Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 313 You Are Really Crazy

Chapter 313 You Are Really Crazy

Wang Tianfeng didn't all point at Killing God, and Qi Rui didn't point at Poisonous Bee either. Both of them were plotting to assassinate Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun. Relatively speaking, Qi Rui was more confident. War criminals can be killed, let alone these traitors.

On the evening of August [-]th, John Lee appeared again at Jardine & Co., and Kai Ziwei finally met the senior intelligence dealer who had been waiting for several months.

"Mr. Li! I'm finally looking forward to you."

"I came here just after arriving in Shanghai, so I knew you wanted to see me very much." Qi Rui said with a smile,

"Do you have any top-secret information?"

"Mr. Keziwei, I have more than one piece of information you need here. I will charge you a total of 20 pounds. As a senior intelligence officer of the British Secret Service, you should get back some decent intelligence, right?"

"As long as there is enough value, money is not a problem!" Because he was very satisfied with the previous two cooperations, Kaiziwei still believed in Mr. John Lee, and if the information was not of that value, he would not be able to take the money.

"Then you prepare, and help me get the equipment and raw materials on this list. It's easy to talk about intelligence."

Kaiziwei took the list and looked at it. These are not special equipment. There are more than a dozen kinds and a lot of raw materials. It may take at least two months to get them all. He said: "Mr. Li, you want so many equipment and materials. What does the material do?"

"A friend of mine asked for this. One of the information I gave you was provided by him, so I have to help him get all the things he wants."

"Okay, I promise you, but these devices need to be shipped to you from the UK, and it will take two months at the earliest."

"Okay, then two months."

"Mr. Li, but I want information now."

"I said, as long as you can afford the money, I will naturally give you the information you want."

"Okay, I trust you, Mr. Li, so how about our deal tomorrow?"

"Yes, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

John Lee was gone, and Kai Ziwei immediately started raising money.

At this time, Qi Rui came to Kaiziwei to ask for equipment and materials, and now he had to transform a handy weapon for Jellyfish, Muyu and others.

Changing from John Lee to God of Killing, Qi Rui came to the wonton stand again, and Wang Tianfeng was slowly drinking wontons in a corner. Zhuang Xiaoman had informed Qi Rui that the Venomous Bee wanted to see him during the day.

"The deeds of the Desheng Building that were originally scheduled were temporarily changed to the Huamao Hotel, so we had to stop the action." Qi Rui explained to Wang Tianfeng,

"It's okay, it's normal. I came here to discuss something with you." Wang Tianfeng finished speaking and asked, "Did you bring any money?"

"You didn't bring any money?"

"I have no money to take with me."

"Don't you have any money?"

"The application has not yet arrived, and now we almost have no money for meals."

"Then I'll help you earn some, do you need it?"

"Okay! Don't look at me like a businessman, but I really don't know how to make money. If Shashen can help with some funds, Mr. Wang will be very grateful!"

"That's easy to say, when the time comes, you just do what I say, and I guarantee you a small fortune."

"I like to hear the word getting rich, but compared to this, I prefer the traitors like Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun to die! So I devised an assassination plan. Didn't you say that you must tell you about the missions that require your assistance?"

Qi Rui looked around and saw that there was no one around. The boss who bought the wontons was more than ten meters away, and said, "Tell me first."

It seemed that Wang Tianfeng was hungry, and he told Killing God about his plan in detail while drinking three bowls of wontons, and then asked, "What do you think of my plan?"

"Isn't it too dangerous for you to use yourself as bait?"

"I don't want my children to be caught by wolves, and my wife can't catch a gangster. I, the poisonous bee, am willing to be a bait to lure Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun to death. As long as I can kill them, the sacrifice is worth it!"

Qi Rui sighed softly: "You are really crazy."

"Aha, you actually know my nickname, who told you?"

"Brother Six told me."

"Few people in the Military Control Bureau know about me. The sixth son, Zheng Yaoxian, is indeed one of them. He was the one I was most unconvinced before, but I heard that he killed Prince Guizi when he was in Shanghai. Several generals and junior officers are still in full view. It's been more than a month since I killed Li Demao, a traitorous dog, and you see I didn't even kill a junior officer! How can I compare with others!"

"A good guy with three gangs, Brother Six didn't do it by himself, so I'll help you think about your plan, and I think it will be successful."

"hope so."

"Is there anyone in the military commander you admire?"

"Yes, I admire the director."

"Is there no one else besides the chief?"

"I still admire a person whose codename is Viper!"

Qi Rui laughed secretly after hearing this: So you admire Minglou, and asked: "You are a poisonous bee, he is a poisonous snake, do you hear the code name that you two are together?"

"We worked together, and he gave me the nickname Madman."

"It seems that he knows you very well. I think this nickname is very good."

"The boss is going to close the stall. Let's find a place to have a good chat. Today we talked about everything." After Wang Tianfeng finished speaking, he stood up and stretched his waist.
Qi Rui paid the money and went to the car to get some money, then followed Wang Tianfeng to find a place, Wang Tianfeng asked: "I have already told you about this plan, how many people do you think it takes to complete it?"

"I'll think about your plan, and I'll tell you how many people you need in two days."

"I only have two subordinates left now, so I plan to use myself as a bait for this plan."

Qi Rui said without thinking: "Yes!"

"Are you sure?" If Wang Tianfeng were to implement the plan he designed, he would need at least 40 to [-] people, because Dingmo Village would definitely bring in a lot of people.


"Hey! The poisonous snake doesn't dare to call me by my nickname like that! You're so easy to call me."

"It makes you feel close."

"Okay! As long as I can kill Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, you can call me a fool."

"It's a compliment for me to call you a lunatic. I heard that you killed ordinary people and I wanted to settle accounts with you. Later, after investigation, it was found that you killed an informant from the Secret Service Headquarters, so you, a lunatic with a bottom line, are still very flattering. I like it." Qi Rui smiled.
Wang Tianfeng found that the Killing God seemed to be able to find out everything, and asked, "Is that so, I am still very honored, Killing God, have you not been in Shanghai for more than a month?"

Qi Rui didn't answer him and said: "I'll tell you a way to make money now, we anti-Japanese heroes can't go hungry."

"any solution?"

"Do you know Xiaolin, the general manager of the French Concession?"


"This person mortgaged Cirrus and the real estate to Huang Jinrong. If he wants to get some opium from him and sell it, do I need to continue?"

(End of this chapter)

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