Chapter 327

After the meeting, Shunsuke Hisaike, Mieko Sakai, and Takeshige Aoki formulated a complete defense plan, and the outermost part was handed over to the Secret Service Headquarters.

"This security plan can be told to Bi Zhongliang at the Secret Service Headquarters now, and let him arrange for suspicious personnel to be investigated in advance." Qi Rui said to Mieko Sakai,
"Aren't you afraid that the Chinese will leak the news?" Takeshi Aoki asked,

"I hope they can leak the news and let Shashen and the others come." Qi Rui sneered,

"Jiuchi-kun is right. I also hope they will come. This time, not only the headquarters of the military police attaches great importance to it, but our garrison will also send additional protection teams. What's more, we don't even know the itinerary of the sightseeing group. It is almost impossible for the spies to get close, so even if they appear, they will only be on the periphery, let our people investigate closely, and don’t let any suspicious people go.” Sakai Mieko said,

"Our focus is on the pier, and I will bring people there in person!" Qi Rui said,
"Kuichi-kun, I'll leave this operation to you!"

"This time, I will never let the military commander succeed!" Qi Rui clenched his fists and said bitterly.

Just as Qi Rui walked out of the meeting room, the system's voice sounded: Create a task with S difficulty level, and assist in the completion of hostage-taking and hostage exchange.

Qi Rui has already completed one of the difficulty level S, and the difficulty calculation of the system is quite accurate, because Qi Rui already has a rough plan. Well it's still possible.

The plan of the extra-high school is set and implemented. Qi Rui is to let Shifang Accelerator, Uchiha Yu and Iwadera Jiakang each lead an action team to familiarize themselves with the task.

Having mastered the approximate itinerary schedule of the sightseeing group, Qi Rui immediately began to design an action plan when he returned to the office. After the design was completed, it was already [-] pm, and Li Xiaonan should have arrived in Shanghai. Qi Rui was not at ease, so he drove to the French Concession. Fai car dealership.

"Boss!" Tang Ling shouted when he saw Qi Rui coming.
"Well, how is business?"

"very good."

"Has the dock already started operation?"

"The new ship has sailed twice, and I personally found the captain and crew." Tang Ling said, and let Qi Rui go to an empty office.

"Boss, the appointment has been made. She wants to see you." Tang Ling said,
"I'll go right away, Tang Ling, there's something going on these two days, see if Uncle Li is in Shanghai."

"Yes, he is at the freight company."

"I'm still not sure how many trucks to use. Let's do it. I'll let you know how many cars to use in the evening."

"it is good!"

"Where are Wen Qian and Tan Lin?"

"Tan Lin went out to pull a cart. He won't be idle for a while. Wen Qian is at the Rongxiang car dealership."

"Brother Tang, I will explain the specific action plan to you at night."

Qi Rui drove to the place where Li Xiaonan lived and parked the car. He walked a thousand kilometers to make sure it was safe before knocking on the door. The door opened, and Li Xiaonan pulled Qi Rui into the house with a smile on his face.

After closing the door, Li Xiaonan stretched out his little hand in a serious manner: "Hello! I am a doctor! Comrade Miaodao will ask for guidance and help in future work!"

Qi Rui slapped her little hand and asked, "Let me first ask how your training is going?"

"It's definitely not as good as you, but my grades in the Yan'an assessment are all excellent! The chief praised me for making great progress, and ordinary soldiers can't beat me!"

"Ordinary fighter?!"

"The ordinary soldiers I'm talking about are also from the guard company!"

"It seems that self-protection is no problem now?"

"Two or three big men are nothing to worry about!" Li Xiaonan said, patting his chest,

Qi Rui inspected her new residence. Tang Ling found it temporarily and it was not ideal. He asked, "Are you still going to be an actor?"

"That's my cover identity, I must still go."

"Where have you been these days?"

"I'll just say I'm going back to my hometown. Don't worry about this, it's all arranged."

"Is Miss Xia okay?"

"Sister Xia asked me to bring it to you. She is very good. She is a key cadre trained by the organization, and now she is also the chief."

"Do you want to see me for something?"

"The organization asked me to obey your command. I want to report to you the scope of my work, and I can cooperate with you in any future actions."

"Our little boy seems to be very powerful." Qi Rui laughed,
"That's right, I took over Miss Xia's job. The organization knows that you often need armed support, so I have the right to mobilize the guerrillas around Shanghai. In order to cooperate with your group, the organization has also specially formed a military team. You know a few members of the martial arts team, the captain is Jing Yun, and the members are brothers Cao Meng, Jiang Tong, and Jiang Xing."

"Who else is in the team?"

"The deputy captain is Zhou Daliang."

"Zhou Daliang!? Are there Lu Zhengnian, Tan Zhuohui, Huo Qizhong, Li Nancheng in the team?" Qi Rui asked with a smile,

"How do you know!?" Li Xiaonan asked in surprise,
"They were all mine before."

"Hehe, so that's the case. I only met Zhou Daliang and Jing Yun. I heard that they are very good?" Li Xiaonan asked,
"They're all really good, where are they now?"

"Just around Shanghai, Jiang Tong and Jiang Xing are traffic officers, and they are responsible for delivering news."

"This won't work, the efficiency is too slow. Didn't Jing Yun and the others receive training in Yan'an?"

"Yes, but we don't have a radio station."

"I'll help you get the radio station. In general, you can let the traffic officer deliver the message. In emergency and special cases, use the radio station. I'll design a set of secret codes for you later."

"That's great."

"Okay! Boy, he's also the chief now!"

Li Xiaonan shook his head in embarrassment and said, "No way! I am your traffic officer. When you need guerrillas and armed forces, let me know. I will help you pass orders. Other times, they are free to move around."

"Then aren't you the best trafficman?"

"Don't make fun of me. By the way, Comrade Miao Dao, Jing Yun asked if he could help them get some weapons and ammunition?"

"Okay! This matter is on me, boy, you came at the right time. There is a big operation that needs manpower in the past two days."

"Really, that's great, both Zhou Daliang and Jing Yun asked me for a mission."

"Tell Zhou Daliang and the others to cover their faces during the operation, because this operation will cooperate with the Military Command Shanghai Station, and you just cooperate when the time comes, and don't answer any questions they ask you." Qi Rui urged,

"okay, I get it."

"Tomorrow I will send someone to drive you to Wuxi. The specific actions are as follows." Qi Rui first told Li Xiaonan the plan in detail,

"Qi Rui, are you going?"

"I definitely won't be able to go, so you must direct the martial arts team to follow the plan."


(End of this chapter)

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