Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 308 You Will Be Lost

Chapter 308 You Will Have Nothing
Ding Mocun earlier thought that Shunfu Jiuchi was coveting the beauty of the two girls, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, because when he invited the two girls to dinner, he also invited other people to be present.

Qi Rui stayed at the Secret Service Headquarters for a while before driving back to the Special High School, and first went to Tanaka Masaken to reimburse the money and travel expenses for renting the plane.

Masanori Tanaka was very happy, and after signing, he asked: "Mr. Jiuchi, has the Polaris group work in Chongqing started?"

"Very good. They have entered the state and go out to investigate every day. I have seen their records are very detailed. I believe that they will play a huge role on that day." Qi Rui said,
"Very good, but many people on your side miss you."

"Could it be Teacher Konoe?"

"Not only the Prime Minister Konoe, but Kagesa Sakiaki also praised you very much. Although you failed to produce the film this time, from the moment you quickly discovered Thomas' residence and found the remnants of the notes, to capturing Johnson, After arriving in Chongqing, you were able to find He Jian and Gao Han in the first time, and cooperated with Geer smartly. This fully shows that you are extremely intelligent. We just lacked a little bit of luck this time. Shao Zuo Jiuchi, keep up the good work, yours The future is limitless!"

Masanori Tanaka also began to get close to Shunsuke Kuike, because he found that the people who followed Shunsuke Kuike were all big figures. Although Kagesa Haruaki had the same rank as himself, he should be promoted to major general soon. Said that he was already preparing to come to Shanghai to set up a Mei organization to support the new government.

By that time, the cooperation between Akira Kagesa and Shunsuke Kuike will definitely be indispensable, so it is better to have a good relationship with Shunsuke Kuike from now on.

"Thank you, Colonel Tanaka, for your encouragement and praise. This subordinate will definitely work hard and never disappoint your expectations!"

Qi Rui went back to Haruko Matsubara in the first class and reported: "Section Chief Jiuchi, a person named Tang Ling called just now and said he was in a hurry."

"Thank you! Miss Haruko."

Qi Rui returned to the office and immediately called the car dealer: "Mr. Tang, what happened?"

"Jiuchi Taijun, one of our brothers surnamed Tan was arrested by the patrol room, and they insisted that he was a thief."

"Is it our informant?"

"Yes, he is really not a thief, he just brought a box for someone."

"I'll be right there." Tan Lin was holding a box full of women's clothes, probably because the inspectors who came to the French Concession for inspection found him suspicious.

"Chairman, did something happen?" Song Jian asked,
"It's nothing, you stay and watch! I'll go out for a while."

Qi Rui drove directly to Xian Lesi by himself, Liu Rusi saw him rushing to entertain him, Qi Rui asked, "Where is the boss?"

"He's in the police office."

"Call him and tell him I have something to do with him."

After more than half an hour, Xiaolin Xiaolin came rushing over: "Section Chief Jiuchi, when did you come back?"

"Know that I'm on business?"

"Of course, I went to the special high school to look for you, and Taijun Shifang Tongxing said that you left Shanghai for business."

"Yes, I didn't have time to tell you because I left in a hurry, sorry, I'll ask Boss Huang to come over later, what do you think?"

"Thank you so much! It's a pleasure to cooperate with Section Chief Hisaike."

"One of my informants was caught by you as a thief."

"Ah? Who caught it? Let's see if I fire him!"

"It's not a problem, just let it go!"

"What's his name, and where is he locked up?"

"Miss Liu, go call Shenghui Automobile and ask Boss Tang to come over."

Liu Rusi went to make a call, and soon Tang Ling arrived.

"Mr. Material, this is Boss Tang Lingtang who helped me manage Shenghui's car. Please take care of me in the future!"


"Tang Jun, tell Mr. Material who has been arrested."

"It's a brother from the car dealership. The General Bureau of Police and Police asked me to bring 5000 yuan to redeem him. I don't have that much money."

"Section Chief Jiuchi, Boss Tang, please wait for me a moment, I'll make a call right now."

"Boss, it's so troublesome to call, just take Boss Tang to pick him up, and don't make things difficult for people, just pay attention next time."

"Section Chief Jiuchi is right, I will take Boss Tang there."

After Xiaolin left with Tang Ling, Qi Rui went to call Huang Jinrong himself: "Master, I'm Qi Rui."

"Section Chief Kuike! Are you back?"

"I came back yesterday, master, do you have time now?"

"If Mr. Kuike has something to do, I will definitely have time."

"Then come to Ciro's in the French Concession, I'll wait for you here."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Xiaolin brought Tan Lin out when he arrived at the police station, and Tang Ling took Tan Lin back to the car dealership.

When Xiaolin returned to Xairus, he found several cars parked at the door, and when he entered, he saw Huang Jinrong and several youth gang bosses joking with Shunsuke Kuchi.

"Mr. Material! Come and sit!" Huang Jinrong was actually very familiar with Xiaolin Liu. He was originally the chief inspector of the French Concession Police Department, but Xiaolin was only his subordinate.

"Boss Huang! Hello, bosses!"

"I heard from Section Chief Kuchi that you also want local medicine?" Huang Jinrong asked,
"Yeah, didn't all the money I collected before was stolen, and I haven't found any clues after searching for so long."

"Boss material, you are luckier than that ghost Zhang Xiaolin, so you are also a blessed person! Good days are yet to come!"

"I still have to rely on the support of the bosses!"

"We have to give the face of Section Chief Jiuchi, but there are rules in our business. The most taboo is the white wolf with empty gloves, but we allow you to mortgage some things for the sake of Section Chief Jiuchi, which is a symbolic , For example, if you mortgage Cirrus and your real estate to me, I will give you the goods, and then you can exchange them for money and give them to me. I will not ask you for half a cent of interest. Let's write it clearly in black and white. ?"

"Thank you Boss Huang, this is too much face, just follow what Boss Huang said." Xiaolin Xiao immediately agreed, mortgaged the real estate and Xylos have nothing to do with it, as long as you have the goods in hand, you can earn back the money soon.

In front of several bigwigs, Liu Xiaolin mortgaged the real estate and shares of Xian Lesi to Huang Jinrong.

Seeing Xiao Xiaolin's happy signature and fingerprint, Qi Rui smiled secretly: "You dog, you will have nothing." He said, "Mr. Material, I've finished what I promised you, and I'll take my leave if I still have something to do."

"Don't go, Mr. Kuike, I'll treat you tonight..."

"I really have something to do, let's talk about it another day." After Qi Rui finished speaking, he said to Huang Jinrong: "Master, I'm leaving first, call me if you have anything to do."

It's perfunctory with other Japanese, but I am still very grateful to this Toshisuke Kuike, Jin Rong, especially because he introduced himself to Satomi Fu and got the general distribution rights of opium, and then he gave him enough opium by one mouthful and one master. To save his own face, he said, "Section Chief Jiuchi, someday I have time to go to Rongshe."

"Okay, master, I will see my wife in two days."

(End of this chapter)

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