Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 287 Seeing Bernard Again

Chapter 287 Seeing Bernard Again

After Yunko Takeuchi left, Shio Muto praised: "Your efficiency is really high, Major Kuchi."

Qi Rui said modestly: "It is not difficult to find these. Thomas is a Jew. He must live in a Jewish settlement, because it is not safe to carry four notebooks, and they are too conspicuous. I speculate that Thomas may have hidden them or destroyed them. So I took the photos and inquired all the way to Hans' house."

"Shao Zuo Jiuchi is indeed a high-achieving student at Nakano School. If we can find the film as soon as possible, then you will make a great contribution."

"Consul General Muto, Deputy Consul General Iwai, I'm going to the International Concession to wait for news. When Takeuchi comes back, let her interrogate Hans. I will call her."

"go quickly!"

Qi Rui drove back to Rongxiang's car dealership, and called the No. [-] special agent team. It was the elder sister who answered the call, and Qi Rui asked her to meet at the Moulin Rouge Cafe.

After meeting, Ouyang Jianping said in a low voice: "Qi Rui, Johnson must have known that Geer was looking for him and had already hid. Ma Yunfei and He Jian did not find him."

"Ger is in the International Settlement?"

"Gerr and a dozen Gestapo are also looking for people everywhere."

"Do you know American Bernard?" Qi Rui asked. In this coffee shop, Qi Rui used another identity to trade with American intelligence agent Bernard.

"I don't know, this is the first time we have dealings with Americans."

"Since that's the case, leave the next thing to me. I'll try it. Eldest sister, wait for me here for a while." Qi Rui went to the car and made up to look like a playboy when he met Bernard, and then came directly to Go to the back of the coffee shop.

The last time I saw American intelligence employee Bernard was behind here. Qi Rui was about to go up to the second floor when a white man who looked like a waiter asked, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Mr. Bernard."

"Who are you? What can you do with Mr. Bernard?"

"My name is Qi Rui."

The waiter's eyes lit up when he heard the name, and he said quickly, "Please wait for a while, I'll call Mr. Bernard."

After waiting for about 5 minutes, the waiter came back to Qi Rui and said, "Hello! Mr. Qi, Mr. Bernard will be here in a while, please follow me."

Qi Rui followed the waiter to the second floor, the room where he met Bernard before.

"Mr. Qi, what would you like to drink?"

"Let's have a cup of coffee."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter pressed a bell, and after a while, a small elevator brought up a cup of coffee.

"Mr. Qi! Please!"

Qi Rui drank his coffee and waited for Bernard. After drinking half of the coffee, he heard the sound of a person walking up the stairs quickly.

Bernard opened the door and saw Qi Rui and said happily: "Mr. Qi! I have been waiting for you for a long time! I have also looked for you."

"I'm sorry, Qi Rui is a name I read in the newspaper and I used it temporarily. Mr. Bernard shouldn't care what my name is, right?" Qi Rui laughed.
"Of course!" Bernard told the waiter to go downstairs to watch, and he closed the door.

"Mr. Qi came to me for any important information?"

"I'm here to ask someone. His name is Johnson. It's your American intelligence agent. This matter is very urgent. If you know him, please tell me the truth. I'm here to help him, because now the Germans and Japanese are Looking for him."

"What are you doing with him?"

"It seems Mr. Bernard knows him."

"He is my colleague. This time he came with an important mission. Mr. Qi can tell me if he has anything to ask for."

"Because I know that Mr. Johnson got the film of the research notes of the Jewish scientist Thomas. Now the German Gestapo Major Geer and the Japanese secret agents are leading people to look for him everywhere. He must leave Shanghai for Chongqing immediately. The Japanese have blocked the sea route. Now he There's only one way to go."

"Mr. Qi, who are you? Why do you know this?"

"Bernard, I have a lot of information you are interested in here. Send Johnson away safely, and we can cooperate again."

"Do you have a way to send Johnson to Chongqing?" Bernard knew that the Japanese and Germans in front of him were definitely not Japanese or German, because last time he sold information that was unfavorable to Japan and Germany, and it was later confirmed that they were all accurate. .

"I can't help it, but the No. [-] special agent team has it, that is, the people who rescued Thomas. They are also looking for Mr. Johnson. Hurry up and ask Johnson to go to the No. [-] secret service team. They will send him away safely. "

"Johnson knew about them?"

"It should be known that they sent Thomas on board, but Geer rushed to take him away. That's when Johnson got Thomas' film."

"I'll call Johnson right away." Bernard called Johnson in front of Qi Rui and asked him to find someone from the No. [-] special agent team.

"Mr. Qi, he doesn't know where the No. [-] special agent team is."

"Downstairs there is a member of the No. [-] Special Agent Group, sitting at the No. [-] table. His name is Ouyang Jianping. Mr. Johnson should know her."

"Then I'll let Johnson come here."

"The Germans and Japanese are looking for him now. It's not safe to come here. Why don't you take Ouyang Jianping to find Johnson, which will be safer."

"I'll listen to you, I'll take her there." Bernard knew that the Germans were looking for Johnson before he came,
"Okay, then I'll go talk to the No. [-] special agent."

"Mr. Qi, you have helped us a lot this time."

"It's free this time! Because I don't want the information in Johnson's hands to fall into the hands of ***."

"Thank you!"

Qi Rui came to the coffee shop and said to Ouyang Jianping in a low voice: "Sister, I am Qi Rui. I found Bernard, the American intelligence agent, and he will take you to find Johnson. Hurry up and find a way to send him out of Shanghai. Is there a problem?"

"no problem."

"Elder sister, if you have any difficulties, please call this number, just call Shunsuke Kuchi." Qi Rui gave Ouyang Jianping the phone number of Rongxiang car dealership and said,
"it is good!"

"Bernard is here, follow him." Qi Rui pointed to the American standing at the door with his chin and said,

"Qi Rui, your outfit doesn't look good at all." The elder sister laughed after finishing talking.
"Don't tell him about me, just say I'm an intelligence dealer."


Bernard left with Ouyang Jianping, Qi Rui drove back to the car dealership and called the Super High School, but Yunzi Takeuchi asked Hans that there was indeed a film.

"Section Chief Kuchi, where are you, I'll go find you." Takeuchi Yunko said,
"I'm at the Rongxiang car dealership in the public concession. I have sent Tang Ling, Song Jian, and Tang Rui out to find Johnson with people, but there is no news about it. This is the public concession. I'm worried that Johnson will hide in to the US Consulate or the Bureau of the Ministry of Industry.”

"Jiuchi-kun, don't worry, I'll take someone there to help you find a solution."

(End of this chapter)

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