Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 304 The Crazy Wang Tianfeng

Chapter 304 The Crazy Wang Tianfeng
Knowing that Qi Rui is Zheng Yaoxian's sworn brother, He Jian and Gao Han understand why Zheng Yaoxian is so good at Qi Rui, even when they were in Shanghai.

"Where's the beauty you're talking about?" Gao Han asked,

"Sixth Brother, where's Ouyang He?"

"She is at work, I called her, and we will have dinner together at night." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"Ninth brother, do you want to call Yu Xiaowan and Zhang Li?" Song Xiaoan asked,
"It's better not to bark, Yu Xiaowan is a pampered young lady, and Zhang Li doesn't like such occasions very much." Now that he has seen them and knows what they look like, Qi Rui's curiosity is not so serious. How their stories develop in the future depends on how this parallel world is arranged.

Tan Lin doesn't like to talk and helps Brother Six with work,
"Xiao Jiu, when are you going to take care of your business?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"Go tonight, you wait for my news."

"Do you need someone to accompany you?"

"No, they should be more at ease if I go by myself."

"But if you take them away alone, they may be worried. You also need to have followers."

"Tan Lin, Gao Han, and He Jian after makeup is enough."

"But what if someone from the Shanghai Super High School picks up the station?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"Don't worry, brother six. I will inform the super high school when I arrive in Shanghai. Tan Lin, Gao Han and He Jian will separate from me in Hong Kong."

"This is the best." Zheng Yaoxian said to the three people after finishing speaking: "Don't talk too much when the three of you follow."

"Don't worry, Brother Six."

In the evening, Ouyang He drove to the restaurant that Zheng Yaoxian mentioned, and she was a little bit reluctant when she knew that Qi Rui was going to leave. She really hoped to stay with Qi Rui for a while, so that she could win over him, because Ouyang He always felt that Qi Rui was going to leave. Rui will become his comrade.

Qi Rui didn't say goodbye to everyone at the wine table, because he didn't know when he would leave, and maybe he would have a chance to eat and drink together.

At about the same time, Qi Rui changed into casual clothes and returned to Luo Junqiang's home. When he knew that the visitor was Japanese, the traitor immediately brought Shunsuke Jiuchi to the study.

"Are you Major Hisaike Shunsuke?"

"Did you receive the news that I'm coming?" From this, Qi Rui confirmed that there are people from Matsumoto Shigeharu in Chongqing, and he had already had this idea when he arranged for people to deliver materials and equipment to various cities.

"Yes, Mr. Shigeharu Matsumoto sent us a telegram, saying that Shao Zuo Kuike came to help us in person. I am really grateful!" Luo Junqiang bowed and thanked,

"Luo Jun! You are welcome, you are a friend of our imperial army, I should come to pick you up and your family." Qi Rui can't ask who informed him now,

"It seems that you have already arranged it?"

"It is true that the arrangements are almost done. I will spend a lot of money to charter a plane to Kunming. We will go to Kunming first and then go to Hong Kong. I am here to confirm the number of you and your family."

"Only my wife and I have two children, the youngest is seventeen, the oldest is nineteen, a boy and a girl, they will not hold back."

"Get ready, don't bring anything you don't need, and pack as lightly as possible."

"Can you give me three days to prepare?"

"Luo Sang, I will call you when we leave, but if there is a plane tomorrow, then we will leave tomorrow! You must be mentally prepared."

"Yes! I'm ready."

Qi Rui went to Cai Guangyuan's house without stopping. He heard that Shigeharu Matsumoto had sent him. The traitor also knew in advance that someone would come to pick him up. There are ten people in the two families.

In two days, Qi Rui chartered a plane to Kunming with the assistance of Dai An. Before boarding the plane, under Qi Rui's order, Gao Han and He Jian searched the bodies and luggage of all the people who got on the plane, and they were very Be careful, even the coldness on the little girl's body is not spared.

Luo Junqiang and Cai Guangyuan asked in displeasure, "Master Jiuchi, what do you mean?"

Qi Rui ignored their displeasure and said, "I'm sorry, I'm doing this for the safety of all of us. When we arrive in Shanghai safely, I will apologize to you in front of President Matsumoto!"

Qi Rui asked these two people if they had any important information, and they said no, so Qi Rui asked Gao Han and He Jian to search carefully. After searching, they really didn't find anything. Basically money and some clothes.

Qi Rui took them to Hong Kong for six days, and it was already August [-], [-]. Qi Rui stayed in Hong Kong for a day. After buying gifts, he said to Tan Lin: "Old Tan, after you follow He Jian and Gao Han to Shanghai, go to the Shenghui car dealership in the French Concession to find Su Wenqian and Tang Ling, and you will wait for me at the dealership."

"Ninth brother, the director has issued a hunting order, what if someone on board assassinates you?" Tan Lin asked worriedly,

"Don't worry, I can handle it even with me, but you will be worried if you follow me. What if the devil knows which ship I'm on and finds out what you will do."

"I listen to Brother Jiu."

"Bring this box back for me!" Qi Rui gave Tan Lin some money,

"He Jian, girl Gao Han, do you have anything else to do?"

"Ninth Brother, take care! See you in Shanghai."

Two days later, Qi Rui brought Luo Junqiang's family and Cai Guangyuan's family to Shanghai. At the pier, Qi Rui first called Matsumoto Shigeharu: "President Matsumoto, I have brought Luo Junqiang and Cai Guangyuan's family to Shanghai safely. Where are you going?"

"Master Kuchi! Have you arrived in Shanghai yet?" Shigeharu Matsumoto asked unexpectedly.

"Yes, just got off the boat."

"how many people?"

"There are ten people in the two families!"

"I'll take someone over to pick it up right away, and Section Chief Kuike will wait for me for a while."

"Yes! President Matsumoto."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Rui called the Teyi Section. Half an hour later, Song Jian and Tang Rui arrived by car. They ran to Shunfu Jiuchi: "Section Chief! You are finally back!"

Qi Rui patted the shoulders of the two of them affectionately and asked, "How are you doing during the month I've been away?"

"Chairman, we're fine! There's nothing serious about the special first class, but Section Chief Sakai and Section Chief Aoki are struggling right now." Song Jian said,
"What happened to them?"

"Half a month ago, there were continuous assassination and sabotage activities. Several military officers and pro-Japanese people were killed. These killers were very crazy, and they didn't care about the people around them when they were assassinating."

"Regardless of the common people?" Qi Rui thought to himself after hearing this: Wang Tianfeng!It can't be you!
"Yes, more than half of the assassination incidents are in public places. Every time there are civilian casualties, these killers are just like on the battlefield. They use grenades and bombs without any scruples."

What makes Qi Rui gratified is that the previous teachings to them have played a role, and they have the meaning of condemning what they said for causing innocent casualties.

(End of this chapter)

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