Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 302 Shocking List

Chapter 302 Shocking List

When He Jian's car reached the first intersection, they saw more than a dozen military vehicles rushing out from the other three intersections. Hundreds of military policemen jumped out of the vehicles and aimed their submachine guns at He Jian's car.

An officer shouted into the car with a loudspeaker: "He Jian! You are already surrounded. Get out of the car and hand over what you have. We can let you go!"

"Don't come here! Or I'll burn them!" He Jian took out a cloth bag and held it high in one hand, with a lighter in the other.

"He Jian! If you dare to burn me, I will kill you!" the officer shouted,
"Call me the Americans!" He Jian shouted,
"He Jian, don't dream, the Americans won't come, don't be silly, give me the things quickly!"

"Nima! Master He has nothing to dare! Yankees are really dishonest! In this case, I will never let you get it even if I burn it!" He Jian lit the bag angrily,
"He Jian! You bastard! Do you really want to die!" The officer panicked when he saw this,
"Come on! Kill me!" The cloth bag in He Jian's hand started to burn, and as the fire got bigger and bigger, the film in the bag fell to the ground while burning.
Seeing this scene, Geer wanted to rush forward anxiously, but was stopped by Qi Rui and said: "Colonel Geer, don't get excited, I don't know if what he burned is real!"

"It must be true, otherwise He Jian is courting death!"

"If it's true, it's better than being acquired by the Americans. He Jian did a good job." Qi Rui said,
"Section Chief Kuike, are you crazy! Is this okay?"

"Colonel Geer, if He Jian doesn't burn these films in this situation, the Americans will definitely get them, and we will get nothing, so this result is the best for us."

"They can find a way to grab it if they get it!"

"Just us?"

"What are we still doing here?"

"Wait, let's see if what He Jian burned on the ground is a film of Thomas Notes!" Qi Rui said,
At this time, hundreds of gendarmes had already surrounded the two vehicles. He Jian and the others did not resist and were arrested. The officer stepped on the fire on the ground, but the flammable film had basically been burned.

The officer led the team and He Jian and the others left, and when everyone was gone, Qi Rui and Geer went over to pick up the remnants of the film and looked at it and said, "It should be Thomas' notes! Yankees are so stupid!"

"You mean the Yankees didn't want to make a deal with He Jian, they told the Chongqing government?"

"Sure, Colonel Geer, you should ask the people in the embassy to find out what's going on. I'll go first."

Qi Rui took Matsukawa Rintaro and the others away in frustration, and Geer also stomped back to the embassy.

Back at the stronghold, Qi Rui personally sent a report to Mieko Sakai about the situation here, and then cursed depressedly: "These stupid Yankees, can't they get 500 million!"

"Boss, there is nothing wrong with our actions this time. It is indeed the Americans who are to blame. Even if they do this at the trading location, why did they intercept it halfway?"

"You're right, how safe it is to make a move after the deal, why such a stupid choice to make a move in advance!"

"Boss, could it be that the Americans didn't raise enough money at all? Or maybe the Chinese were smart enough to stop it in advance. They probably didn't expect He Jian to burn the film."

"I really don't understand what these stupid guys are thinking. I'll go and find out. You should return to your original status and do what you should do. If I don't come back, I will go back to Shanghai, and you don't need to look for me."

Qi Rui left the stronghold and took a rickshaw to leave. After making sure no one was following him, he went back to Jialing Hotel to change into a lieutenant colonel's uniform and went to the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics.

Zheng Yaoxian had brought He Jian and Gao Han back, saw Qi Rui coming and asked, "Does Geer believe it?"

"I should believe it. Someone from the German embassy will come to inquire about this matter. When the time comes, just follow the script. Are He Jian and Gao Han okay?" Qi Rui asked,

"They're doing well."

"I have already sent a report to the special high school, and the matter of Thomas' notes should be considered over." Qi Rui said,
"Then you are going back to Shanghai?"

"I still have something to do, Sixth Brother, follow me to the director, and give me your opinion on this matter."

Director Dai saw Qi Rui and Zheng Yaoxian's smiles on their faces, let them sit on the sofa and said, "Lao Liu, Xiao Jiu, you did a very good job this time, this is your reward!"

Dai said, pushing the six large yellow croakers in front of the two of them and said: "This time you have made a great contribution. The American embassy is very grateful to you, and the principal also appreciates you very much, especially Xiaojiu. This time the contribution is outstanding. Ben I intend to promote you to colonel, but your fourth brother and sixth brother have not been promoted yet, so don’t worry, I promise to promote you to colonel within this year.”

"Director, I don't care about these things. Even if you treat me as a general now, I won't be able to make a name for myself, because I'm going back to Shanghai soon, and that's my battlefield!"

"When are you going to leave?"

"Leave in these two days, Director, I have something very important to tell you."

"Is there anything else important?"

"Yes, now the Japanese cabinet is promoting a plan to support the new government, and they have already identified candidates."

"Do you know who it is!?"

"It's Wang Jingwei."

"No way!" Dai was startled when he heard that,
"Director, I know it's hard to believe, but it's absolutely true. I'm here to pick up two people."


"Luo Junqiang, Secretary of the Colonel of the Fourth Group in the Second Division of the Attendant's Office, and Cai Guangyuan, Major General of the Fourth Department of the Ministry of National Defense."

"Are they all traitors?"

"It's a sure thing. Shigeharu Matsumoto asked me to pick them up to Shanghai. After they go, they should work in the reform government first to prepare for the new government."

"These bastards, I will send someone to arrest them immediately!"

"Director! Don't be impulsive. Give these two people to me. I promise to kill them, but you have to let me take them back to Shanghai for business!"

"I was confused just now, Xiao Jiu, you said that Wang Jingwei would seek refuge with the devils, are you sure about this news?"

"Not only him, but also Zhou Fohai, Yang Siping, Chen Gongbo and others!"

Hearing the names of these people, Dai really couldn't believe it. These are all important officials of the party, state, military and government, but when Xiaojiu's intelligence went wrong, he had no idea what to do, because the impact was too great.

"Director, you don't need to be so shocked. I just remembered the names of these main characters. I will do my best to investigate who else is." Qi Rui said,
"Xiao Jiu! This matter is of great importance, you must not make mistakes!"

"Director, even if I have a hundred heads, I wouldn't dare to slander these people."

(End of this chapter)

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