Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 305 This is just the beginning

Chapter 305 This is just the beginning

I knew before that Wang Tianfeng did things to achieve his goals at all costs, but is this too much, Qi Rui asked calmly: "Did the poisonous bee do it?"

"It's him. This person's code name is Venomous Bee, and his subordinates are even more crazy."

"I'll talk about it when I go back!"

It took Shigeharu Matsumoto a while to arrive. He was really enthusiastic about Luo Junqiang and Cai Guangyuan. Qi Rui went over to him and said, "President Matsumoto, I have something to do, so I will leave first. I will visit you tomorrow when I have time!"

"Oh, Major Kuchi! Hurry up and get busy! Thank you for bringing Luo Jun and Cai Jun back safely! Come to the news agency to find me when you are not busy." In the eyes of Matsumoto Shigeharu, Kuchi Shunsuke has made great contributions , because he had seen the pursuit in Chongqing a few days ago, and the spies and killers from all over the place were looking for them, but he didn't want them to arrive safely so soon.

"Hay! Farewell."

Qi Rui left in a hurry, and Matsumoto Shigeharu sighed: "Ms. Jiuchi Shunsuke is the head of the special high school. He was very busy, but because Prime Minister Konoe valued Luo Jun and Cai Jun very much, so he sent a special His student, Section Chief Jiuchi, will personally pick you up in Chongqing!"

"Shao Zuo Kuike was originally a student of Prime Minister Konoe!? His ability is really strong. You must know that it is very difficult to charter a plane in Chongqing. Sometimes it is impossible to do it even if you have money, but Section Chief Kuike It’s done! It’s really amazing.” Luo Junqiang and Cai Guangyuan quickly praised,
Shunsuke Kuike did not wrong his family along the way, except for the body search, but now they have understood and have no intention of mentioning this to Shigeharu Matsumoto.

"Let's go back to the accommodation we arranged for you first. The children should be very tired."

Qi Rui returned to the special high school and went directly to Mieko Sakai's office.

"Kuichi-kun!" Mieko Sakai shouted when he saw Shunsuke Kuike stand up,
"Section Chief Sakai, I heard from Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yuu that a lot of things happened in the days when I left?"

"Yes, the poisonous bee, the station chief of the Military Command Shanghai Station, is a lunatic. He carried out six assassinations within ten days, and all the targets were killed! Now some pro-Japanese Chinese are afraid to go out. "Sakai Mieko said angrily,
"Did he only assassinate pro-Japanese Chinese?"

"Assassinated several of our agents as well, and he put in the papers saying this was just the beginning."

"So arrogant?"

"Yes, very arrogant!"

"Are there any rules about where the crime was committed?"

Mieko Sakai pointed to a picture and a map on a blackboard and said, "It's all here. There is no fixed point for their crimes. They seem to do it when they encounter it."

After reading it, Qi Rui said: "Don't do it when you encounter it, but do it when you have the opportunity!"

"Jiuchi-kun, you are finally back, and we still need to rely on you to deal with these people."

"Where's Yunzi?"

"She went to Peking on a business trip."

"Section Chief Sakai, give me all the information about poisonous bees. I'll go back and take a good look. We'll discuss it tomorrow."

Mieko Sakai gave the information at hand to Shunsuke Kuike and said, "Mr. Kuchi, go back and have a good rest. Catching poisonous bees is not something that can be done in a day or two."

Qi Rui drove home and Fu Yingxue was not there. Qi Rui looked at his watch and it was only after two o'clock in the afternoon, so he drove to the French Concession. Come back, and then go to Chi Tiecheng's cake shop.

"Brother Jiu, you're finally back!" Chi Tiecheng and Song Mian all came over to the cake shop as there was no one there.

"Well, how are you doing these days?"

"Ninth Brother, we are living a good life, but recently there have been a lot of reports about poisonous bees in the newspapers. Now devils and traitors are looking for him everywhere."

"Bake me a cake." Qi Rui's face was a little dignified, he had to meet Wang Tianfeng, if you kill someone, kill him, why bother innocent people, he really is a lunatic.

Qi Rui just came to take a look. Seeing that they were all well, he told them to take the cake and leave.

Chi Tiecheng said to Song Mian: "Brother Jiu seems to be angry with that poisonous bee."

"It should be because the poisonous bees hurt their compatriots."

"Sometimes accidental injury is inevitable, or those who were killed or injured were also traitors." Chi Tiecheng said,

"Don't say that, brother Jiu will be unhappy when he hears it." Song Mian said when he didn't agree with the action, hurt innocent,
Qi Rui went to the car dealership for a while, told Tang Ling and Su Wenqian that Tan Lin would come, and called home when he arrived.

When she came to Zhuang Xiaoman's house, when she saw Qi Rui, she threw herself into her arms: "Brother Nine, you're finally back!"

"The cake I bought for you, and a beautiful dress for you in Hong Kong, will be delivered to you when it arrives in two days."

"Thank you Brother Nine!" Qi Rui had himself in his heart, and Zhuang Xiaoman was very happy.

"Xiaoman, has the poisonous bee contacted you?"

"No, but he and his people have been doing a lot of actions recently, and every time they make a lot of noise."

"Do you know how to contact him?"

"Yes, you want me to contact him?"

"Help me contact him, and he will decide the time and place to meet."

"Brother Nine, do you dislike his behavior?"

"If he does this, he will only use the Japanese as a negative teaching material. This will not benefit him at all, because the Chinese will also hate them if they do this. If they are not careful, they will be reported as thugs."

"Okay, Brother Nine, I'll contact him right away."

"Xiaoman, what's the matter with you?"

"Brother Nine, I was just about to tell you that Chairman Ming Jingming came to me and said that he would continue to cooperate with me."

"Then cooperate with her." After hearing this, Qi Rui thought to himself: "Miss Ming Jing, you have finally enlightened. It seems that Uncle Li's ideological work is very successful."

"Miss Mingjing also asked you if you are the head of the super-high class."

"I won't have any contact with her. You just need to cooperate with her. Der Spiegel will try to help her with everything she wants, but beware of the people in Secret Service Headquarters."

"Ninth brother, when did you come back?"

"It's not long since I got off the boat, and the ground is still shaking when I walk on it. Xiaoman, call me if you have any news, and I'll leave first."

Qi Rui didn't go to the pharmacy, but went home directly. He carefully read the information of the poisonous bee, only to find that the injured Chinese received good treatment, and it was still from the Secret Service Headquarters.

"Fuck! Is this buying people's hearts? No way, how could these grandsons have such good intentions? Could it be that these dead and injured people were spies or informants from the Secret Service Headquarters?"

"It looks like I'm going to meet the poisonous bee. It's too dangerous to make such a fuss. No matter how powerful you are, Wang Tianfeng, you are not a fairy."

After reading the materials, I was about to call Fu Yingxue when the door opened and she had already returned by car.

Fu Yingxue saw a car in the yard, she trotted to the living room, and saw Qi Rui was waiting for her with open arms.

"Mr. Jiuchi!" Fu Yingxue threw herself into Qi Rui's arms with a cheer.

"Yami, do you miss me?" Qi Rui asked Fu Yingxue as he walked around in his arms,

"Of course I did!"

"Uh uh uh...hahahaha... Shao Zuo Jiuchi is so happy!" The disgusting laughter came from the yard,

(End of this chapter)

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