Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 288 I was tricked!

Chapter 288 I was tricked!

Qi Rui stayed at the Rongxiang car dealership and waited for Zhuuchi Yunzi and a few spies to arrive.

"Yunzi, did Hans say anything else?"

"All he knew was that Thomas burned the notes and took photos of all the notebooks before burning them. He developed the negatives himself, and then he left with a few Chinese, and the rest of Hans didn't know anything about it."

"Yunzi, what do you think? The only way I can think of is this, as long as you can find Geer."

"That's right! I'm going to find Geer, and if I find him, I may be able to find Johnson."

"Go and find it. Let me know when you find it. I will dress up as a Chinese and rob him. Don't rob him. Don't hurt the relationship between our two countries."

It was almost dusk when Zhu Nei Yunzi left Rongxiang Car Shop with her people, and Song Jian came back first to report: "Section Chief, there is no way for us to find this way, the whole thing is useless."

"I also know it's not a solution, but what else can we do, this is a public concession and we don't have any acquaintances." Qi Ruixin said: "It's only a ghost if it works,
"Sir, shall we continue like this?"

"Yunko Takeuchi went to look for German Geer, I hope she can find something."

In the end, Tang Ling and Tang Rui came back with someone at eight o'clock in the evening, but they didn't find any clues.

Qi Rui called Fu Yingxue and told her that he had a mission tonight and couldn't go back. He had to wait here for a call from his elder sister, because he knew it would not be easy to leave Shanghai now.

At 08:30, the eldest sister called and said in code words that she would not be able to leave Shanghai with Johnson now, and Qi Rui asked her to meet at the cake shop in Chi Tiecheng.

He asked Tang Ling to take Song Jian and Tang Rui to dinner, and drove to the cake shop by himself.

When he came to the cake shop, he saw Ouyang Jianping, who was dressed in fashion, eating cake on the table inside. He ordered a cream cake, then walked to Ouyang Jianping's table and sat down, whispering: "The things are in his Are you right?"

"Yes, the devil suddenly blocked all the water and land passages. It should be aimed at him. Let alone him, it is difficult for us to get out."

"Sister, in fact, what the devil wants is not Johnson, but the film in his hand, right?"

"That is for sure."

"Then let Johnson give us the things first. He is an American. If he doesn't have things on him, the Germans and Japanese won't do anything to him."

"I told him, but this Johnson is afraid that we will take the things away and not return him."

"This idiot, let He Jian steal the things."

"Steal it! Is this appropriate?"

"Your task is to safely send people and things to Chongqing. It doesn't matter who the things are on."

"It makes sense, why didn't I think of it."

"You are separated from Johnson. Even if the special high school catches him, it will not matter. As long as you can take the things out of Shanghai, the Americans will definitely come forward to take Johnson back from the devil."

Ouyang Jianping thought for a while and said: "Qi Rui, I think it's safer for you to steal it, because this thing is too important, and it's not safe for us to keep it here. Besides, it's very difficult for us to get out."

"Alright, I'll send the things out of Shanghai and ask He Jian to wait for me three kilometers outside the city gate."

"But this Johnson was afraid of losing things. He almost kept covering the film with his hands. If something was lost, he would find it immediately."

"Don't worry about this, prepare another roll of film for him and change it, and it will be fine."

"He put the film in his inner jacket pocket."

"Tell me where he is, and I'll catch him. After I catch him, elder sister, you should immediately notify the U.S. Consulate or the Bureau of Works to rescue him."

"Okay! I'll ask He Jian to come out of Shanghai to meet him."

After the discussion, Qi Rui took the customized cream cake and drove back to the car dealership. At this time, Yunzi Zhuuchi had already returned. She found Geer, but they couldn't find Johnson either.

After Qi Rui received a call, he immediately said to Yunzi Zhuuchi and the others: "I got a tip and found that the foreigner in the portrait is in our occupied area. Let's go there immediately, hurry up!"

Several cars arrived outside a bungalow in the public concession. Qi Rui asked Takeuchi Yunzi to lead her people to surround the bungalow. He asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to follow him. They jumped into the yard as silently as possible. Song Jian and Tang Rui had good skills, and they landed in the yard easily and almost without making a sound.

Qi Rui knew that the No. [-] special agent team had left early, and now Johnson was the only one left in the yard, so he gently opened the door and entered the room.

Johnson thought it was someone from the No. [-] special agent team entering his room, but it was too late to see what was wrong. He was captured by Qi Ruishi, and the film in Johnson's pocket had been changed during the process.

Song Jian and Tang Rui went up to gag Johnson, then tied him up and took him outside and stuffed him into the car.

Qi Rui sent a signal to Zhu Nei Yunzi to bring her people to gather, and asked, "Why is Johnson alone? Yunzi, did you find anything?"


"Forget it, the main person has already been caught, in order to avoid complications, let's go back to the super high class first."

After getting in the car, Qi Rui hid the film under the car seat, and then took Johnson back to the extra-high school.

Seeing that Johnson was taken away, Ouyang Jianping immediately called the American Consulate in the International Settlement and told them that the American citizen Johnson was captured by Japanese Special High School agents in the Japanese war zone.

That's right, Johnson was lured to the Japanese war zone by Ouyang Jianping and the others, just to prevent him from seeking help from the consulate and the Ministry of Industry in the end, because once the film was in their hands, it would be difficult to send it out of Shanghai.

When Mieko Sakai heard that Johnson had been captured, she immediately reported to Masanori Tanaka, Shio Muto and Eiichi Iwai.

When they arrived, Yunko Takeuchi found the film from Johnson's jacket pocket. After seeing the film, Shio Muto was furious: "What is this?"

Qi Rui took it over to look at some ordinary photo negatives, and cursed: "Baga, we have been fooled! It must be that the people from the No. [-] special agent team have already transferred the film in advance. No wonder Johnson was the only one left when we went. It seems that he was tricked by the No. [-] special agent team!"

"That's right! He Jian of the No. [-] special agent team is a thief! He must have secretly changed things while Johnson was unprepared." Said Mieko Sakai.

Muto Zhixiong cursed angrily: "Baga! It's really disgusting, go and catch the No. [-] special agent team! Go!"

"Report! Someone from the US consulate is here."

"It came so fast!"

"We seem to have been tricked too!" Qi Rui said,
(End of this chapter)

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