Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 307 The Madman Has a Bottom Line

Chapter 307 The Madman Has a Bottom Line
If you don't want to see it, you won't see it, grass!As long as you little devils are in China for one day, this armed attack will never stop.

Qi Rui left the consulate and drove to the Tongmeng News Agency. He still had to ask Shigeharu Matsumoto to reimburse him for the money for renting the plane.

"Shao Zuo Kuike! You did a good job this time. Prime Minister Konoe already knows it, and I praise you very much. Shao Zuo Kuike, keep working hard. I believe you will be promoted again soon." Shigeharu Matsumoto saw Jiuchi Chi Junfu praised,

"The students are very ashamed for not being able to complete the task of capturing the film this time!" Qi Rui apologized.

"I have heard about the specific situation. This matter is beyond your control. If the film is not available to the Americans, it is already a victory."

"President Matsumoto, how are Luo Junqiang and Cai Guangyuan doing now?"

"They have already taken the train to Nanjing, and the Prime Minister sent people to prepare their residences in Nanjing, and they have also been given jobs."

"President Matsumoto, I used Polaris' activity funds to rent planes for them..."

"I know this. You can go to Tanaka Zhengxian for reimbursement. The cabinet will allocate the money to him."

"President Matsumoto, is there anything else you can order?"

"Major Jiuchi, have you seen the twins?"

"See, they haven't been reused yet, so some things can't let them do it yet."

"Well, you're right, but you still have to urge them to work hard to be reused as soon as possible, so that they can get the information we want."

"Yes, I have told them."

"If you have nothing to do, Major Jiuchi, go back first. You must have missed a lot of work because you haven't been in the special high school for more than a month."

"Yes, I'm going to investigate the poisonous bee now."

"Well, I will help you crack down on the military command Shanghai station led by this poisonous bee as soon as possible."

"President Matsumoto also has his own subordinates in Chongqing, is there no news about the poisonous bee?"

"They are not as powerful as you think, but they are just reporters in disguise. How could they come into contact with such top-secret information."

"I will urge the twins."

Qi Rui returned to the special high school and took Song Jian and Tang Rui to drive to the Secret Service Headquarters. He wanted to find out whether the lunatic Wang Tianfeng really had no bottom line.

"Section Chief Jiuchi is back! Thank you for your hard work!" Ding Mocun and Bi Zhongliang all came out to greet him,

"Is Director Li's injury better?"

"Thank you, Section Chief Jiuchi, for your concern. He can walk around now."

"Very good, let him recuperate well."

"Yes! On behalf of Director Li, I thank Section Chief Jiuchi for his concern."

"I've come to ask about the poisonous bee case."

"Section Chief Kuike, please come to the office, and I will explain it to you in detail."

When he came to the office in Dingmo Village, he took some materials and handed them to Shunsuke Kuchi who was sitting on the sofa: "Section Chief Kuchi, according to our investigation, the poisonous bee is hiding in the French Concession, and his more capable subordinates are not There are many, about six or seven people, but these people's mobility is not bad, and we are one step short of catching them every time."

"I heard that your secret service headquarters also helped to heal the injured civilians?"

"It's not the common people. They are all our informants. That's why I wonder why the poisonous bee knows the secret information of my secret service headquarters."

"Is Director Ding suspicious of me again?"

Ding Mocun hurriedly bowed and said fearfully: "No! My subordinates dare not! The person who leaked the news should be someone from our Secret Service Headquarters. I am investigating."

"Do you have any suspects?"

"There are not many people who know about our secret information. I have investigated everything but found nothing, because no one who knows is likely to leak it."

"Director Ding, if you can't find it, I'll help you find it!"

"Sure! Section Chief Jiuchi is an expert in traces and has rich experience. If you can help us find out the inner ghost, the Secret Service Headquarters will be grateful to you."

"Don't give me a high hat. I'm not familiar with the people in your Secret Service Headquarters. It will be very difficult to investigate. You still need to investigate this matter yourself. If you really can't find out, I will take a look."

A few people flashed through Qi Rui's mind, Feng Manna, Lan Rouge, Tang Shanhai, Zhou Yuhao, could not be Lan Rouge, the most likely one was Tang Shanhai who had just sneaked in, followed by Feng Manna, she was of little use during this time, Dai It is very likely that she will be assigned to Wang Tianfeng to manage, because she has been in the secret service headquarters for a long time, and now she is the captain of the second operation team.

"Section Chief Kuike, do you have any news about the poisonous bee?"

"I went to Chongqing, but I didn't find any information about the poisonous bee, and the God of Killing. The same is true for the Judgment Team."

"Mr. Jiuchi was away for more than a month, so he went to Chongqing. It was really hard."

"Did you find out that the poisonous bee was hiding in the French Concession?"

"Ashamed, that's all we know so far. The strength of this poisonous bee is far beyond our imagination."

"Who is there now?"

"Captain Bi took people out, and everyone else is here."

"Take me to see them."

"Section Chief Jiuchi, please!" Ding Mocun was very sensible, and the first person he met with Shunsuke Jiuchi was Wang Manchun.

"Hello, Mr. Jiuchi!" Wang Manchun stood at attention and shouted respectfully.
Qi Rui asked Ding Mocun directly: "Director Ding, how is Captain Wang doing recently?"

"Okay! Very good, women don't give way to their eyebrows, most of the men in the team can't compare to her, and she was the one who led the team and almost caught the poisonous bee twice."

"Captain Wang! Is that so?"

"Report to Section Chief Kuike, yes, the subordinates will definitely work hard next time, and strive to catch the poisonous bee to win glory for the section chief!"

"Very good, I am very relieved! Go back and take it to your uncle. I will be free in two days and treat you to dinner."

"Thank you, Section Chief!" Wang Manchun knew that it was Shunsuke Kuchi who helped him consolidate his position in the Secret Service Headquarters.
Ding Mocun took him to meet Feng Manna and Zhou Yuhao again. One of them was the captain and the other was the vice-captain. This was arranged by Takeshige Aoki.

Afterwards, Qi Rui went to the telecommunications department, and Lan Rouge is now the deputy chief of the telecommunications department.

"Section Chief Lan! Are you okay?"

"Section Chief Jiuchi! Why haven't I seen you for so long?" Lan Rouge asked with a smile,

"Section Chief Lan! Why are you so rude?" Ding Mocun reminded,
Qi Rui waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, Section Chief Lan is my student, it seems that she is doing very well."

"Yes, Section Chief Lan is indeed very good. He helped us decipher some telegrams."

"Very good, Chief Lan, I invite you to dinner tomorrow night, please don't refuse."

"Why would I refuse the teacher's treat, just the two of us?"

"Of course not, and my wife Masami Aoyama."

"Really, I haven't seen Sister Yami for a long time, okay! See you tomorrow."

"You come directly to my house tomorrow, and I will ask Masami to cook your favorite Japanese food."

"Great! Thank you, Mr. Kuike."

(End of this chapter)

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