Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 301 Colonel Geer who secretly rejoiced

Chapter 301 Colonel Geer who secretly rejoiced

Qi Rui knew that he would definitely agree, and said: "He Jian and the others are very careful in their work. He should have brought a few negatives with him. Only when the Americans agree, will he bring all the films with money."

"What if they trade in the embassy?"

"No, He Jian and the others are very smart. If the Americans put pressure on the Chongqing government, in order to please the Americans, I think they will send people to ambush, so He Jian will beware of this trick, he is like a kidnapper It is only reasonable to let Americans go to the designated place to trade."

"So we just have to follow them?"

"I've already sent people to watch over He Jian and Gao Han, we'll do it whenever we have the chance!" Qi Rui said,
"Very good, Mr. Kuike, we will be with you from now on!"

"There is no need to be together, because at this time tomorrow, He Jian will come to negotiate with the Americans. I will wait in advance to see the results of their negotiations, and then think of a way."

"Can't He Jian come and arrest him tomorrow?"

"Colonel Geer, He Jian certainly won't carry all the film on him, it's useless for you to catch him alone."

"Can't you use He Jian to threaten Gao Han?"

"If we do that, we probably won't get anything."


"Since He Jian and Gao Han have separated, this step has already been expected. When He Jian is detained, Gao Han will use the destruction of the film to threaten the Americans to release He Jian. The result is the same when we capture He Jian. When the time comes, we will do it for the film. We can only let He Jian go."

"Section Chief Kuike is very smart!" Geer said happily,

"I just know these Chinese people better!"

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Kuchi for your assistance. As long as you get the film, I will definitely give you a set of photos!" Geer promised. The possibility of getting the film is almost zero, and Geer is ready to directly snatch the film by force.

But the possibility of success by force is also very small. Now that Shunsuke Kuike is helping Geer, he really sees hope.

On the second day at the same time, He Jian appeared in the teahouse alone, and Hengdeli showed up on time with an interpreter.

"Mr. He Jian, we promise to give you 500 million US dollars! The money can be collected tomorrow."

"Very good! Then call me after you have collected all the money, and I will tell you where to trade!"

"Don't you send the film to the embassy?" Hendry asked.
"Mr. Hendry, if I come to the embassy to make a deal with you, I am looking for death. Don't worry, we are only here for money, otherwise we will not come to Chongqing all the way. As long as you bring money, we will definitely take it Films for you, because we want them to be of no use."

"Since it's useless..."

"Mr. Hendry, don't think too much. We are useless. The Germans, Japanese, and Soviets are useful. If they know that I am selling these films, they will give them 1000 million dollars even if they ask them. Why sell them? For you, it is because of Mr. Thomas' instructions during his lifetime."

"Okay, we understand, let's call tomorrow!"

This time the negotiation was very happy, He Jian turned around and left, and when he got off the teahouse, several plainclothes guarded him to leave.

Qi Rui came to Geer's car and said: "They have discussed it, the Americans will spend 500 million dollars to buy film!"

"We also talked to him, and we gave them 600 million!"

"Colonel Geer, He Jian said just now that these films will not be sold to you, Germany and Japan! Even if the Americans don't buy them, they will go to the Soviets."


"Thomas asked them not to sell it to you Germans even if they destroy it, because Thomas is a Jew! They won't sell it to us because we are Japanese."

"Then grab it!"

"Yes, we have only one way, grab it!"

"Grab while they're trading?"

"This is not necessarily true. Tomorrow we will keep an eye on He Jian. He should have all the films when he came out of the Jialing Hotel. We will take action as soon as we have the opportunity!"

"Okay! Listen to you."

"Geer, you don't need to bring so many people with you tomorrow. He Jian knows about you. First of all, you are too easy to expose. Second, I am worried that once He Jian finds out, he will mistake you for Americans and affect our actions."

"Then what if there are too many of them?"

"Colonel Geer, it seems that you have never experienced such a thing. If you proposed the transaction location, would you send someone to investigate in advance?"

"That's right, I will definitely send someone over there first to monitor."

"He Jian and the others will do it too. According to our follow-up and investigation in the past few days, there are only a dozen of them in and out. If we send out a few tomorrow, there will not be many people left around He Jian. We still have a chance at that time. "

"Section Chief Kuike! It's really thanks to you for coming this time. I didn't expect you to be so experienced."

"No, it's still the same sentence. I understand the Chinese way of thinking better."

"Then wish us success tomorrow!"

"It will definitely succeed!"

Geer took people back to the embassy, ​​Qi Rui turned a few corners and got into the car of the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian.


"Definitely hooked, let them watch the big show tomorrow!" Qi Rui said,
"Haha, Xiao Jiu, how about this trick?"

"It's so stable!"


The next day, Qi Rui brought eight spies and Geer together and came to Jialing Hotel to find the two spies sent before.

"Boss, six of them have already set off!" Rintaro Matsukawa said,

"How many are left?"

"There are four left."

"Is there only four left?"

"According to our investigation in the past few days, there are only ten of them. We have never been in the hotel. I don't know if there are any."

"It's best to only have these four, then we will be simple."

Qi Rui looked at his watch and asked, "Do they have a car?"

"There seems to be a car."

"Then they will definitely drive there, and you guys will follow on your bicycle later, and all of you will disperse! Remember not to shoot unless it is absolutely necessary."


The eight spies brought by Qi Rui all dispersed on bicycles. Geer took four shorter ones, wearing Chinese clothes and straw hats. I can't tell they are foreigners.

An hour later, driving a car from Jialing Hotel, Matsukawa Rintaro said in a low voice: "Boss, there are He Jian and Gao Han in the back seat, they are all here!"

"Great, this proves that the film is all on this car! Let's follow!" Qi Rui said excitedly,

Geer was also very excited, he immediately ordered to drive behind, and the rest of the spies followed on bicycles, and now they are all waiting for Shunsuke Kuike's order.

(End of this chapter)

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