Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 321 God's sister-in-law is such a unique title!

Chapter 321 God's sister-in-law is such a unique title!

Looking at the two deciphered secret messages, Mieko Sakai let out a long sigh. She felt lucky in her heart, because if the telegrams were deciphered in advance by the special high-level class, she would not hesitate to take people there. Who would miss such an opportunity? Woolen cloth.

Shunsuke Kuchi is still complaining that the secret agents have not reported the deciphered information in advance, but Mieko Sakai is very clear that this result cannot be avoided even if the report is made, because at that time, the secret service headquarters will definitely be the main force, and the special high-level class will be supplemented. In this operation, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun will still die, including himself who will definitely go to the scene.

The matter was already clear, and Mieko Sakai said: "Bi Zhongliang, you go back and preside over the affairs of the Secret Service Headquarters temporarily. If you have anything to do, wait until Tang Huimin comes back from Nanjing."

"Mr. Sakai, can I go home?" Lan Rouge asked,
"Section Chief Lan, you've worked hard! Let's go back." This matter has nothing to do with Lan Rouge, she intercepted it, and it was her duty to decipher the secret message, and she was more than ten hours ahead of the senior class, such a talent must be taken seriously.

After all the staff from Secret Service Headquarters had left, Mieko Sakai asked, "Jiuchi-kun, this is obviously a retaliatory action by the newly established military command, and this plan should have been designed by Venomous Bee, but so far we don't even know what he looks like. I don’t even know what it looks like, what do you say?”

Qi Rui didn't kill Mieko Sakai for so long because she was not capable. Killing her in exchange for a section leader with strong business ability would not increase the difficulty of his work.

"I've never seen Lixingshe use such a method before. Mr. Sakai, our enemy is getting stronger and stronger! The strength of the military command far exceeds that of Lixingshe, because now Dai has more power than before."

"Yunko Takeuchi will come back today and ask her to help you."

"Section Chief Sakai, what's the use of her coming back? Have you seen those corpses? Every one of the dead was killed by one shot, and half of them were killed by headshots. This means that there are powerful snipers besides the judges. , In addition, from this plan, it can be seen that the other party understands our weaknesses very well, throwing Shashen and Venomous Bee, the two people we most want to catch, as bait to set up an ambush in the French Concession. Next, we must put pressure on the board of directors , Let them cooperate with us in arresting anti-Japanese elements!"

"Hiuchi-kun is right, I will report this situation." Sakai Mieko nodded repeatedly and said,

"Section Chief Sakai, it's getting late, it's useless to think too much, take a good rest, there will definitely be a storm tomorrow!" Qi Rui meant that Matsumoto Shio and Tanaka Masanori would definitely come to hold them accountable.

Sakai Mieko let out a long sigh, what she hates most is Matsumoto Shio, Shunsuke Kuike is right, tomorrow he will criticize herself indiscriminately.

It was almost twelve o'clock at this time, Qi Rui returned home, Fu Yingxue asked with a smile: "Are you sure?"

"It's confirmed, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun have been hoeed."

"Comrade Miaodao, congratulations on making it!"

"This is thanks to the inspiration from the poisonous bee, otherwise I would not have thought of this method." Qi Rui said the truth.

"You have brought out almost everyone's strength in this operation, my husband is really good." Fu Yingxue hugged Qi Rui and kissed her after speaking.

"did you go?"

"Go, this is a good opportunity to practice marksmanship. I haven't fired a gun in a long time." Fu Yingxue made a movement of aiming a long gun,
"How many did you kill?"

"Only killed five by sniping, Su Wenqian, Chi Tiecheng's marksmanship is indeed better than mine, I didn't snatch them."

"Looking back, I didn't teach them a lesson!" Qi Rui laughed,
"Haha, please don't, if you were humble in that situation at that time, how many traitors would you have to kill less!"

"Honey! Is there any reward tonight?" Qi Rui asked with his arms around Fu Yingxue's waist,

"Bad guy!" Fu Yingxue slapped Qi Rui shyly and buried her face in his generous chest.

Qi Rui and Fu Yingxue celebrated their victory in their own way. Wang Tianfeng is still excited. His mind is full of the names Shashen and Kuchi Shunsuke. How could he not see that Shashen is disguised? .

"It turns out that many of the old six's plans were completed with the help of you, Shashen, hahaha..., won't Wang Tianfeng also shine with your help in the future! Shashen's strategizing ability is really amazing! So handsome Already." Wang Tianfeng remembered that Shunsuke Kuchi brought the special agent of the special high school to that place, which was just right.
"What makes the station master so happy?"

"It's like this after going out for a while, it's like being possessed by an evil spirit."

"It seems that there is a big happy event. Could it be that Adjutant Guo has made some progress."

"No way, I heard gunshots outside just now."

"Has the station master acted by himself?"

"Who knows!"

"Seeing that the station master is completely immersed in joy, we don't want to bother him. He should tell us when he has had enough fun."

"Looking at the meaning, it seems that I have to be intoxicated for a while."

In this operation, the Hurricane Action Team did not lose a single person, and even killed two big traitors who were ranked in the top five on the military order. Tao Dachun was also happy, because he had already received a congratulatory message from the bureau chief and gave the Hurricane Action Team a note. Great work, the bonus will be in place soon.

Tao Dachun is very safe in his work, and his team members are also very well-mannered, never asking a word, and now they immediately return to cover status and return to normal.

The No. [-] secret service team had also received news that Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun were dead. These two traitors were also the people they wanted to kill, so several people celebrated their victory at their residence.

"It's still Jiu Ge Niu. Without his design, these two traitors would not be so easy to be fooled." He Jian said,
"Toast to Brother Ninth Killing God!" Qi Rui is the killing god, and the No. [-] special agent team already knew about it when they bombed the printing factory.
"Sister, we will cooperate with Ninth Brother more in the future." He Jian said,
"That's for sure! In the future, as long as it is an action designed by Xiao Jiu, we must support it." Ouyang Jianping said affirmatively,

"It's really cool to kill today!" Ma Yunfei drank a cup and said shaking his head,

"God's sister-in-law is also awesome, one shot kills one or two traitors and spies less than the judges." He Jian praised,

"Sister-in-law! Your name is very unique!" Ma Yunfei saw that Gao Han liked killing gods very much, and He Jian's shouting of "sister-in-law" made him extremely happy.

"Are they married?" Gao Han asked,

"Should be married, shouting girl, you should continue to like me!" Ma Yunfei laughed,

"Cut!" Gao Han rolled his eyes at Ma Yunfei, picked up a bottle of red wine and drank it.

"Sister, do we also say hello to Brother Jiu when we have any actions in the future?" Ma Yunfei asked,
"You are right, from now on we need Xiao Jiu to know our whereabouts!"

"Elder Sister is going to fully cooperate with Ninth Brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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