Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 326 Mission Impossible

Chapter 326 Mission Impossible
There are many Japanese tourist groups traveling from the mainland of Japan to Beiping, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shanghai and other occupied areas. Keiko Sakanishi said that this time it was a sightseeing group organized by the Japanese military, and all of them were senior military officers and front-line commanders. The official's family members have more than 120 members.

They arrived in Shanghai by boat for two days and then went to Nanjing. The Japanese military headquarters hoped that this condolence group would go there as soon as the Japanese army captured Wuhan.

Keiko Sakani speculates that the military will definitely not miss this opportunity. It is true that the military will enforce martial law to protect the safety of the tourist group, but it will only be limited to the areas where the tourist group visits. According to the information, she feels that they should kill the gods. There are such strengths to attack the sightseeing group, because there are more than a dozen generals in the group this time.

Keiko Sakanishi also wanted to see if she could use this opportunity to get in touch with the agents of the Military Command Shanghai Station, because it had been almost two months since Shashen and the others hadn’t moved at all. More than two months have passed.

"Keiko, are you trying to use this opportunity to gain access to the military killer?"

"Yes, they will not succeed, but they will definitely try to win, so that they will send people to investigate, and we may have a chance."

"Keiko, I will do my best to protect the tourist group, and I hope your idea can come true."

Qi Rui spends most of his time in special high school these days, because Bi Zhongliang, Wang Manchun, and Liang Zhongchun from the Secret Service Headquarters are working very hard to compete for high positions, and they send most of their agents to the French Concession.

On the evening of October [-]th, Qi Rui and Wang Tianfeng met again.

"Brother Feng, why are you so anxious to see me?"

"Xiao Jiu, the bureau chief gave me a task. He said that if you have any difficulties, you can ask Shashen what to do. I'll come to you right now." After speaking, Wang Tianfeng sent a telegram to Qi Rui,
Qi Rui frowned after seeing it: "This task is almost impossible to complete, are you crazy?"

"Xiao Jiu, do you also feel that there is no chance?"

"I've heard about this sightseeing group. Because of their high status, not only military officers but also members of the royal family and relatives of front-line commanders are among them, so no matter where they go, their security work is absolutely impeccable. Kill them It is difficult, let alone kidnapping." Qi Rui shook his head and said,

"Xiao Jiu, the bureau chief wants to use these hostages to negotiate terms with the devils. They have controlled the family members of some of our officers. The bureau chief must have been forced to come up with such a method. The order has already been issued, and I can't do it if I don't carry it out." ah."

"Brother Feng, let me think about this matter carefully, and I will also inquire about the specific situation of this sightseeing group."

"Okay, Xiaojiu, I don't have any good solution for this task, so I have to rely on you again." Wang Tianfeng really has nothing to do with his own ability, because he doesn't even know the itinerary of the sightseeing group now, let alone this sightseeing. The regiment must be protected by the Japanese army, and the bureau chief unexpectedly wanted to kidnap them in a whimsical way. Even if he had 130 people, he might not have them at all, let alone the Shanghai station now only has [-] people including himself.

"I'll try my best to find a way." Qi Rui said,
Kidnapping a sightseeing group of more than 100 people, Qi Rui also felt that it was impossible. The question is where to arrange these people.

The longer these more than 100 people are in your hands, the more difficult it is, because you are going to exchange them for prisoners and hostages, so you can't let them have any problems, so you have to take care of eating, drinking and messing.

After returning home at night, when Yunzi Zhuuchi fell asleep, Fu Yingxue said on the bed: "Qi Rui, why are you so honest today?"

Qi Rui told about the poisonous bee's mission, and asked: "Xue'er, this is almost an impossible mission, what do you think I should do?"

"Since it is an impossible task, don't force it. The organization gave us a task today."

"What mission?"

"Through this period of hard work, our work in Shanghai and its surrounding areas has progressed very well, and the economic front has also been established and has begun to play a role. The organization has affirmed and praised the work of our Miaodao team, but because Uncle Li's workload is increasing, and our party's requirement for underground work is multi-line development."

In addition to the Miaodao group, Uncle Li and the others are more active in Shanghai's underground organizations. It is true that they still need to develop a few lines. Qi Rui asked, "Will the organization send people?"

"Yes, it has been sent, and we are also asked to pick her up."

"Let's go pick it up? Could it be that Li Xiaonan came back?" Li Xiaonan had studied in Yan'an for a while, and the people who organized the Miaodao team to pick him up should know each other. Only Li Xiaonan and Shen Qiuxia were the only ones.

"You guessed it right, it is Li Xiaonan, who is code-named Doctor, and she will develop another underground group to share some of Uncle Li's work."

"When will she arrive?"

"The train is coming from Hangzhou tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, I'll pick her up tomorrow."

"Qi Rui, how are you going to pick her up?"

"Really, there were a lot of people at the train station at that point in the afternoon, and there are also many spies at the train station now."

"I think you should let Tang Ling pick him up."

"Okay, let Tang Ling find a safer house for the little man in the French Concession later." Qi Rui really couldn't contact Li Xiaonan openly,

"Qi Rui, don't even think about the sightseeing group. I will report the situation to the organization tomorrow and see what the organization says. You can check the situation tomorrow."

"I listen to my wife!"

The next day, Qi Rui received a call for a meeting as soon as he arrived at the first special class. This time there was no one from the Secret Service Headquarters, and Masanori Tanaka presided over the meeting.

"Everyone, I just received news that a sightseeing group from the military will arrive tomorrow morning. There are 120 people in this group, including 27 senior officers. The rest are relatives of commanders fighting on the front line in Wuhan. Our task is to Keep them safe in Shanghai."

"Master, how long are they going to stay in Shanghai?" Qi Rui asked,

"It will take about two days, and then they will take the train to Nanjing. We just need to ensure their safety while sightseeing in Shanghai. When they board the special train, they will be protected by the army, and our mission will be completed."


"Don't be careless, because this tour group is very high-profile, and their news has been published in the newspapers, so I am worried that the killers of the military command will attack them. You must ensure the safety of the tour group, and there must be no accidents. I am concerned about safety. Let Captain Hengshan be in charge, and your task is to prevent killers like God of Killing, Judges, Venomous Bee and the like! Do you understand?"

 Today's fourth update, some plots need to be carefully conceived.

(End of this chapter)

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