Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 281 Brother 9, You Are Too Wronged!

Chapter 281 Brother Nine, You Are Too Wronged!

When Qi Rui got home, he hugged Fu Yingxue and kissed her enough. He really missed Qi Rui since he hadn't seen her for three days.

"Oh, you kissed my face and drool! Really!" Fu Yingxue pushed Qi Rui away with all her strength and wiped her cheek with the back of her hand.

"It's only three days, why do I feel like I've been waiting for three years, come on! Xue'er, let me kiss you two more times!"

"Nonsense, go take a shower first!"

"You help me wash!"

"Okay, I'll wash it for you."

After taking a shower and eating, Fu Yingxue said to Qi Rui: "Call Zhuang Xiaoman, she seems to have something important to do with you."

"Did she call today?"

"Well, I called before you came back."

Qi Rui dialed the phone, and Fu Yingxue told him in coded words that the boss had sent someone to discuss the details.

"Is there anything important?" Fu Yingxue asked,
"The Shanghai station of Lixingshe was basically destroyed by the Ding Mo village of the Secret Service Headquarters. It is estimated that Dai will send a powerful character. I don't know who it is yet. Now that I have been notified, I may be asked to assist him."

"How can I ask you to help! This is too risky." Fu Yingxue said,

"It should be to let me contact him with the identity of the God of Death. My identity in the special high school should not expand the number of insiders."

"This is the best, otherwise you are too dangerous and you will involve many people."

"Xue'er, I've been so tired and sleepy these two days, let's go to sleep."

"Here we go again, wait until I finish packing!"

"Let's tidy up tomorrow, let's go, go to bed!" Qi Rui said and carried Princess Fu Yingxue into the bedroom again,
"Qi Rui, why are you acting like a hooligan, knowing to bully me all day long!" Fu Yingxue said helplessly,
"This is not bullying, you are my daughter-in-law, this is liking!"

"You like it even through clothes?"


"Wouldn't you prefer it without clothes?"

"I am very sure of that!"

"I really can't do anything about you." Fu Yingxue actually regarded Qi Rui as her husband a long time ago, who else could she marry after this, so she generously took off her shirt.

It was the first time Qi Rui saw it, so he pounced on it like a hungry wolf, and soon turned into a hungry baby...

"Oh! Why are you still talking, it's itchy!"

In the next few days, Qi Rui started to arrange the Polaris latent plan. He took the funds of the four teams and went to the training base with Tanaka Masanori to distribute them. The training ended here, and the four teams will rush to the target city one after another.

"Section Chief Kuchi, the Polaris Project is one of the cabinet's key projects, and you are the main person in charge. Do you think there are any shortcomings in this plan?" Masanori Tanaka asked,

"The only shortcoming is that the people in the four groups are familiar with each other. I have tried to make up for this. I believe in their loyalty to the empire. The things I am worried about are best not to happen."

"Are you worried that if one person is exposed, the others will be very dangerous." Tanaka Masaki asked,

"It's just my worry, but I trust them, none of them are new!"

"I see you have three people left."

"They will continue to implement the black gold plan."

"Section Chief Hisaike will focus on the special high-level class from now on."


After Qi Rui got off work, he went directly to Zhuang Xiaoman's residence. The girl knew that he had already prepared a table of delicious food.

"Ninth brother! You can live here tonight."

"Xiaoman, let me tell you the truth, I already have a woman."

"I know, isn't it that Aoyama Masami, Ninth Brother, I really wronged you for the sake of the party and the country." Zhuang Xiaoman thought that Qi Rui married a Japanese woman to cover up his eyes and ears in order to sneak into the super high school, and felt that he must be very wronged.

"Ahem..." Qi Rui really couldn't explain it, he couldn't say that Aoyama Masami was one of his own.

"Ninth brother, the boss sent a telegram to ask you to assist Lieutenant Colonel Wang Tianfeng to restore the Shanghai station as soon as possible. If necessary, you can let the Hurricane Action Team and the judge team cooperate, because Shanghai is very important to us, and the Shanghai station must be released as soon as possible." Return to work."

"Wang Tianfeng! Are you talking about Poisonous Bee?" Qi Rui is very familiar with this name, because The Pretender is one of his favorite spy dramas. The Poisonous Bee Queen Tianfeng has a very strong ability. It's the colonel, and this time he actually sent him over. It seems that Boss Dai really attaches great importance to Shanghai.

"Yes, code-named Venomous Bee, nicknamed Crazy, I have never seen or heard of him, the boss said he is very capable, hope we can help him restore the Shanghai station to work as soon as possible."

"Do you know how many people he brought?"

"This boss didn't say anything in his telegram."

"When will it arrive?"

"I don't know about these, the poisonous bee will contact me when the time comes."

"The boss asked you to meet him?"

"No, it's just that the phone caller will help you agree on the meeting place. The code word for the meeting has already been decided, and the boss will ask you to meet him as a god of death."

Wang Tianfeng served as the head of the Shanghai station, and Qi Rui was very satisfied with Dai's decision. First of all, Wang Tianfeng was a staunch and loyal anti-Japanese fighter, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice his life for his death plan. Qi Rui admires a person who is crazy for the survival of the country and the nation.

Deadly plan!The scene of Yu Manli's sacrifice in the Pretender and Mingtai digging her out of the ground made Qi Rui cry. Wang Tianfeng betrayed the Scorpion team for this plan, and only Mingtai survived.

Can this death plan be changed so that it can succeed without losing so many outstanding fighters, including Wang Tianfeng, because they are all elites, and death is a huge loss to our country.

Qi Rui really lived at Zhuang Xiaoman's place at night, she already regarded herself as her man, so it would be impossible to keep fooling her.

Finding that Qi Rui was very honest and would not even touch himself, Zhuang Xiaoman asked, "Brother Nine, am I not pretty?"

"No, you are beautiful and very sexy."

"Then why do I feel that you are not interested in me at all?"

"Xiaoman, in the face of national crisis, how can the Japanese invaders be at home! Especially with our current identities, we must not be tied down by feelings, Xiaoman, please understand me, we are comrades-in-arms who entrust our lives to each other , I hope you are the same, don't be constrained by emotions." Qi Rui said with a sad face,

Of course Zhuang Xiaoman understands this truth, but people are emotional animals after all, and there will always be times when they can't help themselves, "Ninth brother, but people really like you."

"Xiaoman, in my current situation, I really can't be emotionally burdened anymore! And I have to face Aoyama Masami every day."

"Masami Aoyama slept with you?"

"Don't you know that Takeuchi Yunko has moved into my house to monitor me?"

"Ninth brother, don't you feel too wronged like this!"

"It's just a joke, I have to do such a thing."

"Brother Nine, I love you so much!" Zhuang Xiaoman put his arms around Qi Rui's neck and kissed him on the cheek,
Zhuang Xiaoman planned to give himself to Qi Rui tonight, but in the end he was a little ashamed when he was told by the ninth brother. He endured humiliation in the enemy camp, and even slept with a woman from the enemy country, hey!It turns out that men also sacrifice their hues sometimes.

(End of this chapter)

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