Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 293 Destroy if you can't get it

Chapter 293 Destroy if you can't get it
Under Geer's torture, Johnson could not bear the confession that the film was indeed in his own hands, but it was later transferred and taken away by the No. [-] special agent team. Now it has been sent out of Shanghai, and the most likely place to go is Chongqing.

There are so many Chinese people in and out of Shanghai every day, and the film has been sent out. Hai Geer believes this is true, because it is related to the country's important weapons, and Geer decided to take people to Chongqing to try his luck.

Geer is not blind to touch dead mice, he still has ideas, because Johnson did not go to Chongqing, and the Chinese must have Americans to pick up the thing when it is sent to Chongqing. It is still very easy to find Americans in Chongqing.

Qi Rui went back to the car dealership and took Song Jian and Tang Rui to the checkpoint to help with the inspection. Two hours later, the Super High School called to ask Jiuchi Shunfu to return to the Super High School immediately.

When I returned to the special high school, I was called to the conference room, and I found that Shio Muto, Eiichi Iwai, Masanori Tanaka, and Shio Matsumoto were all there.

"Did something happen?" Qi Rui asked in fear,

"Section Chief Kuchi, Colonel Geer from Germany left Shanghai with his people. He didn't say where he was going. I think he should have gone chasing film." Shio Muto said,
"How did he know where the film went?" Qi Rui asked,

"Mr. Kuchi, we found Johnson's body. It looks like he was tortured. Geer must have asked him about the whereabouts of the film." Said Mieko Sakai.

"Does the Consul General call me back so anxiously that he wants me to chase him?" Qi Rui asked,

"Section Chief Hisaike! You should also know the importance of Thomas' notes to our country?" Matsumoto Shio asked,

"I know a little bit, it seems to involve the development of a key technology for a weapon of mass destruction."

"That's right, our country also needs this technology very much. After much deliberation, we think you are the most suitable to carry out this task." Matsumoto Shio said,
"But I don't know anything!"

Eiichi Iwai said: "Section Chief Kuike, use your brain, you can get what you want to know from Geer, and you are an expert in operations and traces, you should be able to guess that the No. [-] secret service team will send this note to Where should I go?"

Shio Matsumoto asked Shunsuke Hisaike: "Where is the safest place for Chinese people now?"

"Chongqing?" Qi Rui guessed,
"That's right! As far as we know, there is a US government delegation in Chongqing. We guess that the No. [-] special agent team will definitely send the film of the notes to Chongqing. This is a great gift to the United States, but we must not let them succeed." Shio Matsumoto said,
"Okay, then I will prepare to go to Chongqing immediately!"

"Section Chief Kuchi, don't be in such a hurry, get everything ready before you go." Muto Shio said,
"Section Chief Kuchi, do you need to send some people to you?" Matsumoto Shio asked,

"No need for this, we have people in Chongqing." Qi Rui said,
"Very well, I know it's most suitable for you to go." Shio Muto said with a smile,
"Section Chief Hisaike, go see President Shigeharu Matsumoto before you leave, he should have something to tell you." Eiichi Iwai said,


Qi Rui thought to himself: Geer!Geer!You have really helped me a lot. The Polaris plan is perfectly designed. If Dai is not notified of this plan in advance, then we will suffer a lot.

Therefore, these four groups must be eliminated before they can play a role. The specific plan must be met with Dai before Qi Rui can explain it in detail.

Qi Rui drove to the Tongmeng News Agency, and came to Matsumoto Shigeharu's office in a hurry: "President Matsumoto, are you looking for me?"

"Major Jiuchi! I heard that you are going to Chongqing, just in time to see the work of the various teams, and there is another top-secret task for you to do."

"Despite President Matsumoto's orders, the subordinates will definitely do their best!"

"When I went to Chongqing to meet two Chinese people, Wuhan, our Japanese imperial army, was determined to win. Now Prime Minister Konoe has started preparing to support the new Chinese government, and we have also found the leader of the new government."

Knowing that it was Wang Jingwei, Qi Rui asked, "President, is this one of the two?"

"No, this person cannot be exposed yet. I will ask you to meet two other important people. If you can bring them to Shanghai, they are also important members of the new government."

"Hay! I promise to complete the task."

"Remember, the family members of the two of them are also here to pick them up. We must let them serve our Great Japanese Empire without distraction."

"Hay! Got it!"

Matsumoto Shigeharu gave the information of the two people to Shunsuke Kuchi and said: "Now keep the information of the two of them in your mind, and adapt to the situation when you arrive at the place. We must ensure their safety."

"President, didn't we support a maintenance government in Nanjing? Liang Hongzhi and Wen Zongyao are already serving us, why should we support a new government?" Qi Rui asked pretending not to understand,
"The influence of Liang Hongzhi and Wen Zongyao is too far away. Prime Minister Konoe means to support a new government that can replace the Chongqing government, and the prestige of the president of this new government in China must not be inferior to that of Chiang."

"Understood, this subordinate must complete this task!"

"Section Chief Kuchi, this trip is far away, so let's take some capable assistants with us." Matsumoto Shigeharu said,
"President, I will take care of it."

"Section Chief Kuike, I know that your main task this time is Thomas' notes. Prime Minister Konoe asked me to tell you that if we can't get it, we must never let others get it! Especially the Americans!"


"Hurry up and get ready, Major Kuike! I'm waiting for your triumphant return!"


Leaving the Tongmeng News Agency, Qi Rui thought in his mind that he must not take anyone with him this time. Before leaving, he had to inform the No. [-] secret service team, the judge team, and Wang Tianfeng and the others, because this trip would take at least a month or two before returning.

Going back to the extra-high class, Qi Rui first arranged jobs for Song Jian and Tang Rui, and asked Yansi Jiakang to assign ten special agents to each of them to take care of the daily routine of the special class. The three people in the black gold plan continued to stay in the telecommunications office. Waiting for telegrams from everywhere.

After making the arrangements, Qi Rui went to the French Concession to buy a cake, notified all the people who should be notified that he was going to leave Shanghai for a period of time, and finally sent a cake to Zhuang Xiaoman's home, and asked her to take herself to Shanghai. Reported the incident in Chongqing to Dai, and told him that there was an extremely important matter to report, and soon Dai called back and asked Qi Rui to go to Changsha first.

Back home, Fu Yingxue heard that Qi Rui went to Chongqing alone and said: "Qi Rui, I'll go with you, how can you do it alone."

"It's not suitable for you to go, because you are Japanese in Chongqing."

"But I don't feel relieved if you go by yourself. If you need help from an organization, I can also contact you for you."

(End of this chapter)

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