Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 322 So What About The General?

Chapter 322 So What About The General?

On August [-], [-], at eight o'clock in the morning, in the meeting room of the special high school, as Shunsuke Hisaike predicted, Shio Matsumoto and Masanori Tanaka came by the door.

Sakai Mieko carefully reported everything that happened yesterday in detail.

"So you've been fooled too?" Matsumoto Shio asked in a huff.
Qi Rui stood up and said: "General! It took us a long time from intercepting the secret message to deciphering it. No one would have thought that this was the design of the military commander!"

"Secretary Headquarters can decipher faster than you! What do you eat for your super-high courses?" Matsumoto Chio scolded,

"General! Lan Rouge is also a deciphering expert trained by us. She was in our special class before being transferred to the Secret Service Headquarters!" Qi Rui continued,
"Then Mr. Jiuchi means that Lan Rouge is better than you teachers!?"

"General! Do you know why I fell in love with this blue rouge? It's because she is very gifted and has the ability to remember the memory, and this ability is of great help to her deciphering. It is incomparable to ordinary people like us. Such an excellent Is it our fault that she has achieved results but is our fault!?"

Seeing that Shunsuke Kuike was very angry, Masanori Tanaka quickly asked: "That means the military commander knows about her existence?"

"No, the military command probably overestimated our ability to decipher! They probably thought we could decipher within fifteen hours, but we didn't." Qi Rui said,
"That is to say, are you responsible for the failure of Secret Service Headquarters at all?" Matsumoto asked.

"It's true that there is no responsibility at all. If we have to say that there is, it is because we have neglected discipline and let the Secret Service Headquarters break in and decipher the secret message dare not report it!" Qi Rui argued logically.

"Section Chief Jiuchi is right. What the Secret Service Headquarters did this time is indeed excessive. They are a subordinate unit of the Super High School. They should report to the Super High School in a timely manner if they have important information and work progress. This time it is obvious. It is Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun who are greedy for merit, and this is indeed not a special high school responsibility." Tanaka Zhengxian said,
"How can there be no responsibility? Why don't you send consultants under the special high class? Will having someone in the secret service headquarters prevent this from happening?"

Shio Matsumoto is simply an afterthought now, and Masanori Tanaka also found out that he was putting on an official airs and making groundless accusations, saying: "General, the Secret Service Headquarters is not just a subordinate unit of the Special High School, we can supervise it, but General Takeo Imai, Kage Saharu Zhao Dazuo hopes that our TGTech will not interfere with their work too much, we need them to complete many things."

Shio Matsumoto asked without words: "Mieko Sakai, do you also think the same way?"

"General, what Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Kuike said is the truth!" Mieko Sakai finally stiffened up this time,
"Hmph! If that's the case, why do you want me to do it!" Matsumoto Shio said angrily,

This Matsumoto Shio has no real power at all, he said he is in charge of intelligence work, but now almost no intelligence agencies listen to him, because every intelligence agency has its own direct superior, he is at most a supervisor, this time no one Invite him to come, he heard that there was a big case and came here by himself.

"General! You don't need to worry about these trivial matters!" Tanaka Masanori said,
"Hmph!" Matsumoto Shio walked away in embarrassment,

Masayoshi Tanaka then said: "It is true that the Secret Service Headquarters is mainly responsible this time. I will report this matter to the relevant departments truthfully. What should you do? Don't be influenced by the Secret Service Headquarters. Ding Mocun is dead and Zhang Mocun is still alive." , Li Mo Village, there are many Chinese who are willing to serve our empire! You also need to help find them yourself!"


"Section Chief Hisaike, do you have anything to say about this case?" Masanori Tanaka asked,

"Report to Colonel Tanaka, this case proves that Shashen, Judge Group and Juntong Shanghai Station have always been in Shanghai, and their strength has not decreased, but now it has increased!" Qi Rui said,
"That's right, so our next task is arduous. The current main task of the special high school is to kill the gods, the poisonous bees, and the Shanghai station, and strive to crack them and eliminate them as soon as possible! Work hard, Section Chief Sakai! Section Chief Jiuchi! "


After Masanori Tanaka left, Mieko Sakai said gratefully, "Kuike-kun! Thank you for speaking for me."

"I just can't understand General Matsumoto's ignorance but pointing fingers!" Qi Rui said indignantly,

Sakai Mieko said very moved: "Hiuchi-kun also said what was in my heart."

"Section Chief Sakai, he is a general after all, so don't take it to heart. Didn't you say that Yunzi is coming back today?"

"Yes, she will be back this afternoon! I will pick her up at that time, she may live with you tonight, and then you can communicate well."

Qi Rui said casually: "It's good to be back, I miss her already."

"You men are serious, aren't you satisfied with Yami already?" Sakai Mieko asked with a smile,
Qi Rui quickly waved his hands and said, "Section Chief Sakai misunderstood, I thought she meant to cooperate at work, but I didn't have any other ideas."

"There is no need to explain, we know what you men are thinking very well." Mieko Sakai smiled evilly after speaking,

This smile made Qi Rui get goosebumps all over his body, and he said quickly: "Section Chief Sakai, I have to leave beforehand."

Qi Rui returned to the Special Class One and called everyone into a meeting like that, mainly to study how to continue the next work. At the meeting, he arranged tasks for everyone.

After setting up all the work, Qi Rui looked at his watch and it was already noon, so he drove away to Zhuang Xiaoman's house by himself.

"Brother Nine! Congratulations! The boss called to praise you!" Zhuang Xiaoman threw himself into Qi Rui's arms and put his arms around his neck and said,

"What else did the boss say?"

"I just told you to do a good job this time, and it will be like this in the future. You just need to strategize, and leave the specific actions to Song Mian's team and the Hurricane Action Team." Zhuang Xiaoman's hands were still on Qi Rui's neck and did not let go.

Qi Rui couldn't push her away and asked, "Why are you so happy today?"

"I'm happy that you guys did a big thing yesterday, and I also handed over the goods to Chairman Ming. Isn't it worth celebrating?"

"In the past few days, the Special High School, Secret Service Headquarters, and the Gendarmerie will definitely conduct strict investigations. You should tell Chairman Ming to be more careful not to hit the gun."

"I have notified her."

"well done!"

"Ninth brother, this time the director of the operation gave a lot of rewards. He asked you to distribute the rewards, saying don't treat the brothers under him badly."

"Xiaoman, what do you belong to?" Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoman hadn't let go, Qi Rui asked,

"I belong to the tiger, and today is my birth year."

"I thought you were a sloth."

(End of this chapter)

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