Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 285 Special Agent Group No. 5 in Action

Chapter 285 Special Agent Group No. [-] in Action
Yunzi Takeuchi stood up, cleared his throat and said, "This time I led a team to assist Colonel Gestapo Geer in tracking down a Jewish scientist. As a result, the Jew was killed by the No. [-] special agent team, which led to the failure of the operation."

"What exactly happened? Can you explain a little bit more clearly?" Masanori Tanaka asked.

It turned out that Germany sent a Gestapo colonel named Geer. His mission was to find a Jewish scientist who studied heavy water. Geer's mission was to bring him back to Germany to research and manufacture atomic bombs. .

As a result, people from the No. [-] special agent team appeared to protect Thomas. After a few rounds of fighting, when Thomas was about to be sent to the plane to Germany, the No. [-] special agent team arrived.

"They didn't come to save Thomas, why did they kill him?" Qi Rui asked,

"We only now know that Thomas is very important. His scientific research results are the key to manufacturing weapons of mass destruction. Ma Yunfei killed him to prevent him from being taken away by the Germans." Yunzi Takeuchi said,
"The people from the No. [-] special agent team just left?"

"How could this situation be possible if there were only five of them, and an armed guerrilla helped them. By the time our army arrived, they had already killed Thomas and left."

"Then we can't do anything now." Qi Rui said,
"No, originally this Thomas was going to follow the Americans, but was intercepted by us. Now we suspect that Thomas gave his research notes to the Americans." Muto Zhixiong said,
"Consul Muto, are you sure you have this notebook?"

"Very sure, and this notebook is not one, there are four in total! This is what one of his students said, it records all of Thomas' research results, so we must get these four notebooks!"

"Where's Geer?" Qi Rui asked,

"Ger has already brought someone to find Johnson, and he is also determined to get this note."

"Section Chief Hisaike!" Masanori Tanaka shouted,
"Hayi!" Qi Rui hurriedly stood up and agreed,
"I ask you to find these four notebooks now, and the German Geer must not let them take them away! Let alone the Americans, because the research on heavy water is also very much needed in our country!" Tanaka Zhengxian ordered,

"If you need to know anything, let Yunzi Takeuchi tell you the details."

"What if the Americans take it away?" Qi Rui asked,

"No, their ship hasn't left the port yet, and we have blocked all passages."

Yunko Takeuchi added: "Section Chief Kuchi, the American who responded to Thomas was called Johnson, because Thomas was kidnapped by Geer, and their merchant ship did not leave the port."

"You mean they are in Shanghai?"

"Yes, we are actually in Shanghai most of the time."

"I immediately took people to find this Johnson, but I have a question, since Thomas gave Johnson the notes, why didn't he leave quickly with the notes? Did we detain their boat?" The Japanese are now Those who dare not detain U.S. merchant ships,

"Section Chief Hisaike, it was our people who made something wrong with their ship." Shio Muto said,
"Yosie! Then let's go to Johnson at once."

"Section Chief Jiuchi, Johnson is also an excellent agent. We sent people to look for him but couldn't find him. He should be hiding in the International Settlement now."

"Do you have any information about him?"

"No, I can only describe his appearance to you." Yunzi Takeuchi said,
"Okay, I still have some details to ask you later."

"Section Chief Hisaike, then you can go with Section Chief Takeuchi now." Masanori Tanaka said,
Qi Rui picked up his things and said to the people present: "I have a very important piece of information to tell you all. The new stationmaster of Lixingshe Shanghai Station is a person code-named Venomous Bee. I have never heard of this person before. , Director Ding, have you heard of it?"

"Poisonous bee? I've never heard of it. Does he have any characteristics?" Ding Mocun asked.
"I only know this, but I don't know anything else. You should start investigating this poisonous bee immediately. We must get his information as soon as possible, because he is already on his way. In addition, I want to remind you that Chongqing They attach great importance to Shanghai, and they will definitely not send a mediocre person here. According to my guess, this person should be at the same level as Zheng Yaoxian, Director Ding! You need to use some snacks!"

"Section Chief Kuchi, is this news reliable?" Sakai Mieko asked,
"Very reliable!"

"Okay, Mr. Hisaike, let's get busy first, I will let all intelligence agencies investigate this person, and try to get all the information about this person as soon as possible." Eiichi Iwai said,

When Qi Rui left the conference room, a system voice sounded in his mind: The system generates a task with difficulty level A, finds Thomas' notes and sends them safely out of Shanghai to a reliable person.

Regardless of the difficulty of the task, Thomas' research notes must not fall into the hands of the Germans and Japanese.

Qi Rui and Takeuchi Yunzi came to the office, and learned about the Jewish scientists, including the situation of Gestapo Major Geer in Germany. After getting the portrait of Johnson, Qi Rui took Song Jian and Tang Rui to the public concession. Rui called Tang Ling to Rongxiang's car dealership.

"Boss! Why did you come to Rongxiang car dealership?" Tang Ling ran over panting and asked,
"Tang Jun, please take the two of them to look for the Americans in the portrait, and you must find them."

Qi Rui said that you must find it but don't. Tang Ling quickly agreed: "Yes, boss, I will take these two to look for it myself. Boss, can you give the portraits to the brothers?"

"Yes!" Qi Rui said to Tang Rui and Song Jian after finishing speaking: "This person is very important, you must find it for me seriously and quickly, and this Geer must also be found, maybe we will find this American when we find him. Spy."

After Tang Ling took them away, Qi Rui immediately drove to the residence of the No. [-] special agent team.

"Qi Rui! What brought you here?" He Jian opened the door and asked in surprise,

"I must have something important to come here, where is eldest sister?"

"The elder sister and the doctor are out."

Ma Yunfei and Gao Han came out to see Qi Rui, and asked in unison: "Qi Rui, why are you here?"

"Not welcome?"

"Welcome! Why don't you welcome!" Gao Han said with bright eyes,

"I said, brother Qi Rui, it's the same if you tell me something when the eldest sister is not here." Ma Yunfei said,

"Thomas you killed?" Qi Rui asked,

"You know about this, brother Qi, I couldn't do anything about it at the time. Thomas asked me repeatedly before, saying that once he falls into the hands of the Germans, please fulfill him. He said that the Germans killed too many of his compatriots, and he would die. Wouldn't have done anything for the Germans, there was nothing we could do when he was on the plane, so I had to shoot, Kid, I wouldn't have done it if I had a little bit of a hand."

(End of this chapter)

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