Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 291 All Information Needed

Chapter 291 All Information Needed

After Qi Rui finished speaking, he got out of the car and walked towards He Jian and Gao Han, walked up to him and asked, "What are you guys doing here?"

He Jian and Gao Han waited here for more than ten hours. They came out before the city was closed. He Jian said: "We are going to enter the city. I heard that we are not allowed to enter. Let's wait here for a while."

"Have you ever seen the person in this portrait?" Qi Rui showed the portrait to the two of them, and at the same time put the film into Gao Han's pocket by using his stealth skills.
"No, I haven't seen it." He Jian looked at his portrait and immediately shook his head.

At this moment, Qi Rui turned his back to the car, and he whispered to Gao Han, "I put something in your pocket!"

After speaking, Qi Rui rolled up the portrait, then walked a few more steps inside, urinated and returned to the car.

"Chairman, isn't she Gao Han?"

"No, this girl is obviously a peasant girl, and that old man is her father, who planned to go to the city to join relatives, let's go, go back, I'm exhausted."

The section chief said it wasn’t Song Jian and Tang Rui, so he didn’t say anything. When they returned to the checkpoint, Qi Rui and the others checked and had dinner in the afternoon, but Yunzi Zhuuchi didn’t come. Bi Zhongliang and Wang Manchun came with two teams of secret agents from the secret service headquarters up.

"Section Chief Jiuchi, you have worked hard, go back and rest quickly." Wang Manchun said,

"Where's Section Chief Takeuchi?"

"Section Chief Sakai left her to do something, so you should hurry back and leave it to us."

"Then it's hard work for you, you must check carefully!"

Qi Rui drove back to the special high school to meet Mieko Sakai.

"Kuichi-kun, you've worked hard!"

"I didn't gain anything at all, and I don't know if this method will work." Qi Rui said with some frustration,
"Jiuchi-kun, don't be discouraged. This is the only thing we can do now. We can only hope that the film is still in Shanghai."

It must be something wrong to leave him to talk at such a late hour, Qi Rui also wanted to know what Yunzi Takeuchi was doing and asked, "Is there something wrong with Mr. Sakai?"

"Kuichi-kun, I sent someone to report that the German Geer is watching Johnson."

"Didn't Gale startle him?"

"No, it seems that Geer wants to find someone from the No. [-] Secret Service along Johnson's route."

"This Geer is not stupid, this is really a solution." Qi Rui praised,

"So, Jiuchi-kun, let's give him an oriole."

"No problem, I immediately sent three people pretending to be Chinese to watch them."

"Are you talking about the three people left behind by the Black Gold Project?"

"Yes, didn't I leave them in the telecommunications department of the special class now? Then let them carry out this task. Song Jian and Tang Rui are tired from not sleeping all day and night."

"Okay, then I'll be counting on Mr. Jiuchi, you should eat something and go rest."

Qi Rui returned to the special class one and called the three agents of the Black Gold Project to the office, explained the situation in detail, and then asked them to replace Mieko Sakai's people to keep an eye on Johnson and Geer's people, and report anything at any time.

After making arrangements, when Qi Rui returned home, Fu Yingxue had already prepared the bath water for him, let him soak in the bathtub, and she helped him take a bath.

"Hasn't Yunko Takeuchi come?"


"I don't know what else she has to do. Mieko Sakai is always mysterious."

"Qi Rui, what is the devil doing today?"

Qi Rui briefly told her about the No. [-] secret service team and the Jewish scientist Thomas, and then said: "Fortunately, I went to the checkpoint today. I saw Sister Mingjing and Uncle Li. They were carrying sugar and salt in the car. , These are all strategic materials, if the devils find out, they will definitely confiscate the goods, and they will also be detained for investigation.”

Fu Yingxue helped Qi Rui wash his arms with her small hands and said with a smile: "It turns out that you, the head teacher of the special advanced course, are here, and then you let him go?"

"Haha, I checked it myself, and of course I couldn't find anything."

"But Uncle Li feels very strange when you do this." Fu Yingxue continued to laugh,

"Then what should I do? I can't just watch them get caught by devils, but Miss Mingjing has made progress. She was very calm when she encountered danger today, and even spoke soft words to me."

"When life is at stake, no matter why, I think Miss Ming Jing will change her growth." Fu Yingxue gently washed Qi Rui's chest,
"Well, Xue'er..." Qi Rui was already very sleepy, and he couldn't open his eyes soon after being caressed by Fu Yingxue.

Seeing that he fell asleep, Fu Yingxue stopped talking, and continued to gently scrub his body. After washing, he drained the water and wiped him clean again, then woke him up. Qi Rui fell down in the bedroom and continued to sleep soundly.

Fu Yingxue looked at Qi Rui who was exhausted and felt distressed, and got into bed after tidying up, but Qi Rui's big hand covered her body again, Fu Yingxue sighed with a smile: "It seems that I really like it, sleep Don’t let them go.”

In the early morning of the next day, after Qi Rui had breakfast, he went to the special high school to pick up Song Jian and Tang Rui. He first went to the Rongxiang car dealership in the public concession. Tang Ling also stayed here, and Su Wenqian also came to accompany him. .

"Boss! You are here."

"Didn't you be told to follow the Germans?"

"They found Johnson last night and let us come back."

"Oh! That's all right, there's nothing else for you, so take a good rest."

Qi Rui came here to wait for the elder sister's call. After nine o'clock, the elder sister's call finally came. Because there were some things he couldn't say on the phone, Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to wait at the car dealership, and he drove to the agreed place Meet.

This time Qi Rui drove directly to the Moulin Rouge coffee shop, and directly made up as a dude. The foreigner who was like a waiter saw Qi Rui and immediately invited him to the second floor. Ouyang Jianping had already arrived, and the two went upstairs together. Bernard is already waiting for them, so he has been waiting for Qi Rui for the past two days.

"Mr. Qi! Ms. Ouyang! Hello."

"Are you worried?" Ouyang Jianping asked,
"No, I'm not worried. I trust you very much. Your actions are right. If the film is still on Johnson, it is probably in the hands of the Japanese or Germans by now. I would like to thank you on behalf of the United States."

"Now the film has been delivered outside Shanghai, and someone reliable will send it to Chongqing. You'd better send someone to Chongqing to wait." Ouyang Jianping said,
"We'll send someone there right away."

"It must not be Johnson, because he has been targeted by the Germans now." Qi Rui said,
"We already know this. The consulate has already contacted the country. We have people in Chongqing. As long as the things arrive, we will take them away."

"Then tell us the contact information, and our people will send it to you directly when we arrive."

"Thank you again, this time it's really thanks to you."

"Mr. Bernard, what kind of information do you need?" Qi Rui couldn't stay here for too long and asked,

"Germany, Japan, the Soviet Union, and China, I need them all, and I have all the money ready."

(End of this chapter)

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