Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 314 Information about the fate of the country

Chapter 314 Information about the fate of the country

Qi Rui originally planned to ask Song Mian's team to do this, but seeing that Wang Tianfeng is so pitiful now, he planned to find a reason to support them with some funds. In many cases, money can not only make ghosts grind, but also save lives. Absolutely not without money.

"You mean to ask me to bring someone to snatch his opium and sell it?" Wang Tianfeng frowned and asked,
"Do you still have an opium market?"

"How is this possible, I never touch these harmful things."

"So, now you have two ways to make money. One is to ask Xiao Xiaolin to sell the opium and you go grab the money. This may take a long time. The other way is to destroy the opium and get a bonus. You choose which one?"

"Destroy the opium and get a bonus!" Wang Tianfeng said without thinking,
"You don't even ask how much the bonus is?"

"No matter how much it is, this kind of money is comfortable to spend. The money obtained from selling opium is obtained by cheating and harming others. I, Wang Tianfeng, don't want to take it."

Qi Rui smiled approvingly: "Okay, the bonus will be doubled for you!"

"How much is double?"

"A bonus of 50.00% of the total value of opium!" Qi Rui is rich, and after destroying the [-]% shares of the opium Cirrus in the hands of Liu Xiaolin, Huang Jinrong got the real estate of Xiaolin, so he took advantage of it .

"Okay, this matter is very simple, when the time comes, tell me where the opium is, and I will take someone to destroy it myself."

"Then do you have anything else to do?"

"I will hear your letter in two days."

"Well, two days later, at eight o'clock in the evening, we will meet here."


"Wait a minute, the money will be used by you first." Qi Rui didn't dare to give more, so he took [-] French coins and gave it to Wang Tianfeng.

Wang Tianfeng kicked his pocket unceremoniously: "I borrowed it!"

"Just deduct it from your bonus."

"It doesn't matter if you don't give it!" Wang Tian waved his hands without looking back and disappeared into the night.

It was almost eleven o'clock when Qi Rui drove home, and Fu Yingxue was waiting for the door.

"Xue'er, I'm sorry for being late."

"Who did you go to see?"

"Poisonous bee."

"Shanghai station master?"

"Yes, he has a plan. It is really possible to kill Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun. I plan to plan it out."

"Can you talk to me?"

"I'm not telling you." Qi Rui explained in detail Wang Tianfeng's plan to use himself as a bait to lure and kill Ding Mocun.

"If such a risky approach was organized by ourselves, we would definitely not agree."

"But the secret agents of the military command often do this."

"Military commander?"

"You don't know yet, the Lixing Society has been changed into the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Commission, referred to as the Military Command, and Dai is officially in charge. The current Military Command is much bigger than the previous Lixing Society."

"Oh! So what are you going to do with this plan?"

"Since the poisonous bee is willing to use himself as a bait, then I will grant him, but now I need to deduce the action steps and try to bring him back unscathed."

"When is your plan going to be implemented?"

"After I deduced this well."

Wang Tianfeng's plan was implemented in the Japanese war zone, but Qi Rui thought differently from him, and the method of luring the enemy was also different, but no matter where the booby-killing plan was implemented, Ding Mo Village had to be there.

If there is something that can attract him to appear, the poisonous bee does have this weight, but it is not enough, because there are so many people in the Secret Service Headquarters, so Bi Zhongliang, Liang Zhongchun and the others can lead the team, but Ding Mocun will not Lead the action yourself.

Qi Rui thought about Wang Manchun, Lan Rouge might be able to come in handy this time.

On the second day, Qi Rui stayed in the special high school all morning and came to Jardine Matheson as John Lee in the afternoon.

Kai Ziwei opened a small box: "Mr. Li, here is 20 pounds. I hope to get the information I want."

"Okay, do you want to know what the Japanese will do after they capture Wuhan?"

"This information is indeed what I want."

"After capturing Wuhan, the Japanese soldiers still wanted to force Chongqing to return to the negotiating table, but this was impossible because Chongqing could not agree to the conditions they set."

"and then?"

"The Japanese will use old tricks to support a puppet national government in Nanjing in the name of handing over power, and will immediately recognize this puppet government."

"Have the Japanese found the person who presides over the puppet government?"

"It is indeed found, but it is top secret, Mr. Keziwei, and this information alone is worth 20 pounds."

"Mr. Li, this is a Chinese matter after all. Although it is top secret, it doesn't seem to have much to do with us in the UK."

"You can't say that. If a puppet government is established and Japan puts pressure on you, the UK, to recognize this government, what will you do?"

"This..." This is not something Kaiziwei can decide. Thinking about it this way, the value of this information is indeed not low, because how to choose may seriously affect the future of Britain.

"Okay, tell me."

"Wang Jingwei!"

As a veteran agent who has been operating in China for many years, Kai Ziwei knows this Wang Jingwei very well. He was the chairman of the National Government before Jiang. Did it come out?"

"Of course not. This is the latest information our people have obtained. The Japanese who is in charge of negotiating with Wang Jingwei's representative is Shigeharu Matsumoto, the president of the Tongmeng News Agency. Now they are all in Hong Kong. You can find out when you check."

Hong Kong is a British territory, and it is very easy to check the authenticity of this news. Kai Ziwei believes that Mr. Li will not lie to him.

"Mr. Keziwei, what else do you want to know?"

"I want to know the attitude of various countries."

"The Soviet Union must support the National Government of Chongqing. It can be seen from its direct participation in the Wuhan battle. Germany has moved its embassy to Chongqing. Countries such as the United States and France have always recognized the National Government of Chongqing. You, the United Kingdom, also Same, if you don’t believe me, you can pass this news back to your country and see what kind of reply you get.”

(Author's Note: Germany entered the Soviet Union in [-]. In July of the same year, Germany announced its recognition of the puppet government in Nanjing and the puppet Manchukuo government. Sino-German diplomatic relations were severed. The German Embassy in Chongqing and the Consulate in Chongqing were all closed.)
"Mr. Li, will the Japanese army definitely capture all the coastal cities in China?" Kai Ziwei asked,
"Sure, do you want to ask if the Japanese army will attack Hong Kong?"

"This shouldn't work, right?"

"I can only tell you that according to our analysis, the Japanese army will, but not in the near future. After two or three years, it will be hard to say. This is just a guess, so let me remind you."

"Mr. Li, do you have any information about Germany?"

"It really is, and it is quite important to you, Britain and France, and even related to the national destiny of your country!"

(End of this chapter)

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