Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 286 Notes Burned! ?

Chapter 286 Notes Burned! ?
The Qi Rui that Ma Yunfei was talking about had known for a long time, and asking a question was to make the question more reasonable. Seeing his sad and apologetic look, he continued to ask, "What about Thomas' notes?"

"Notes! What notes?" Ma Yunfei shook his head and asked,

"Didn't see it?"

"I saw that in a basement, he and another Jew named Hans burned all the notes." Gao Han said,
Such an important thing was burned, why did Nagel chase the American Johnson, could it be a film,
"you sure?"

"I'm sure, because I saw some broken pages, all of which were notes written with pens. There are four books in total." Gao Han said,
"Four books are right, they are all Thomas' painstaking efforts! Will they be photographed with a camera?"

"It's possible, because Hans has a miniature camera, and I saw him playing with it at the time."

"After that, you took him to the U.S. Merchant Marine and met Johnson, right?" Qi Rui asked,

"That little Japanese girl in Takeuchi told you, yes, at that time the ship was about to weigh anchor, and a German named Geer led people to rush to Thomas and snatched it away." Ma Yunfei said,

"Has Thomas been alone with Johnson?"

"I have been in touch! Qi Rui, do you suspect that Thomas gave the negative to Johnson?"

"It is very possible that the Japanese and Germans are now looking for these four notebooks, tell me where is the basement where Hans and Thomas burned the notebooks!" Qi Rui said,
"In a small building in the Jewish settlement."

"I hope the remnants of the notes are still there." What Qi Rui thought was that finding these remnants might make the Japanese stop.

"Qi Rui, you can think that Thomas took a picture of the note, Geer and the Japanese can also think, so we must find Johnson." Ma Yunfei said,

"Go and find Johnson. It is impossible for him to leave by boat. Send him to Chongqing immediately and safely."

"We've seen Johnson go to him immediately."

"Send me a letter after you find him, so I can arrange the next step." Qi Rui said,
"He Jian and I will go find it right away, brother Qi, are you still waiting for the eldest sister?"

"Wait, let me ask, does Takeuchi Yunko know about Hans' basement?"

"You probably don't know, Sakai and her searched for the reason of epidemic prevention, and we disturbed Hans's house before we arrived."

"Okay, thanks!"

"Are you leaving now?" Gao Han asked with some reluctance,
"Well, this matter is very urgent. Find the remnants of the notes and see if we can end the matter. If we can't, we will adapt to the situation!" Qi Rui said and walked out.

Gao Han looked at Qi Rui's back and shouted, "Qi Rui, we are waiting for your news."

Qi Rui drove back to Rongxiang car dealership, left a note for Song Jian and Tang Rui, and then he rushed back to the special high school.

"Section Chief Kuchi, why did you come back so soon and found Johnson?" Yunko Takeuchi asked,

Qi Rui originally wanted to go to the Jewish settlements by himself, but he couldn't think about it. If the ashes of the notes he got could not explain how he found them to the super high school, he asked Yunzi Takeuchi: "Yunzi, have you seen Thomas' notes?"

"I haven't seen it, and we didn't see him holding a note when we found him."

"Where did Thomas go before meeting Johnson?"

"I lived in a Jewish settlement before I met Johnson again, but I don't know exactly where."

"Come with me to find the place where Thomas hid before! Quick!" Qi Rui must take Takeuchi Yunzi to find the residue after the notes were burned.

Qi Rui now hopes to find the dregs and let the Japanese stop first, but he also knows that this is his own wishful thinking, because no matter whether he goes by himself or with others, Thomas’ Jewish friend Hans will be unlucky, and this result cannot be avoided unless The devils are all mentally retarded and can't think of films.

When he came to the Jewish settlement, Qi Rui took Thomas's photo and asked from door to door, and finally asked Hans' home.

"When you go in, say we are Chinese." Qi Rui told Yunzi Zhuuchi.

"Yes, Jiuchi-kun, I listen to you."

Qi Rui knocked on Hans' house and whispered, "Hello, my name is Qi Rui, and I'm a friend of those Chinese who helped Thomas before."

"Oh! Come in quickly." Hans probably wanted to know Thomas' situation too much, so he let Qi Rui and Takeuchi Yunko into the room without any doubt, and asked, "How is Thomas now?"

"He has been sent to Chongqing by our people. He is afraid that you will worry and let us tell you."

"Great, as long as he's safe."

"Mr. Hans, I want to ask you, did Thomas destroy the notes he carried with him?" Qi Rui asked directly,
"Yes, for fear of falling into the hands of the Germans and Japanese, he burned them all."

"Wait until you take us to the place where the notes were burned?"

Hans was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Why do you want to see it? I've already taken care of it."

"We just wanted to see if it was burnt clean, because now the Germans and the Japanese are looking for Mr. Thomas' notes."

Hans hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed: "Come with me."

When they came to the basement, Hans hadn't cleaned it up at all. Qi Rui and Takeuchi Yunzi saw a washbasin for burning things, and there were still a lot of ashes in it. Qi Rui found a cloth bag and poured all the ashes into the bag. Hans said: "Mr. Hans, we buried these ashes for you. No matter who asks again in the future, you will say nothing."

Qi Rui had already seen Hans' doubts about himself from Hans' eyes. He was still very smart and never mentioned the photo.

Back in the super high class, Qi Rui asked the technicians to check the ashes, and finally confirmed that these were the residues of the notes, because the writing could still be clearly seen on some unburned paper.

Hearing that they had found the residue of the note, Eiichi Iwai and Shio Muto rushed over immediately, sighed after seeing the residue and said, "This is a priceless treasure! Why did it burn!"

Takeuchi Yunko said in surprise, "Consul, Deputy Consul General, since this is Thomas' painstaking effort, will he take photos and keep them? The negatives are much easier to carry than four notebooks."

"We have carefully checked Thomas' body, and there is nothing on him." Eiichi Iwai said,

"What if you gave Johnson not four notebooks, but films?" Yunko Takeuchi asked suddenly, his brains turned up.
"Oh! It's so possible."

"I know who to ask!" Takeuchi Yunko said,
Qi Rui's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, Hans is going to be unlucky!

"You mean the person who helped Thomas burn the notes?" Shio Muto asked,

"Yes! His name is Hans. I will take someone to bring him back immediately."

"Let's see if he has any other relatives brought with him." Muto Zhixiong said,
(End of this chapter)

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