Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 299 Brother 6!Don't cheat us

Chapter 299 Six Brothers!Don't cheat us
Originally Qi Rui wanted to kill Geer, but Lao Jiang refused to let him kill him after Dai's report, especially since the Geer people were in the German embassy. Now these big powers in Chongqing dare not offend anyone.

This plan was designed by Zheng Yaoxian, which is to destroy all the film in front of the Germans and Japanese, so that Qi Rui can go back to work, Geer doesn't have to die, and the Americans can quietly take the film back, the Americans are eager No one knows, and this matter will never be exposed.

Because it has been found out which ship He Jian and Gao Han were on, three days later, Qi Rui went to pick them up at the pier in person. He was still the lieutenant colonel officer. After seeing He Jian and Gao Han, he got out of the car and went to meet them: "You two, please follow me!"

"Who are you?" He Jian asked,
"Calling girl can't even hear my voice?" Qi Rui asked Gao Han with a wink.
Gao Han looked carefully and exclaimed in a low voice: "Qi Rui!?"

"Get in the car and talk."

He Jian and Gao Han got into the car, Tan Lin was driving, Qi Rui said to them apologetically, "I'm so sorry, if I had known that I would also come to Chongqing, I wouldn't have let you make this trip."

Already exhausted, Gao Han happily asked: "Yes, why did you come to Chongqing?"

"Ger brought the Gestapo to chase you, and the devil asked me to chase you too. They all know that there is a notebook film now."

"Ger is also in Chongqing now?"

"Yes, he and his people have also arrived."

"It would be terrible to kill them!" He Jian said,
"It's okay for these Germans to die in the Japanese war zone in Shanghai, but they can't die in Chongqing, understand?"

"I'm afraid of offending Germany."

"That's what I mean."

"Qi Rui, did you pick us up to get the film?" Gao Han asked,

"Of course there are important things. I'll take you to dinner first. The hotel has already been opened for you. I'll tell you about the plan when I get back to the hotel. Now give me the film." Qi Rui said.


"Don't tell me I lost it!"

"How is it possible, no one but you can steal things from me." He Jian took out a bag from his arms and handed it to Qi Rui.

Qi Rui opened it to see that it was indeed Thomas' notebook film, gave He Jian the fake negative prepared in advance, and said, "You keep holding this, and I'll tell you what to do when I get back to the hotel."

Qi Rui took He Jian and Gao Han to find a hot pot restaurant and let them have a good meal. It only took them more than 20 days from Shanghai to Chongqing. They must be exhausted. Gao Han, who was already thin, became even thinner.

"Qi Rui, is there a good bath? I need to take a good bath." Gao Han asked,

"Go back to the hotel to wash, 24-hour hot water supply."

"What hotel is so good?"

“The best Jialing Hotel in Chongqing.”

"Where does Geer live?"

"They went to the German embassy in China."

"Has the German embassy also moved to Chongqing?"

"Yeah, I moved here with the government, so I can't kill Geer here."

Qi Rui took them back to the hotel, let them have a good rest first, and drove to the investigation bureau.

"Director! This is the film of Thomas' notes, and He Jian delivered it safely after hard work." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"He Jian sent it?"

"Director, don't be angry with him!" Zheng Yaoxian hurriedly persuaded him, he was worried that Dai Huanjian would be angry for stealing his gold pen,

"He made up for it this time!" Dai didn't have time to get angry with He Jian. What he had to do now was to send the film immediately, because the Americans were already waiting.

Zheng Yao first pulled Qi Rui out of Dai's office, and asked, "Xiao Jiu, when are you going to find the Japanese spies?"

"I'll go look for them tomorrow, but this time I can't let them lose. This is the foreshadowing for cracking them in the future." Qi Rui said,
"I understand, Xiao Jiu, you seem to be less impulsive now?"

"Sixth brother, I have remembered the last time you were injured and left. I alone have a relationship with such a person's life and death. I really shouldn't want to interfere in everything."

"Xiao Jiu, you've done a good job with starlings. Sometimes you have to be like this. When you should attack your own people, you must attack. Since you are attacking, you must be as ruthless and cruel as the enemy. Why do you let him go when you have already attacked?" The enemy is suspicious, are you right? If one day I am like Lao Ba, I also hope that you can kill me with your own hands."

"Well, I understand this truth now, and I will carefully consider whatever I do in the future."

"Xiao Jiu, be more careful when you restore Qi Rui's identity tomorrow."

"Sixth brother, you must protect He Jian and Gao Han. There is one more thing. Zhou Haichao met me at the Niushou Mountain training camp, so he was transferred away during this period."

"This matter is easy to handle! Don't worry about He Jian and Gao Han, I will personally take Tan Lin and others to protect them."

Zheng Yaoxian brought Song Xiaoan and Zhao Jianzhi to Jialing Hotel with Qi Rui, He Jian and Gao Han had already woken up, and when they saw Zheng Yaoxian, they hurriedly shouted: "Sixth brother!"

"Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's nothing, we are also for the dead Mr. Thomas." He Jian said,
"He Jian! Don't worry, the boss doesn't care about you anymore."

"Haha, you can't run away if you don't care about me. If you don't provoke me, you can hide. Wherever you are, you will kill devils."

"Girl Gao Han has lost a lot of weight, and Qi Rui will treat you to delicious food soon, so don't be polite to him, he is the rich man here." Zheng Yaoxian joked,
"You must eat him well!"

It's a trivial matter for Qi Rui to treat guests. I took them and set up a table in the hotel. I didn't drink tonight. After everyone finished eating, they came to Qi Rui's room. Zheng Yao first explained the plan in detail and asked He Jian and Gao Han: " do you understand?"

"Sixth Brother, are you asking the two of us to sell these fake films at the US Consulate?"

"He Jian, the real film is already in the hands of the Americans. This is arranged in advance. The Americans will cooperate with us. The purpose of this is to let Geer and the Japanese discover you."

"Fuck! Sixth brother, don't trick us." He Jian felt that this was a bit ridiculous, because the Germans alone are difficult enough to deal with, and the Japanese, who secretly don't know what other forces there are. ,

Qi Rui said: "He Jian, Gao Han, don't worry, the purpose of doing this is to destroy the film. I will use the identity of Shunsuke Kuike to find Spies and Geer."

"Qi Rui, I'll be relieved if you participate." Gao Han said,
The next day, Qi Rui returned to his original appearance and found Rintaro Matsukawa.

"Major Kuike! Why are you here?" Matsukawa was very surprised to see Shunsuke Kuike.

"Leader Matsukawa, it looks like everything is going well here for you!"

"Yes, Major Kuike..."

"Don't call me Major Jiuchi here, just call me Boss Qi."

"Yes, Boss, our place is going very well. We have all the equipment and weapons. We have started investigation work in the past few days."

"Songchuan, I have come with a very important task this time, and your team must cooperate with me to complete it."

(End of this chapter)

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