Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 329 Something Happened to the Sakura!

Chapter 329 Something Happened to the Sakura!

This operation requires a female train conductor who can speak Japanese, Gao Han and Ouyang Jianping can speak Japanese, and Fu Yingxue can only go there. Qi Rui will not let Chen Jiaying go because she has no force.

"I'm short of a woman who can speak Japanese, so I can only ask her to help, but remember, once you rob people, they will all be handed over to Station Master Wang, and you will return to Shanghai immediately, and the rest will be handed over to Station Master Wang and Mr. Wang." Local armed forces, do you understand? I’ll get you special agent certificates and passes for the special high school, and there will be a truck to pick you up.” Qi Rui said,
"Ninth brother, you are too good. It is impossible to complete the task. It seems that there is a great possibility of success with you!" He Jian said,
"Before any action is carried out, you must prepare for the worst. If your identities are found out, you can play by ear. If the action cannot continue, you can eliminate 27 devil generals."


"The Cherry Blossom special train will arrive at Shanghai Station at around [-]:[-] tomorrow night. You must gather and set off in advance to replace all the devils on the train halfway. These devils must be killed. The corpses must not be littered. You must not leave any traces for the devils to patrol. .” Qi Rui urged again,
"I will send people to pull all the corpses away and bury them!" Wang Tianfeng said,

"Okay, is there anything else you don't understand?" Qi Rui asked everyone,

"Xiao Jiu, who knows Japanese cooking?" Ouyang Jianping asked,

"Sister-in-law Nine knows how to make cakes and desserts." Qi Rui said,
"Then there is no problem at all!"

Plan Qi Rui made it clear that this operation requires the cooperation of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Originally, Qi Rui planned to ask Fu Yingxue to contact the organization and ask for the cooperation of the local guerrillas in Wuxi. Now Li Xiaonan came back and brought Zhou Daliang and Jing Yun. The armed forces team, coupled with the local guerrillas in Wuxi, this operation is basically stable.

After Qi Rui finished talking about the plan for everyone to prepare, he drove to find Tang Ling and Chen Jiaying, and explained the plan to them in detail.

"Brother Tang, Xiaoxue will follow you in this operation. Please remember that after you are taken away by the guerrillas, you will rush back immediately. Now you can contact Uncle Li to prepare three trucks and ask him to drive two. Bring Li Xiaonan and some weapons and ammunition to our special agent team, and then go directly to the designated location in Huishan, Wuxi, and let them obey Li Xiaonan's orders."

Qi Rui also saved some guns and ammunition, which Tang Ling and the others bought from the black market. Most of them were original German [-]-gun shell pistols.

"What should I do if I encounter a devil checkpoint on the road?" Tang Ling asked.

"Uncle Li and the guerrillas must know how to bypass the checkpoint. I still believe in this."

"Okay, I will definitely protect Xiaoxue," Tang Ling said.
"Xiaoxue can cook Japanese food. Take the poison I prepared on the special train and feed it to the devil soldiers on the special train on time. Don't give it to the hostages. The poison I prepared will take effect after half an hour, and all the devil soldiers on the car will be killed." Poisoned to death, you have the ability to deal with those who are not dead. After Wuxi Li Xiaonan and some agents of the military command will take all the hostages away, you will come back in Uncle Li’s truck. I will prepare all the documents for you tomorrow. Use more Japanese! Be safe."

Qi Rui made all arrangements to go home, Zhuuchi Yunzi saw that he came back so late and asked: "Mr. Jiuchi, where have you been? Why did you come back so late."

"The person I went to arrange the car dealership pays attention to the people in the portrait these two days. It would be better if they find something."

"Kuike-kun, what can I do?"

"Starting tomorrow, you will take your people to follow me on the mission."

After eating, Qi Rui went to take a shower, and told Fu Yingxue to pay attention in bed at night.

"What if Yunzi Takeuchi doesn't see me when he comes back?"

"Don't worry, the tour group will arrive tomorrow, and we won't come back until they leave Shanghai."

"The little man can now command the martial arts team and the guerrillas, which is really amazing."

"Well, I didn't expect the organization to form these people into a martial arts team. Thinking about it, it's really suitable." Qi Rui smiled,
"These our strengths have increased again."

"Yeah, we finally have our own armed forces, and we have more options for future actions."

"Qi Rui, in case I don't come back tomorrow..."

"It shouldn't be a problem to do what I said, don't say these unlucky things, I'll wait for you to come back!" Qi Rui said, hugging Fu Yingxue tightly,

A few days later, the air in Shanghai suddenly became tense, and there were suddenly many Japanese soldiers and military police on the streets. Qi Rui arrived at the pier early with a special class, and even ignorant children had to be searched.

After the sightseeing group arrived, the gendarmerie and the army provided even more protection in layers. It was the same on the first day, and it was also the same on the second day. It was not until the next morning that Qi Rui didn't receive any news. He was at ease, because no news proved that Sakura All the people on the special train have been replaced by their own people.

At eight o'clock in the morning of the third day, the people from the sightseeing group arrived at the train station under the escort of the army. Qi Rui arranged tasks for Zhu Nei Yunzi, Song Jian, Tang Rui, and Yansi Jiakang. At the train station, I watched all the members of the tour group get on the train.

I also saw that the train conductor had been replaced by Gao Han, Fu Yingxue, Ouyang Jianping, Su Wenqian, Song Mian, He Jian, Tan Lin (after taking the medicine given by Qi Rui, Tan Linyingjun looked much younger.)
Tang Ling, Ma Yunfei, Dr. Li and Chi Tiecheng were preparing breakfast in the dining car, and Chi Tiecheng was making dessert.

Watching the special train pull out of Shanghai Railway Station, Qi Rui led the people away from the train station and returned to the special high school.

"Hiuchi-kun! Thank you for your hard work!" Sakai Mieko congratulated, because nothing happened this time, although it was a bit regretful that Shajin and the others did not come, but sending the sightseeing group away safely was considered a complete success.

People from the Special High School and Secret Service Headquarters came back one after another, and military control was lifted on the street, as if nothing happened.

Qi Rui sat in the office and looked at his watch. The steam train of this era would have taken ten hours from Shanghai to Nanjing, but because it was a special train, it would be faster if it didn’t stop halfway. It would probably be noon after passing Wuxi.

Just when the people in the special high class were preparing to have lunch, Mieko Sakai received a call that the Sakura was attacked by militants, all the escorting soldiers were poisoned to death, and six members of the 120 sightseeing group disappeared.

"Section Chief Sakai, you said something happened to the Sakura!?" Qi Rui asked in shock,
"It's not clear exactly what happened. All the people in the sightseeing group disappeared, and all the escorting troops were poisoned to death. The preliminary judgment is that the chef on the special train poisoned them."

"Where's the chef?"

"The cook, the driver, the fireman, and the conductor are all missing."

"What's going on here, should we go and have a look?"

"Master Hasegawa of the Wuxi Special High School has already brought people there, we'll wait for new news." Mieko Sakai said,

(End of this chapter)

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