Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 296 Dancing Queen Yu Xiaowan, Iceberg Queen Ouyang He

Chapter 296 Dancing Queen Yu Xiaowan, Iceberg Queen Ouyang He

How did Qi Rui know the battle plan of the No. 11 Army of Gangcun Ningci, and how could he not know about the battle in Wuhan? He only needs to inform the offensive routes and tactics of the No. 11 Army's divisions and detachments.

Qi Rui came to Director Dai's office, and there were fifty gold bars and fifty thousand French currency as rewards alone, plus the rank of lieutenant colonel.

"Xiao Jiu, I'll win the Yunhui Medal for you when you make more contributions!"

"Director, because I can't bring many documents with me this time, I can only remember them in my head. You can give me a combat map around Wuhan. I will mark the offensive routes of the divisions and detachments of the Devil No. 11 Army, and let our army Please prepare in advance."

Dai stood up from his chair after hearing this, and asked in disbelief, "Xiao Jiu, do you still know the military deployment and combat plan of No. 11 Army?"

"I heard from the garrison staff officer."

Qi Rui quickly marked the marching routes of the devil's various armies on a map with a red pen, and also highlighted the marching route of the Maruyama Detachment of the Ninth Division, because he remembered very clearly that this Maruyama Detachment was in the Played a very critical role in the Battle of Wuhan.

After finishing writing, Qi Rui took a look. The sixth, ninth, 11th, 27st, 101th, No. 106 Army's main marching and offensive routes of the No. [-] Army's Sixth, Ninth, [-]th, [-]st, [-]th, Hada Detachment and Maruyama Masao's Maruyama Detachment of the Ninth Division were all right. Handed over to Dai.

Holding the map, Dai's hands trembled a little. He asked Qi Rui to go to work, and he went to Lao Jiang immediately, because the information came at the right time.

Qi Rui asked Zheng Yaoxian to take him to the telecommunications office. He sent a telegram to the No. [-] special agent team and asked that the film was sent by He Jian and Gao Han, but it may take some time because of the long distance.

"Xiao Jiu, are you done with your work?"

"Sixth brother, maybe I have to stay in Chongqing for a while. He Jian and Gao Han are the ones who sent the film. I guess they have already passed Changsha." Qi Rui said,
"These two people are very strong, and there are many people fleeing the famine now. Don't worry, Xiao Jiu, they will arrive safely." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Sixth brother, you are right. Geer can't kill him, but he must be made to give up. Just follow the plan you said."

"I have sent people to watch all the checkpoints in the city. Geer and the others are very conspicuous and we will know when they arrive." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Okay! The next thing is to wait, Sixth Brother! Do I have Sixth Sister-in-law?" Qi Rui asked,

"There's no such thing as a sixth sister-in-law."

"If there is no sister-in-law, then find a place to have fun."

"Where do you want to play?"

"Where there are more girls, go there to play."

Zheng Yao looked around and saw that only Tan Lin was around, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Jiu, that girl Xiao Xue is pretty good, don't let her down."

"I know, Brother Six, find a place to relax! Don't be too nervous!"

There is an officer's club in Chongqing, and there are dances on Friday and Saturday, and today happens to be Friday, Xu Baichuan, Zheng Yaoxian, Tan Lin, and Qi Rui, who put on makeup, came to the dance scene wearing military uniforms.

Even though Zheng Yaoxian and Xu Baichuan could be considered figures of the day, few military officers knew them, let alone Qi Rui with makeup on.

As soon as Qi Rui came, he saw a beautiful figure dancing happily in the center of the dance floor. This girl was very beautiful and had a good figure. She was wearing a white dress and looked like a princess in a fairy tale. He asked, "Brother Six Who is the girl?"

"How would I know!"

Xu Baichuan smiled and said: "I know, she is Yu Xiaowan, Fei Zhengpeng's goddaughter, a professional doctor, and she especially likes to dance. There is a long queue of young talents pursuing her."

After hearing this, Qi Rui thought to himself: Sure enough, he looks different from Li Xiaonan, and it seems that Zhang Li is the same, but the personality seems to have not changed, Yu Xiaowan is still a girl who likes to dance.

"Fourth brother, you said she is Fei Zhengpeng's goddaughter?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"Yes, Fei Zhengpeng loves this goddaughter very much, more than his own."

"Yu Xiaowan! Interesting." Qi Rui laughed.
"Xiao Jiu, look who that is." Zheng Yaoxian also spotted a familiar figure,

"Ouyang He!" Qi Rui also recognized it.

"Xiao Jiu, Ouyang He is in a terrible situation now. He works in the attendant's room. If Yu Xiaowan is a princess, then Ouyang He is a queen, because she is cold to any suitor." Xu Baichuan said,

"Fourth Brother, Sixth Brother, Old Tan, find a seat and sit down, and watch me tease this queen!" Qi Rui saw a major officer inviting Ouyang He to dance, and he was so stern when he was rejected, he said Walked over quickly.

Qi Rui walked up to Ouyang He and stretched out his right hand to invite: "Your Majesty, the beautiful queen, can I ask you to dance?"

Ouyang He recognized that it was Qi Rui's voice, she carefully looked at the person in front of her, she looked a little older, but the mischievous look in her eyes remained unchanged, so she stretched out her hand happily.

Qi Rui took Ouyang He's hand to the dance floor, and said softly, "Miss, what's your surname?"

"The surname is Ouyang."

"Guess what my last name is?"

"What's your surname?" Ouyang He guessed that Qi Rui was going to talk poorly again,
"Before I met you, my surname was Qi. After I met you, I was happy!"

"Pfft!" Ouyang He couldn't help laughing out loud, and pinched Qi Rui with his hand: "It really is you brat! Why did you come to Chongqing?"

"Of course there is a mission. How is my Majesty the Queen doing recently?"

"What's so good about the national crisis?"

"Devils will be beaten, traitors will be killed, and our life will continue, won't it?"

"I'm happy to see you."

"Let's play a game." Qi Rui pulled Ouyang He to stand where he was,
"playing what?"

"Whoever moves first within three seconds loses!"


"Hey! I lost!" Qi Rui said with a frustrated face,

"You didn't move!"

"Beauty! You make my heart beat!"

"Hahaha..." Ouyang He couldn't help laughing out loud,
Everyone who knew Ouyang He was stunned, because they had never seen the beautiful Ouyang laughing like this before. Is this still the iceberg goddess!Who is this man!Why did our iceberg goddess laugh like this!

"Queen, have you gained weight recently?"

"Nonsense, I'm not fat, and I've lost weight!"

"Then why do you hold more and more weight in my heart?"

"Oh! You brat, I can't take it anymore, I won't dance anymore! My image has been ruined by you!" Ouyang He pulled Qi Rui to her seat and let him sit next to her ,

"Are you happy this time?"

"How can you say such a thing!"

"Not to amuse our queen."

"If you have a conscience, tell me how you are in Shanghai." Because this is a corner and the scene is chaotic, no one will hear the two of them whispering, but it makes the people around them look very close , like lovers in love whispering.

(End of this chapter)

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