Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 282 Don't let the Communist Party take advantage of the loopholes

Chapter 282 Don't let the Communist Party take advantage of the loopholes
Zhuang Xiaoman woke up very early and cooked a hearty breakfast for Qi Rui. Before leaving, she said: "Ninth brother, next time I come here, I will cook chicken soup for you and make up for it. Don't be too tired!"

"Okay, by the way, Xiaoman, how is business doing recently?"

"It's pretty good. With the banner of Section Chief Shunsuke Kuike, many businesses are easy to do."

"Xiaoman, try to keep some strategic materials as much as possible, such as salt, sugar, grain, cotton cloth, etc. These things should be sold to patriotic businessmen in a planned way."

"I know."

"I'll come back in two days!"

"Brother Jiu, come to me when you're tired." Zhuang Xiaoman meant not to be hollowed out by that Japanese woman.

"Okay!" Qi Rui agreed with a wry smile,
Qi Rui called home when he arrived at the office. He had agreed with Fu Yingxue yesterday, but he was still worried that she would be angry, but he didn't hear that she was unhappy during the phone call.

Qi Rui stayed in the office for a while, then took Song Jian and Tang Rui to the secret service headquarters.

"Does Section Chief Kuchi have any instructions?" Ding Mocun invited Shunsuke Kuike to his office and asked,
"According to my information, the Lixing Society has sent someone again. Is there any news from your side?"

"Did Mr. Kuike guess or did he really get the tip?"

"Are you doubting the intelligence agencies of our Great Japanese Empire?"

"No, I dare not question the imperial army's intelligence agency, which is world-class."

"It's good to know. Colonel Tanaka asked us to cooperate with you in the special high school. The information on your side must be shared with us. We will give you the information you need as soon as possible."

"It should be like this. Our Secret Service Headquarters is originally a subordinate unit of the Special High School."

"Then tell me what you have gained in the past few days."

"Section Chief Jiuchi, to be honest, there hasn't been much harvest so far. The Communist Party is very strange. According to my understanding, they should have come here long ago, but after so many days, there is no sign of activity. Jiuchi Did the headmaster find anything?"

"The underground organization of the Communist Party was wiped out by our special high school, including their few radio stations. Now that they know that the Secret Service Headquarters has been established, the person they sent may not even have a radio station in their hands, and they have nothing under them. Helper, what would you do?"

"First find the radio station and contact the lurking people."

"But there are not many lurking people, because almost all the underground organizations of the Communist Party have been destroyed by us. Now the components of the radio station are strictly controlled by our imperial army. It is even more difficult to get a radio station. Besides, there is so much information now. The departments, the military police and the constitution would rather catch them by mistake than let them go, and it is not so easy to take action."

"Section Chief Kuike, even if this is the case, we can't take it lightly. The Communist Party is still very good at taking advantage of loopholes."

"Director Ding, you know the Communist Party better. Do you think the person you sent would give up because of the difficulty of the job, and run away with the funds given to him by the Communist Party?"

"Section Chief Jiuchi was joking! The person in charge carefully selected by the Communist Party should not do this." Ding Mocun secretly laughed: The Japanese are quite interesting, but they still have such naive ideas.

"Then what do you think?"

"Maybe the Communist Party's actions are too big and we didn't pay attention?" Ding Mocun said,

"Does Director Ding have any ideas?"

"Section Chief Kuike, do you think it is possible that the people sent by the Communist Party have some social status?"

"That makes sense! How does Director Na Ding plan to investigate?"

"Section Chief Jiuchi, don't you have a woman who is also in business, how about asking her to help you find out?" Ding Mocun asked with an admiring expression,

Qi Rui smiled proudly and said: "Director Ding, why bother to say it so bluntly, I met it when I was Qi Rui, and now it's all in cooperation with the Imperial Army, she doesn't care about it at all. If she understands politics and only knows how to make money and enjoy herself, Director Ding should not expect anything from her."

"Section Chief Jiuchi, I just heard that Ms. Zhuang never cares about people in business, as long as she can make money, she should be persuaded. What if the Communist Party buys from her?"

Qi Rui's face sank when he heard this and said: "The Communist Party buys from her! Then I will trouble Director Ding to go and check to see if there is such a situation! If so, I will shoot her personally!"

"Section Chief Jiuchi, don't worry. We have investigated this. The people who do business with her are basically legitimate businessmen, and there is no Communist Party." Ding Mocun really did a secret investigation and found that this businessman Zhuang Xiaoman contacted Basically, they all cooperated with the Japanese, and the few who walked closer were the celebrities in front of the Japanese.

"Then what do you mean!?"

"Just a kind reminder, don't be taken advantage of by the Communist Party."

"Okay, I'll remind her. If that's the case, then I'll wait for Director Ding's good news, because from now on, my special lesson will focus on the Communist Party and the Lixing Society."

"Yes, our Secret Service Headquarters must fully cooperate."

Qi Rui asked Ding Mocun to accompany him to see the two girls, Wang Manchun and Lan Yanzhi. Ding Mocun also asked them about their relationship with Shunsuke Jiuchi in private. anything disrespectful.

Now I find that these two girls are indeed very capable. Wang Manchun is the captain of the intelligence department, and she is no worse than Bi Zhongliang, and she is also very active. Lan Rouge's telecommunications and intelligence analysis are also the strongest in the communications department, so Ding Mocun now admires Shunsuke Kuike's vision.

Lan Rouge hasn't had much contact with Qi Rui recently, it's all in order to gain the trust of the Secret Service Headquarters first, after all, Ding Mocun suspected Jiuchi Shunsuke some time ago.

After the Secret Service Headquarters stroll, Qi Rui returned to the special high class to hold a meeting for the special first class. He looked very busy, but he was actually wasting his time.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Qi Rui brought Song Jian and Tang Rui to Xian Le Si in the French Concession, and Liu Rusi accompanied him as soon as he arrived.

Because Jiuchi Shunsuke promised to help him get back the contract that was like selling his body, Liu Rusi also became more enthusiastic about him, so she always came over to accompany Jiuchi Shunsuke when he came, and she really looked like he had an affair.

Kagezuo Kiuchi and Toshihide Inoue tossed around with the police in the French Concession for a few days, but found nothing. Xu Tian and Tielin followed every day just to fool around, and they couldn't find any useful clues.

So Kagezuo Kiuchi seldom came to the French Concession for the past two days, and when he came, he was also troublesome for Xu Tian.

Qi Rui had expected this result a long time ago, and called Xiaolin Xiaolin to him and asked, "Mr. Material! I told you that I can't get the money back. I have already executed the stationmaster of Lixingshe Shanghai Station, and I will pay you for the revenge." , you'd better find a way to do business in a down-to-earth manner."

"Okay, I'll listen to Section Chief Jiuchi, then Section Chief Jiuchi, you have a good relationship with Boss Huang, can you say something nice for me and guarantee it, let Boss Huang give me some goods on credit first, and wait until I get the money back Just give him interest!"

(End of this chapter)

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