai Mieko to call Aoyama Masami and told her that he would not go back to live in these two days, and asked her to pay attention to safety.

Asking Mieko Sakai to call was to avoid suspicion from others. Next, Shunsuke Kuike led Special Section [-] and the Secret Service Headquarters to lie in ambush at Ren'ai Hospital for three days, but still no one came.

"Section Chief Kuike, it seems that they won't come!" Masanori Tanaka said,
"Master Tanaka, announce in the newspaper that Hai Zhengchu will be shot in the suburbs, let's see if they will come to rescue him." There are basically no people in the Lixingshe Shanghai station now, and all the Jiang Hu friends that Hai Zhengchu made should come. They have been here, and now they should never show up again, so Qi Rui is very relieved to offer an idea.

"Good idea." It's already mid-June, and the person has been dead for more than three days, and it will stink if you release it again. Masanori Tanaka immediately approved it.

As a result, Haizhengchu's body was dragged to the outskirts, and no one came after waiting for a long time. In the end, Shunsuke Kuike ordered Haizhengchu to be buried on the spot.

Extra high school meeting room
"Could this operation be a leak!?" Qi Rui asked at the meeting,

"No way." Sakai Mieko said,

"Then how do you kill the gods? There is no movement at all from the judge group." Masahide Tanaka asked,

"No one left the special high class after the special first class accepted this task, so there is absolutely no problem with the special first class. The special second class did not participate in this operation, so the only thing left is the Secret Service Headquarters." Qi Rui said,
"It's impossible for the Secret Service Headquarters to disclose this operation, because Bi Zhongliang took the team to Ren'ai Hospital to find out what happened. Before the Secret Service Headquarters, only I knew about it." Ding Mocun said,

"Could it be that the judge group is no longer in Shanghai! Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to ignore Hai Zhengchu." Qi Rui said,
"Master Tanaka, Section Chief Kuchi, according to what I know about Dai, he will not send anyone to rescue Hai Zhengchu. He should be more at ease when he hears that we shot him. This is exactly what he wants, because he I understand better than anyone that only the dead can keep secrets." Ding Mocun said,

"Director Ding is right!" Tanaka Masaki said,
"Director Ding, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Mieko Sakai asked,
"I said earlier that this plan will not be implemented."

Masanori Tanaka patted the table and said: "Okay, this matter is over, Director Ding, your next focus is the underground organization of the Communist Party. Is there any news recently?"

"Report to Colonel Tanaka. According to our information, the Communist Party has strengthened its activities in Shanghai this time. The Communist Party seems to have made a big move. We are still investigating the specific content."

"Investigate quickly! We must intensify the investigation."


"In addition, the Lixing Society will definitely send people to rebuild the Shanghai station. You should also pay close attention to it. Now that their Shanghai station has been destroyed, don't even think about rebuilding it!"


After the meeting was over, Masanori Tanaka left Shunsuke Hisaike and Mieko Sakai behind and said, "The role of the Secret Service Headquarters is getting bigger and bigger, and you all need to cooperate well."


"Section Chief Jiuchi, what happened to the two cases in the concession that you said earlier?"

"Report to Commander, now I have confirmed that the Lixingshe Hurricane Action Team did it, and they also took the money, so I am afraid that the money will not be recovered." Qi Rui said,
"Didn't the modus operandi be different?"

"I deduce that Lixingshe's spies didn't kill Xiaolin because they didn't want to offend the French. After all, he is the chief arrester of the French Concession."

"I heard that Kagezuo Kiuchi and Toshihide Inoue are also very concerned about this matter, and they are still investigating."

"They have nothing to do with our special high school, you can check them however you like."

"Well, don't worry about them. The plan you are in charge of can be implemented. Send everyone out."

"Hay! I'll make arrangements now."

"Section Chief Kuike, is the training base useless?"

"no need!"

"I will be useful after your people are sent out."

"I'll make room for you right away."

"Don't be so anxious, finish your work step by step."


(End of this chapter)

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