Chapter 317
Qi Rui knew how smart Xu Tian was, and he doubted that he couldn't stop it, but a person like him would never talk nonsense, and he didn't have any evidence.

Qi Rui left Xian Lesi, Liu Rusi asked Xu Tian: "Brother Tian, ​​what will happen to Xiaolin?"

"Now he is probably bankrupt, because he uses the warehouse of the patrol house to store opium, and the board of directors will not spare him. It is hard to say whether he will be demoted or suspended."

"It would be better to shoot him!" Tielin said.
"Once he loses his power, he will end up in a very miserable situation. If you don't believe me, just watch it." Xu Tian said.

Is Xiaolin okay?It's okay, because the French know many things Xiaolin did, but he was only demoted and punished, and asked him to pay for the rebuilding of the warehouse.

When Kagezuo Kiuchi and Hase learned that Xiaolin's opium had been burned, they immediately found him. The two of them didn't add insult to injury, but wanted him to help find the military spies.

"Boss! What are you going to do next?"

"What else can I do, continue to think of a way, I will definitely not spare these bastards."

"I asked you to check Xu Tian and Tian Dan, haven't you checked yet?"

"Check it out, we will have clues soon, very soon." Liao Xiaolin said perfunctorily,
"Mr. Material, do you know why you were asked to investigate Xu Tian and Tian Dan?"

"Isn't Major Kiuchi suspecting that Xu Tian has Communist Party medicine?"

"Boss, Tian Dan is the daughter of Communist Party member Tian Luning, and Xu Tian met him before Tian Luning died, but I still haven't found evidence. Now you help me check him, and I will help you check the Shanghai station! Now only we can help You! As long as you can help me find the batch of drugs from the Communist Party, I will help you get opium!" Kagesa Kiuchi said,
Xiaolin had long wanted to seek refuge with the Japanese, especially in his current situation, and immediately nodded in agreement: "Yes, thank you, Major Kiuchi, I'll go and investigate Xu Tian and the batch of drugs from the Communist Party."

As soon as Kagezuo Kiuchi and Hase left, Huang Jinrong came to the door with someone: "Mr. Material, I want to know why the opium is burned! Why does something happen as soon as the goods are in your hands?"

"Boss Huang, I want to reconcile the injustice. I expect Xiaolin and Juntong Shanghai to stand against each other!"

Huang Jinrong took out the mortgage certificate and said, "Mr. Material, whoever you have a grudge with is up to you. Hurry up and prepare to move. We must follow the rules."

"Boss Huang, you can't add insult to injury!" Liu Xiaolin didn't expect Huang Jinrong to be so impatient. He didn't even give himself time to catch his breath after the accident happened.
"To add insult to injury? Mr. Boss, if I didn't think I would give you the goods for the sake of Section Chief Kuike! You think I care about your house and the shares of Cirrus."

Xiaolin was wronged, so he hurriedly said, "Can we delay for another two days?"

"Okay, I will send someone to your house in two days! I will drive out any living things in the house!" Huang Jinrong turned around and left after speaking.

"No, what I said was a two-day delay..." Liu Xiaolin said that Huang Jinrong had already left after taking care of him.

Huang Jinrong thought as he walked: These people will never give up without expecting Xiao Lin to die, and they will quickly transfer the shares of Cialis to Shunsuke Kuchi. I have no interest in a small broken dance hall, but the house cannot be given , that's what I bought with opium.

Qi Rui seemed very busy in the office of the special high school these two days, and it was time to meet Wang Tianfeng again. Qi Rui came to the meeting place with a box of 20 French currency, and Wang Tianfeng had already arrived.

Qi Rui put the small box in Wang Tianfeng's arms and said with a smile: "It's quick enough to do things!"

"This kind of trivial matter is a small test for us." Wang Tianfeng opened the box and looked at it, and found that Qian Duo stared at Shashen with rounded eyes.

"This is a bonus for you! 20 French currency, is it enough for you to use it for a while?"

"Enough! Enough is enough. Killing God, you are really sending charcoal in a timely manner. You are a friend!" How could Wang Tianfeng not know that this is the money that Killing God gave to Shanghai Station, so he randomly sent two people to burn opium. Just do it.

"Poisonous bee, I've considered your plan, and I've changed it a bit, please trust me unconditionally." Qi Rui said,
"Tell me what's changed first."

After Qi Rui told Wang Tianfeng about the revised plan, he asked, "How is it?"

"Are you going to work in the French Concession? Dingmo Village must not dare to come." Wang Tianfeng said,

"I know this. When the time comes, I will also tell the God of Death. I will do something behind the scenes. He should come."

"Killing God, I'm alone anyway, I'm completely up to you on this plan, just tell me, I'll be ready when I will act."

"I will ask Rose to notify you when to act, and then you will receive a telegram from the office seat, and you can just follow the telegram."

"Then I don't care about anything."

"Just be a good bait, don't worry, I will keep you safe."

"Thank you."

Two days later, the Secret Service Headquarters intercepted a secret military telegram, and Lan Rouzhi delivered it to Ding Mo Village's office in person.

"Section Chief Lan, why didn't you decipher it?" Ding Mocun asked strangely,
Lan Rouge looked embarrassed and said: "Director Ding, I tried it. This is an encrypted message of the military command. It may take a while to decipher it."

"Then decipher it quickly!"

"Director, we have still deciphered the number on this telegram. It is August [-]th, which is tomorrow. This should be a major event for the military command, because the signature is the word "Yunong."

"Yunong!? It's the code sent by Dai, Section Chief Lan, do you mean to find another deciphering expert?"

"Yes, I think it's better to tell the special high school about it, but don't delay it."

"Section Chief Lan, since you have deciphered a little bit, can you work harder?"

"Director, I can only say try my best and try again."

"Then try it quickly and let everyone in the telecommunications department help you! If you really can't decipher it, we will notify the special high school." This may be a great credit, Ding Mocun must first know the content of the telegram Then consider whether to notify the special high school.

Lan Rouge intercepted the secret telegram under Qi Rui's order, and let her decipher the telegram, but it was very difficult to pretend.Only in this way can the ability of rouge be shown.

It took Lan Rouge all night to finally hand over the deciphering of the telegram to Ding Mocun, who had been waiting all this time, and said, "Director, the decipherment of the telegram has been done."

After reading the telegram, Ding Mocun was very excited: "Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the evening, Dai asked the poisonous bee to meet the God of Death, hahaha... yes! Great!"

"Director, I'm so sleepy, I'm going home to sleep." Lan Rouge yawned and said,

"Section Chief Lan! Thank you for your hard work. I will personally tell Section Chief Jiuchi about this matter. You should go back and have a good rest. This time you have done a great job!"

"Thank you Director!" Lan Yanzhi rubbed her eyes and left,

Ding Mocun immediately called Li Shiqun and Bi Zhongliang to come to the office, and he wanted to discuss with them what to do about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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