Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 316 Xu Tian's Confusion

Chapter 316 Xu Tian's Confusion

It doesn't matter if you stare at Kagezuo Kiuchi, Hase Hase, Toshihide Inoue, and Xiaolin Xiaolin, because it's the devil who bites the dog himself, but Xu Tian and Tielin will definitely not do it by using themselves to catch the Chinese.

"Section Chief Jiuchi, why don't you just ask Xiaolin Xiao directly, why bother?" Xu Tian asked,

"You can't ask him directly. If someone snatches it away again, he will suspect that I did it. I don't want to provoke such a show."

If you don't want to be black and black, and you don't want to make a fuss, there is only one possibility left, which is to catch the secret agents of the agency. Xu Tian laughed and said sarcastically: "Section Chief Jiuchi speaks Chinese really well."

Qi Rui knew that even if they found out, they would not tell him. Following Xu Tian's words, he said: "I said that I grew up in China, and I am very willing to make friends with you Chinese."

"Okay, we will do our best." Xu Tian promised,
"Then please, goodbye!"

Shunfu Jiuchi left Xian Lesi, Tielin asked Xu Tian: "Brother Tian, ​​why did you agree to him?"

"If you agree, you don't have to do it. If you don't agree, you will offend him. Miss Liu will be very embarrassed in the future."

"But he wants to catch the people of Lixingshe." Because the last two cases have been closed, Kiuchi Kagezuo, Inoue Toshihide, and Xiao Xiaolin are all believed to be the spies of Lixingshe. Tielin and Xu Tian grow up together Quite a lot, I thought that Shunsuke Kuike wanted to check Lixingshe.

"Then it's so easy to catch. Besides, the people from Lixingshe probably wouldn't snatch Xiaolin's opium. If it was me, I should destroy it."

"Yes! That's what I thought. If I find out where the opium is, I'll just set it on fire."

"We'll see this at that time, but Xiaolin will definitely send someone to watch."

"Then shall we check?"

"Check, we'll see the situation after we find out." Xu Tian said,
Qi Rui left Xian Lesi and came to Zhuang Xiaoman's house, and asked her to contact Wang Tianfeng, and told him that he wanted to know where Xiaolin's opium was stored. The storage location of opium.

You can also directly send people to follow Xiao Xiaolin, so that you can follow the vines to find opium, but this is a bit dangerous, after all, he is arrested by Zonghua, and he will not climb to this position in a short while.

"Ninth brother, why do you still let the poisonous bee do this?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked puzzled,

"He didn't even have the money to drink a bowl of wontons, so he helped them with the whole fund, and no one can lose them if they lose money." Qi Rui said,
"Where does the money come from for destroying opium?"

"I'll give it to you, just to make the poisonous bee feel at ease, there is no other meaning."

"Ninth Brother, Chairman Ming Jingming is going to order a batch of salt and sugar from me, and the quantity is not small, can you give it?"

"How much does she want?"

"We need 25 tons of salt and ten tons of sugar."

"It's quite a lot."

"By the way, Ming Jing also said that he wanted to treat you to dinner."

"It's fine as your representative. I won't see her. Tell her that it's okay to ask for so many goods. If something happens, don't implicate us."

"She said it was used in food processing factories, and it will be used in larger quantities in the future."

"Look up what food processing factory she uses. The goods can be delivered, but you must ensure your own safety." Qi Rui asked Zhuang Xiaoman to ensure his own safety, which is to protect Elder Sister Mingjing in a disguised form, because only sure hair She will deliver the goods only after the goods are safe.

Xiaolin took the opium from Huang Jinrong as he wished, but what broke him down was that the opium was completely burned that night, and the arsonist left a letter telling him that the opium was burnt. The military commanded Shanghai Station, saying it was punishment for his collusion with the Japanese.

The next morning, Xu Tian found Tielin and asked, "Is someone looking for you?"

"Brother Tian, ​​how do you know?"

"Guess." Xu Tian had doubts about the identity of Shunsuke Jiuchi for a long time. At the beginning, he thought he was a greedy little devil, because he was the most suspected of Xiaolin's money being stolen in Xianlesi, and Shenghui car dealership is his.

Later, when Zhang Xiaolin was killed, Xu Tian temporarily ruled out his doubts about him, but then this Shunsuke Jiuchi not only helped him and Tian Dan, but also Tielin and Liu Rusi. Thinking about him killing Jin Ye and King Kong, Everything he did was to protect himself and Tielin, why?Xu Tian, ​​who is so intelligent, really can't figure it out.

Yesterday afternoon, Tielin was asked to check opium, and someone went to Tielin in the evening. Xu Tian would never believe that this was not done by Shunsuke Jiuchi. Puzzled.

"Brother Tian, ​​the person who came to see me yesterday was the stationmaster of the Military Command Shanghai Station. I immediately told him the place where Liu Xiaolin hid opium. Don't say that these three people are really powerful. When I went there, I gave him the warehouse of the patrol room." Burned, and I don’t know how they did it, you must know that there were several policemen who helped Xiaolin watch the warehouse.” Tielin said excitedly,

"You don't have to worry about this, I think Shunsuke Kuchi is already in Xian Lesi, what are you going to say after seeing him?" Xu Tian asked,

"How should I say, I found the place where the opium was stored, and I planned to call him this morning to tell him, but the opium was burned before dawn."

"Don't say that, just say that someone came to ask yourself about opium yesterday, and you thought it was someone sent by him, so you just told them the address."


"That's it." Xu Tian wanted to see what Shunsuke Kuchi would say.

The two came to Cairus, and sure enough, they saw Shunsuke Kuike's car parked at the door, and when they entered Cairus, they saw Liu Rusi talking with Shunsuke Kuchi.

"Section Chief Kuike!"

"What happened to the fire yesterday?" Qi Rui asked pretendingly,
"We don't know."

"Didn't you ask you to check where the opium is stored?"

"I've checked, Xiaolin had the audacity to store the opium in the warehouse of the patrol house. I was about to call you to report. Three people came to my house and asked me about the opium. I thought it was you who sent me to tell you." After killing them, the warehouse of the patrol house caught fire. I heard that someone poured gasoline on the opium and set it on fire. The fire was so big that it almost burned the patrol house. It looks like this time the food is going to be too much to eat." Tielin said,
"Then why did I hear that it was done by the Military Command Shanghai Station!"

"Section Chief Kuike, I really don't know about that!"

"These spies at Shanghai station are really cunning, how do they know about you?" Qi Rui asked,

"Yes, Section Chief Jiuchi, yesterday you asked Tielin to investigate this matter, and someone came to him at night, how did they know that Tielin was investigating this matter?" Xu Tian asked,

It was impossible for Qi Rui to answer Xu Tian's words, and he said meaningfully: "This is indeed very suspicious, Xu Tian, ​​you must investigate clearly the things that should be investigated, and don't be curious about the things that should not be investigated, what do you think?"

"Section Chief Kuike is right, we won't meddle in these nosy matters."

(End of this chapter)

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