Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 290 Miss Mingjing has improved!

Chapter 290 Miss Mingjing has improved!
After dawn, the number of vehicles and pedestrians gradually increased. Qi Rui saw two trucks when he was checking, and two acquaintances were sitting on them, one was Uncle Li, and the other was Sister Mingjing. Go forward, and you will reach the inspection gate in sight.

Qi Rui sighed secretly in his heart: "You guys really know how to choose the day to act!"

When they got to the checkpoint, Tang Tui and Song Jian went up to stop the car, let all the people in the car get off, and ordered the Japanese soldiers to get on the car and unload the goods first, because this way the inspection was more thorough, and no vehicle could hide people.

Qi Rui came over and smiled at Ming Jing: "Isn't this Chairman Ming, do you still know me?"

Of course Ding Jing knew that this was Shunsuke Kuchi. At first he thought he was Qi Rui, a Chinese. For the sake of the goods in the car, Ding Jing quickly put on a smile and said, "How dare I not know Mr. Kuchi, why are you here in person?" Check here, did something serious happen?"

"For the sake of Shanghai's safety, this is a routine inspection. Chairman Ming please forgive me."

"Oh, my car is full of ordinary goods. Is it going to be sent to Suzhou? It's not easy to start a small business. Please take care of me, Section Chief Jiuchi. I will definitely pay a visit when I come back from Suzhou!"

"Since it's ordinary goods, don't be afraid to check it. For Chairman Ming's sake, I, Shunsuke Kuike, will check it myself!"

Ming Jing shuddered when she heard this, because she had heard that Shunsuke Kuike was an expert in traces, and it would be very troublesome for him to check it himself. What should I do?

At this time, the Japanese soldiers quickly unloaded all the goods on the two trucks to the ground. Qi Rui personally took a [-] cover with a bayonet from a military policeman. He picked a box and stabbed the bayonet. When he pulled out the bayonet, he would look at what was stuck on the knife, and sometimes smell it, looking very careful.

Mingjing's goods contained controlled substances, including sugar and salt, and her heart was in her throat.

After Qi Rui picked out a few boxes and inspected them, he shouted to the Japanese soldiers: "Hey! You guys load the goods into the truck! Hurry up!"

Soon after the inspection of the two trucks was completed, Qi Rui came to Ming Jing and said, "Chairman Ming, I wish you a prosperous business, you can go!"

"Thank you, Mr. Kuike!"

Ming Jing and Uncle Li were about to board the car, Qi Rui stopped them from behind: "Wait a minute."

Ming Jing and Uncle Li raised their hearts that had just been let go, and Qi Rui came over and said to Uncle Li, "What's your name?"

"Hi, Section Chief Jiuchi. My name is Li Ying. I run a shipping company. Here is my ID card and business certificate." Uncle Li quickly handed over all the documents,
After reading it, Qi Rui returned the certificate to Uncle Li and said, "You can go, hurry up and don't get in the way!"

Ming Jing and Uncle Li's car left the city before their hearts were relieved. Uncle Li asked: "Chairman Ming, do you know this Shunsuke Kuchi?"

"Yes, he used to pretend to be Qi Rui, a Chinese. At that time, he was quite famous for saving the girl from Ouyang's family. Who knew he was a devil's spy."

"Sister Mingjing, thanks to him this time, he seems to have let the water go on purpose." Uncle Li is an old underground party, but he can't believe that the head of a super-high class would let the water go, but how can this be explained.

"How did you see it?"

"I saw other vehicles inspected, not only unloading all the goods, but also opening the boxes and bags one by one for inspection, but our goods are not there. If it is the same as other vehicles, we will be in big trouble."

"Usually it's not so strict, what happened today." Ming Jing was also quite frightened just now,

"It seems to be looking for someone." Uncle Li said,
"Such a big team must be a big man, I hope the little devil won't find it." Ming Jing said,
"We're safe anyway."

"Uncle Li, do you have something to do when you go to Suzhou with me this time?"

"Yes, I'm going to pick up two people."

"Uncle Li, your freight company is very good. I will find you when I need a car in the future."

"Okay, I opened this shipping company just for the convenience of everyone." In Shanghai, activities must have a cover identity, because opening a trading company, in order to facilitate the transportation of goods in the future, after seeking the organization's consent, Uncle Li used the Miaodao team to give I started a freight company in Shanghai with the money. The company now only has four trucks. When I go to Suzhou, I will pick up the driver comrades sent by the organization.

In the public concession, Gestapo Colonel Geer led people to find Johnson outside the US consulate. He did not order the arrest, but sent someone to keep an eye on Johnson.

"Colonel Geer, why don't we arrest him for interrogation, so we should know the exact news of the film."

"It's useless to catch him now. There must be a reason for those people in the No. [-] special agent team to drop him. The Japanese didn't find anything on him. Now the city has been sealed off. We have been staring at this person for two days. , if he is in a hurry to leave Shanghai, it means that he knows the whereabouts of the film, and we may gain something by following him." Geer said,
"Aren't those Chinese people looking for it?"

"How could I find it! Tell the two of them to follow those coachmen around, and let them go back when they are tired!" Geer suddenly realized that his money was wasted.

Checkpoint, Qi Rui has been checking here until noon, but there is no gain, so he said to Yunzi Zhuuchi: "Yunzi, you are very tired, take your people back to rest, and replace me after dinner."

"Kuichi-kun, you should go back first." Yunko Takeuchi was indeed very tired, but she knew that Shunsuke Kuike was the same,
"No, you're a girl, you'd better go back and rest quickly, I plan to go out of the city later."

"What are you doing out of town?"

"I don't have any purpose, I just plan to try my luck." Qi Rui said,
"Okay then, let's go back first."

Zhu Nei Yunzi drove away with her people, Qi Rui drove Song Jian and Tang Rui out of the city, and the outside of the city was also very lively, although other checkpoints allowed to enter the city, there were still many people and cars waiting outside the city Enter the city from this gate.

Song Jian drove slowly, and Qi Rui carefully observed the people around him, because he believed that He Jian must have left the city.

The car drove forward for three kilometers, and there were fewer and fewer people. Qi Rui saw He Jian and Gao Han sitting on the ground by the roadside waiting for him. They were wearing the clothes of ordinary people. The place was so dirty that He Jian disguised himself as an old man, and the two looked like father and daughter.

Song Jian and Tang Rui have never seen them before, but there are their portraits on the car, and there is a photo of Gao Han, these two are well-trained agents, and Gao Han looks very similar to the photo at a glance. Chi Junfu said: "Chairman, look at that woman!"

Qi Rui said to them: "You wait in the car and follow my orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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