Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 294 Surprise again and again

Chapter 294 Surprise again and again
Qi Rui would also like to have someone of his own to accompany him on the trip, at least he would have someone to talk to on such a long journey, but no one can go to Fu Yingxue.

"Xue'er, you really can't go. If you go to the special high school, you will think too much. Why don't you bring Song Jian and Tang Rui with you instead? Don't worry, I don't need any help from the organization this time. .”

"Well, let me report your matter to the organization first and see how the organization decides, okay?"

"Okay, this matter does need to be reported to the organization, and ask if there is anything we need to do."

Fu Yingxue went out for a trip and came back almost two hours later.

"Qi Rui, the organization doesn't need us to do anything. If you encounter difficulties in Chongqing, you can go to this person." Fu Yingxue gave Qi Rui a note with a familiar name on it, Ouyang He!

Half a month later, Qi Rui met Dai in Changsha according to the address given by Zhuang Xiaoman.

"Director! Did you rush to Changsha on purpose?"

"I came here specially to pick you up." Dai said,

"Pick us up?"

"Yeah, your sixth brother is recuperating here too, his injury should be healed, and it's time to move around!"

"My sixth brother is here too, that's great!"

"Your fourth brother is also here. Come pick them up with me. If you have anything to say on the way, I happen to have a lot to ask you." Dai said while tidying up, and he could see that he was very busy.

After packing up, Dai came to the yard, and asked his attendants to take another car, Qi Rui said: "You drive, follow the convoy, first tell me about the old Ba Haizhengchu."

Qi Rui drove and told the whole story, and then said very regretfully: "Director, I really can't save mynah, the seriously injured mynah is also desperate to die, and the Japanese want to give him the truth medicine, so I I had to give my starling a ride."

"I know this, Xiao Jiu, you've done a good job, you're helping Lao Ba, he won't blame you!" Dai comforted,
"I will definitely avenge my starling!"

"Xiao Jiu, why did the assassination of Ding Mo village fail?"

"Director, I originally designed it very well. It was considered that Ding Mo Village was riding a bulletproof car, but I didn't expect Li Shiqun to block a shot for Ding Mo Village. In the end, the bastard Li Shiqun didn't die!"

"No one was lost, everyone evacuated safely, and Li Shiqun was seriously injured. This is enough to prove that your design is impeccable, so Xiao Jiu, don't be discouraged. With your ability, you must still have a chance!" Dai encouraged,
"Director, don't worry, I won't let any of these traitors go!"

"Have you seen the poisonous bee?"

"I see. I have asked Xiaoman to inform him that I will be away for a while. I will talk about anything when I go back."

Dai smiled and said: "He won't wait for you, Xiao Jiu, and you don't have to be distracted by him. Wang Tianfeng is very capable, but his personality is extreme. He can do whatever he likes. If you need your cooperation, you can cooperate. He If you don't look for you, you don't have to rush to find him."


"Tell me what shocking information you brought me this time!"


"Xiao Jiu, I'm the director now!"

"Oh! Director! Look at this plan of the Japanese!" Qi Rui roughly gave Director Dai the newly written set of Polaris latent plan.

After reading it, Dai Jing was in a cold sweat. If the devil really followed this plan, the loss would be immeasurable. He quickly asked, "Xiao Jiu, have you got the list of the four groups of devil spies?"

"Got it, Chief, to tell you the truth, Konoe Wenmo asked me to plan this plan. All the devils and spies who carried out this mission were transferred from the black gold plan. They are all China hands and thrown into the crowd It is difficult for me to recognize them, this time I just took this opportunity to get rid of them all! In this way, there are not many spies left on the black gold project."

"So you know who these spies are?" Dai didn't know how to laugh,

"Director! I am their commander-in-chief, and I am fully responsible for this plan! I have already figured out how to get rid of them when I made this plan."

"Okay! Okay! Xiao Jiu did a great job! Leave this matter to your sixth brother or fourth brother. Is there any surprise for me?" Dai Xingxing is even more grateful for the decision to send Qi Rui to Japan back then.

Qi Rui told Dai about Thomas' notes in detail, and then said: "Director, this Geer is a German, we need to get rid of him."

"Xiao Jiu, our relationship with Germany is pretty good. It would be bad if we let the Germans know that he was killed by us." Dai said,

"I'll just kill him as a Japanese spy." Qi Rui said,
"That's a good idea, where are the notes now?"

"Someone has already sent it to Chongqing." Qi Rui knew that He Jian and Gao Han were the ones who sent the film, and if he knew that he was coming to Chongqing, he wouldn't let them make this trip.

"Do you know how to find them?"

"I don't know for the time being. I will contact the No. [-] Secret Service when I arrive in Chongqing."

"I know about Secret Service No. [-], why are you still in touch with them?" Dai asked,
"They assassinated Shunsuke Kuike. I saw that they were very skilled, so I paid attention to them. After working with them a few times, I found that they were very capable of action. This time they made great contributions to Thomas' matter."

"Well, it's really thanks to them this time, Xiao Jiu, and you must bring the notes back to me when the time comes. This is a good opportunity to show goodwill to the United States, do you understand?"

For Dai, there are endless surprises. The Germans, Japanese, and Americans are all vying for something, and even an American intelligence agent died because of it, which shows the value of this note. Now is the time to ask for help from other countries. It must be a great achievement for me to hand this note to the principal.

"I understand, I must find a way to get the film of the notes back to you."

"Haha, Xiao Jiu, you are now a major, and you will be promoted to lieutenant colonel immediately after you arrive in Chongqing!" Dai Xingxing promised,

"Thank you, Director, for cultivating!"

The car has already driven to the gate of the nursing home, the fourth brother Xu Baichuan, the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian and Tan Lin are already waiting at the gate, so the conversation between Qi Rui and Dai is temporarily over.

Dai called Zheng Yao into his car first, asked Xu Baichuan and Tan Lin to take another car, and then went directly to the airport in Changsha.

On the way, Qi Rui told Zheng Yaoxian about Polaris and Thomas's notes again, and the happy sixth brother praised Dai: "Director, just my old brother, I will ask you if I will give you a military replacement!?"

Dai couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and said, "Liu Liu! You said it's too little, and I won't change it for ten armies. Liu, you are responsible for completing the Polaris Project and cooperating with Xiao Jiu."

Zheng Yaoxian immediately shook his head and said, "Director, I'm applying to go to Shanghai with Xiaojiu. I'd better leave the Polaris plan to Laosi."

"Are you going to Shanghai to help Xiaojiu?"

(End of this chapter)

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