Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 280 New Shanghai station master

Chapter 280 New Shanghai station master
After the meeting, Qi Rui asked Mieko Sakai: "Section Chief Sakai, Miss Yunzi, will she stay at my place or not? I leave the door open for her every day."

"She'll be back in a few days, and she's on a mission in Nanjing now."

"So I went to Nanjing."

"It's not for those people in the No. [-] special agent team."

"How many members of the No. [-] special agent team are in Nanjing?"

"Yes, let's talk about the specific situation when Yunzi comes back."

"Caught them?"

"Not yet, this No. [-] special agent team is no easier to deal with than the judge team."

"That's right, the Chinese are very cunning, especially people like Zheng Yaoxian."

Changsha Sanatorium for Military Officers

"Sneeze! Who is talking about me, fourth brother, why are you here?" Zheng Yaoxian sneezed and said to Xu Baichuan,

"Lao Liu, I have some unfortunate news for you. Lao Ba died for the country! It was carried out by Xiao Jiu." Xu Baichuan said sadly,
"According to Xiao Jiu's temper, he must have tried his best to save Lao Ba, and this time it must be difficult for him!" Zheng Yaoxian said with red eyes,

"The boss said that Liu Haidong betrayed Lao Ba."

Zheng Yaoxian sighed and said: "There is no difference, no matter who it is, as long as it is a traitor, it is our target of killing. If one day this Liu Haidong falls into the hands of our brothers, he will be killed alive to avenge the old eighth!" Zheng Yaoxian hated said,
"Old Six, the entire army at Shanghai Railway Station is almost wiped out. Xiao Jiu's plan to assassinate Ding Mo Village failed. It is said that it was because of the bulletproof vehicle and Li Shiqun blocked a shot for him, or because of the shooting skills of jellyfish and animal husbandry. He is sure to die!"

"Has there been any loss of personnel?"

"Don't worry, Lao Liu, because the action plan designed by Xiao Jiu in advance is perfect, and we have no casualties."

"Xiao Jiu is fine, fourth brother! I miss my brother!" Zheng Yaoxian said as the tears in his eyes dripped down,
Xu Baichuan was also sad when his brother Lao Ba died for the country. He put his arms around Zheng Yaoxian's shoulders and said with a sore nose: "Lao Liu! I miss Xiao Jiu too, but don't worry, with the help of Song Mian, Chi Tiecheng and Su Wenqian The Hurricane Action Team with Tao Dachun is under his command, so he will be fine."

"I know, we lost a good brother, which makes me even more worried about Xiaojiu who is in the cave of dragons and tigers." Zheng Yao was first worried that Qi Rui was surrounded by a pack of wolves. Will die without a place to bury,

The reason why Zheng Yaoxian is so popular is because he values ​​friendship and loyalty, and he will not hesitate to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire to his brother. Now that the eighth brother is dead, he is worried that Xiaojiu Xu Baichuan understands very well.

"Lao Liu! I know you are sad, but Lao Ba died for the party and the country. He is a role model for my generation. Xiao Jiu's ability is much better than Lao Ba. He will definitely be fine."

"After my injury is healed, I still need to apply to go to Shanghai. I'm going to help my old brother!"

"Don't you have to wait for the injury to fully recover?"

"Did the boss say who to send there?"

"According to him, I plan to send poisonous bees over there." Xu Baichuan said,

"Wang Tianfeng?" Zheng Yaoxian listened with satisfaction.

"Yes! That's him."

"This person is vigorous and resolute, calm and capable, with deep scheming, but his personality is a bit extreme, but he is cruel to the Japanese, and he is unscrupulous in order to achieve his goals. He is indeed competent, but you must find a way to inform Xiaojiu. This person must You have to keep it at a respectful distance, and you can't let him put Xiao Jiu in a trap." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Lao Liu, you mean the boss might let him contact Xiao Jiu?"

Zheng Yaoxian thought for a while and said: "I won't contact Xiao Jiu, but I will contact Shashen! Because the Shanghai station is in a mess now, without Xiao Jiu's help, no matter how strong Wang Tianfeng is, he won't be able to rebuild it in a year or so. Come to Shanghai station."

"That's right! Sixth, you should see things clearly. The boss should understand this. If you want to say that no one is better than the boss in employing people, Wang Tianfeng is indeed suitable to be the new station manager, but Xiao Jiu can be said to be Boss Dai's." Ace, he cares more about Qi Rui's safety than anyone else, and he probably won't let Wang Tianfeng come to Xiao Jiuhu."

"makes sense."

"How is Tan Lin's injury?" Xu Baichuan asked.
"much better."

"Lao Liu, who performed the operation for you? This medical skill is too good. At that time, you were shot twice, and Tan Lin was shot three times. I really thought I would never see you again!"

"Hehehe..." Zheng Yaoxian was worried and shed tears just now, but now he laughed again,

Xu Baichuan knew that his sixth younger brother would only smile when he talked about Xiao Jiu, so he asked in surprise, "Could it be Xiao Jiu?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him? No one else could save us in time!" Zheng Yaoxian didn't know that it was Xiao Jiu who saved him and Tan Lin, but it was Fu Yingxue who told him.

"Xiao Jiu also understands medicine! It's amazing!" Xu Baichuan was also so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

"Fourth Brother, Tan Lin is not bad, let him work with Xiao Jiu in the future." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Okay, as long as Tan Lin is willing, I'm not saying anything."

"God-killing action team! This name sounds domineering, which means our Xiaojiu is worthy of it!" Zheng Yaoxian looked at the sky and giggled.

"God-killing action team? Sixth, are you planning to help Xiao Jiu set up a special action team?"

"You don't need me, this kid should have formed it himself, otherwise you think why I am begging for nothing to ask the boss for Song Mian, Chi Tiecheng and Su Wenqian, these three people are all suggested by Xiaojiu."

"Now it all belongs to this kid! Hahaha... It turns out that he had planned it a long time ago! This brat!"

"Fourth brother, do you have any resentment?"

"I didn't, I wish I could follow Xiao Jiu! Don't wrong me, Liu!"

"Tianfeng, your task is difficult this time!" Dai said with a solemn expression,
"Boss! The subordinates promise to complete the task! We must establish the military command Shanghai station as soon as possible! Fire the first shot after we change our name!" Wang Tianfeng promised,
"Tianfeng, you are right. This is our first battle back to Shanghai. You have to convince me! This battle is very important!" Dai urged,
At this time, the Lixing Society had been renamed the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Commission, also referred to as the military command, and Dai was the deputy director, but he still had the final say on matters large and small, and the director Chen Lifu was just a temporary post.

By August [-], the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government was established, which was the Bureau of Military Statistics. At this time, Dai was also preparing for this matter.

"Please don't worry, Chief! If I, Wang Tianfeng, succeed, I will be benevolent!"

"Tianfeng, I'll give you one year to rebuild the Shanghai station. You're too good to be the head of the station. When I come back, I'll make you the head of the division. I'll guarantee you another rank!" Day promised,
"Thank you boss for cultivating!" Wang Tianfeng is now the rank of lieutenant colonel, and he will be a colonel when he is promoted to another level. In Lixingshe, this rank is considered high. After the establishment of the military command, there will be six divisions, and a division chief will be appointed. This status can be improved. Not a star.

(End of this chapter)

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