Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 300 The Lion Opens Its Mouth

Chapter 300 The Lion Opens Its Mouth

Qi Rui asked Matsukawa to connect the radio station and set up the antenna, and he personally sent a report to Mieko Sakai to inform him of the situation here.

Shanghai, Special High School, Mieko Sakai called Matsumoto Shio immediately after reading the telegram: "General, Major Kuchi has arrived in Chongqing, He Jian and Gao Han from the No. Pick up, Geer and his men at the German embassy."

"Call back to Major Kuchi and let him play by ear. If we can't get it, we must never let the Americans get the film!"

"General, Shao Zuo Jiuchi means that the situation in Chongqing is very complicated. Now that He Jian and Gao Han have been protected, he needs to understand the specific situation before making a plan."

"Others don't need to ask for instructions in Chongqing, let him decide what happens, if you don't trust him, you won't send him there!"

"General, I guess because the matter is so important, Major Kuchi is worried that he will miss the big deal."

"According to the principle of what I said, just do it."

While waiting for the telegram, Qi Rui explained this action to Song Chuan, and when he received the telegram, he showed the telegram to Song Chuan and said: "According to my investigation, He Jian and Gao Han are currently staying at Jialing Hotel, Colonel Geer The people with him are in the German embassy, ​​what we want is in the hands of He Jian and Gao Han, and they will definitely hand over the things to the Americans."

"Major Kuike, please give us a mission."

"I need two groups now, one group to watch He Jian and Gao Han at the Jialing Hotel, and the other group to go to the US embassy to watch."

People are ready-made, Matsukawa Rintaro sent two groups of four people, Qi Rui brought a group to the US embassy, ​​he sat in a teahouse near the embassy drinking tea and staring at the passers-by.

In the afternoon, He Jian came to the gate of the embassy and explained his purpose to the guard. The guard called the embassy at the gate. After waiting for a while, a foreigner came out. His accompanying interpreter said a few words to He Jian, and then The three of them arrived at the teahouse where Qi Rui was.

After ordering a pot of tea, Hendry from the consulate asked, "Why do you come to this teahouse to talk?"

After translating, He Jian said: "I'm afraid I won't be able to get out after entering the embassy."

"I can't get out, why?"

"I was entrusted by someone." After speaking, He Jian took out a magnifying glass and some films and handed them to Hendry, and said, "Let's see what this is first."

Hendry used a magnifying glass to look carefully and asked excitedly, "What about the other negatives?"

"Don't worry, I brought a lot of them."

"Give it to us!"

"We traveled thousands of miles from Shanghai to Chongqing and came to Chongqing. That's all you want to leave?"

"Thank you very much, I will reward you handsomely."

"Okay, how much do you plan to pay us?"

"I'll give you [-] French currency."

"Ten thousand French currency!? You are so generous, this money is not enough for our travel expenses!"

"Then how much do you want?"

"Five million dollars! No counter-offering! Otherwise, I will burn these films and not give them to you! Because I know that people in other countries also want this thing very much!"

"Five million dollars? You are a lion, you want too much!"

"For these films, Mr. Thomas is dead. We are wanted by the Japanese and Germans in Shanghai. My companion may die at any time. Do you think I want too much?"

"Mr. He Jian, please don't get excited. Do you think this is good? I'll go back and discuss it and I'll give you an answer tomorrow. Please wait patiently for us for a day, because we don't have so much cash in hand, and it will take time to prepare for you. of."

"Okay! I'll wait for you here at this time tomorrow!" He Jian said, put the film in his pocket, turned and left.

When He Jian arrived outside the teahouse, several plainclothes came out to protect him to leave, and Heng Deli took the translator back to the embassy.

"Boss, he's gone!" A spy reported to Shunsuke Kuike,
"Follow He Jian! See if he returns to Jialing Hotel."

After Qi Rui asked two spies to follow him, he came to a foreigner and asked in German, "Where is Colonel Geer?"

"You are Kuchi..."

"Shh... where's Colonel Geer?"

"Come with me." The two Germans took Qi Rui and turned to an alley, where a car was parked, and Geer was in the car.

"Section Chief Kuchi!? Why are you in Chongqing?" Geer asked in German.
"It's not for chasing film."

"You want it too?"

"Colonel Geer, we are allies, we should share such technology."

"Hmph, let's see who can get it."

"Colonel Geer, I'm afraid you can't get it by yourself."

"how do you know?"

"As soon as He Jian and Gao Han arrived in Chongqing, several Chinese took them to Jialing Hotel, which is the best hotel in Chongqing!"

"What does this have to do with film?"

"Because He Jian and the others want to sell the film to the Americans for $500 million."

"Sell to the Americans? He Jian is so bold, no wonder they killed Thomas! Only in this way can the value of the film be doubled!" Geer said,
"That's right! Colonel Geer, this is the world of the Chinese. We haven't found out where they came from, but I'm sure there are Chinese soldiers among them!"


"He Jian has a military background, and Gao Han is also an expert in deciphering. They were premeditated from the beginning to the end! Remember when we caught Johnson?"

"It was just Johnson at the time."

"Yes, I received a tip and found Johnson. After I arrived, he was the only one. No one from the No. [-] special agent team was seen. In the end, I took him back. The film in his pocket was fake! The real film has been taken away. The thief, He Jian, stole it! So everything from killing Thomas to stealing the film was designed by them, and the purpose was to sell it to the Americans!"

"It's very possible!" Geer suddenly realized that the facts seemed to be like this, because everything could be explained in this way.

"It's not possible, it's absolutely true! There are only a dozen people on your side, and you yourself are no match for these Chinese people!"

"You mean we cooperate?"

"Colonel Geer, let's work together to recapture the film. I only need a set of photos to go back to the country. Isn't it good for you to take the film back to China?"

Geer thought for a while that it was too inconvenient for his group of people to be active in Chongqing, because none of them could speak Chinese, and they had to bring a translator with them when they went out. It was even more impossible to get close to surveillance and tracking, because it was too conspicuous to be spotted easily.

If you cooperate with these Japanese who are no different from Chinese, the probability of success will be greatly improved. It is better to give them a set of photos than to go back empty-handed.

"Okay, I promise you, what do you say next?"

(End of this chapter)

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