Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 297 The person who wants to kick twice when he sees it

Chapter 297 The person who wants to kick two feet when he sees it

When Qi Rui spoke, he tried not to let the people around him see his mouth shape: "What else can I do, be a devil."

Ouyang He covered his mouth with his wine glass and asked, "I heard that you became the head of the extra-high school?"

"Well, the head of the special first class, isn't it awesome?" Qi Rui smiled mischievously after speaking,
"What are you doing this time?"

"Send information!"

"Tsk tsk, you are the best kid! It must be very important to run all the way for information."

"That is!"

"Come on, toast our hero!" Ouyang He raised his hand and called the waiter to ask for a glass of wine and handed it to Qi Rui.

Ouyang He raised his head and did it, Qi Rui smiled and said, "Seeing me so happy?"

"Well, I forgot how to smile after I left Shanghai."

"Look at you, I have to stay in Chongqing for a while, if you are not happy, you can find me." Qi Rui said,
"You still have something to do?"

"Well, I have to wait for two people! I also came from Shanghai, I don't know when I will arrive."

"It's really hard to say. If you're lucky, it will take more than 20 days. If you're not lucky, you won't see it for two months."

"So how long I can stay depends on the two of them."

"Where do you live now?"

"I'm staying at the Jialing Hotel, why don't you come here too, and I'll open a room for you."

"Then will you take me to work in the morning?"

"No problem, I'll ask Brother Six for a car later."

"That's a good relationship!" Ouyang He's dormitory is definitely not as good as the Jialing Hotel that accepts foreign guests, and she has been there before, and the scenery of this hotel is very good.

The two had a very intimate conversation here, because Qi Rui was wearing the uniform of a lieutenant colonel, and several officers were envious and jealous and did not dare to make mistakes. Yu Xiaowan was also very interested in this officer, and she wanted to know Why does Miss Ouyang, who is usually as cold as ice, ignore her image in front of this man?

"Sister Ouyang, who is this?" Yu Xiaowan sat next to Ouyang He and asked,
"He is an old friend of mine. His name is Fang Rui." Ouyang He introduced,
"Fang Rui, did you just come to Chongqing?"

"Yes, I just arrived today." Qi Rui smiled and nodded,
Ouyang He introduced: "Fang Rui, this is Miss Yu Xiaowan Yu, she is a remarkable military doctor."

"Military doctor is good! Heal the wounded and save lives, angel in white."

"I think you dance very well, can you dance with me?" Yu Xiaowan said to Ouyang He after asking: "Sister Ouyang, don't you mind?"

"I don't mind! I don't mind at all! Fang Rui, this is the first time Ms. Yu has taken the initiative, so hurry up!" Ouyang He said,

"My pleasure!"

Qi Rui and Yu Xiaowan entered the dance floor. A few people saw that Ouyang He was very happy today and wanted to join him. Zheng Yaoxian and Xu Baichuan sat down beside Ouyang He, looking at these officers with murderous expressions.

Seeing that there were two lieutenant colonel officers again, they all left with great interest.

"Fourth brother, sixth brother, look at you scaring them!" Ouyang He laughed again,
"If you dare to hit our Miss Ouyang's idea, they are also worthy!" Xu Baichuan said as if he knew Ouyang He very well,

Seeing Tan Lin standing beside him, Zheng Yaoxian said, "Old Tan, you sit down too. Why are you so restrained? Today your ninth brother got a lot of bonuses. You can order whatever you want, and he will pay for it."

Tan Lin sat there shyly, he didn't seem to like such an occasion.

On the dance floor, Yu Xiaowan asked, "Fang Rui, is this your real name?"

"Miss Yu, I'm from the Investigation Bureau, do you still want to ask me my real name?"

"What's so great about the Bureau of Investigation, so is my godfather."

"And your godfather must be very powerful, right?"

"You know him?"

"I don't even know who your godfather is."

"His name is Fei Zhengpeng, do you know him?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know you! Miss Yu dances very well."

"That's right! I'm the dancing queen of Chongqing."

"Oh! Who is the dancing emperor?"

"Haha, the emperor is still dancing, I haven't seen it anyway!"

"How about I fight for it?"

"You seem to be taking advantage of me!"

Qi Rui and Yu Xiaowan were dancing happily when they saw a greasy face approaching: "Xiaowan, why don't you call me when you come!"

When Qi Rui saw this face, he wanted to scratch his head: Zhou Haichao!The grandson!Now I have thoughts about Yu Xiaowan.

"Who is this? Why are you so annoying!" Qi Rui asked Yu Xiaowan.

"He is also from the Bureau of Investigation, his name is Zhou Haichao, he is indeed a little annoying." Yu Xiaowan said with a look of disgust,

Zhou Haichao pretended not to hear and said, "Xiao Wan, don't dance with strangers, you know who is good and who is bad!"

"I don't think you are a good person! Get out!" Qi Rui pushed Zhou Haichao away after finishing speaking.

Zhou Haichao retreated several steps before he stood firm. Although he was only a lieutenant-level officer, because he had made some military achievements with Chen Gongshu, he was now transferred back to Chongqing and joined Guan Yongshan, the chief of the second division. Looking at it, especially now that the streets in Chongqing are full of military officers.

"How dare you push me! You're just a lieutenant colonel, what a fool!" Zhou Haichao said and started to fight.

Before Zhou Haichao approached, Tan Lin had already stood in front of Qi Rui, reached out and grabbed Zhou Haichao's arm, dragged him out of the officer's club without saying a word, within 2 minutes Tan Lin returned to his seat and sat down. Next, continue to watch Qi Rui dance.

Zhou Haichao returned to the club covered in mud. When he found Tan Lin, he found him sitting with Xu Baichuan and Zheng Yaoxian of the Eight King Kongs and immediately turned around and ran away.

Don't think Guan Yongshan is a director, but it's not enough to compare with Zheng Yaoxian and Xu Baichuan.

After the dance, Qi Rui returned to his seat and said to Zheng Yaoxian: "Brother Six, get me a car to drive. Miss Ouyang will also stay at Jialing Hotel tonight, and I will send her to work tomorrow."

"I'll make a call and ask Xiaoan to deliver it." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Are they also in Chongqing?"

"Well, they're all there, and they're busy, but I didn't tell them you were here."

"Sister Ouyang, are you going to live with Fang Rui?" Yu Xiaowan asked in surprise, covering her mouth.
"What nonsense are you talking about, you girl? Fang Rui and I are good friends. They will be staying at the Jialing Hotel for a few days, and I will also go to stay by the Jialing River for a few days to enjoy the scenery and relax."

"I want to go too!"

"Go ahead, if you don't go home, Uncle Fei will look for you all over the world!"

"I'll just make a phone call!"

"You don't want your good sister who beheaded and changed her life?"

"She has her affairs, and I have mine, although it's good, we can't stick together every day!"

"Miss Yu, don't you have a boyfriend?" Qi Rui asked,


"Do you think this is good? Today you go home first. Tomorrow is Saturday. I invite you to hang out together. You can call your sister who cut her head and changed her life." Qi Rui also wanted to see what Zhang Li looked like , she is also her own.

(End of this chapter)

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