Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 330 I'm going to Chongqing to investigate

Chapter 330 I'm going to Chongqing to investigate

After waiting for a day and a half, the sightseeing group finally got news. Another day later, a small Japanese army unit in Huishan, a suburb of Wuxi, brought back 120 six hostages.

At eight o'clock in the evening on the 27th, Qi Rui met Wang Tianfeng who had returned from his mission.

"Xiao Jiu! You and your people are really too strong! It is basically an impossible task for us, but the simplicity of your actions, especially the anti-Japanese armed forces you can mobilize really amazes me."

Because what Wang Tianfeng saw this time was the martial arts team led by Li Xiaonan, Jing Yun, and Zhou Daliang and several local guerrillas. It was under their leadership that everyone jumped out of the encirclement before the devils searched for Huishan.

Because they were all masked, they didn't look like communist guerrillas from the opponent's weapons and equipment, because some of them used Browning, original [-]-gun pistols, and submachine guns, so Wang Tianfeng speculated that this was another attack. The branch is armed with the same armed forces as the No. [-] special agent team, Song Mian team, and Hurricane Action Team.

"Brother Feng, have we achieved our goal?"

"It has been achieved. The senior generals captured in the Wuhan battle, the relatives of officers detained by the devils in Guangdong, and some patriots have all returned. Otherwise, I would not have released those devil generals, 27 of them! I really want to kill them. "Wang Tianfeng said regretfully,
The devils who fell in Guangdong blocked the entire coastline, and Qi Rui sighed softly: "Guangdong has lost too much this time, and many factories and facilities have not had time to evacuate. Today, our army also withdraws from Wuhan. The Wuhan battle is over!"

"Actually, we fought very tenaciously in this battle in Wuhan. I heard that you were also credited for it. You deployed the No. 11 Army's offensive route and strength to the commander in advance. Xiaojiu, you are really amazing." Wang Tianfeng praised again,
"These are what I should do, Brother Feng, do the Japanese know that you did this operation?" Qi Rui asked,

"The Japanese only know that it was the military command agents who did it. I think they should be able to guess who it is, and they must think about you Shashen." Wang Tianfeng said with a smile.

"Brother Feng, you'd better leave Shanghai for a while, and go to Wuxi, Nanjing, Hangzhou, or Suzhou, because the special high school and the secret service headquarters will definitely intensify the search recently, and will put pressure on the concession again. The board of directors will compromise and allow the Japanese to enter the French Concession to search for anti-Japanese elements, and I have asked the No. [-] special agent team to leave temporarily."

Wang Tianfeng readily agreed: "Let's go to Nanjing. Last time, Guo Qiyun and the others only killed Cai Guangyuan. There are still many traitors on the list who have not been killed. This time I will personally take them there to kill."

"Then I'll wait for your good news! By the way, I told you before that I don't know who the masters invited by Sakai Mieko are. They should be disguised as Chinese people looking for you, so no matter who they are, you don't want them." Believe it easily." Qi Rui warned,

"I remember! Xiaojiu, you have made great contributions to me again, thank you!" The greater the contribution, the more stable the position of director, Wang Tianfeng still attaches great importance to this aspect,

Li Xiaonan also returned safely, and has already reported to the film studio, because the Japanese military officer had approached her before, and the film studio treated her a lot more politely, although she is not yet the number one female, but the second and third females are hers. elected.

The current atmosphere of the Special High School and Secret Service Headquarters is quite tense. Although the hijacking incident took place in Wuxi, it is certain that the chef and conductor on the train have been replaced before entering Shanghai.

It is precisely because all the members were replaced that they were not detected when they were intensively checked on their identities, because it is said that these people were familiar with each other during the inspection, and all the members were communicating in Japanese.

Mieko Sakai pinned all her hopes on Keiko Sakanishi, a veteran spy, but until now there was no movement from her side, and she asked anxiously again: "Keiko, do you still have any news from your side?"

Keiko Sakani scratched her head and said, "It's really strange this time. Maybe it's because there are too few people in the military command Shanghai station, and their actions are too secretive. We can't find them at all with the old method."

"Last time, you said you had some eyebrows."

"It is obvious that what we found was not the person you were looking for, but the hidden secret agents of the military command in some of our institutions. These are small fish and shrimps and they are all in a silent state, so there is no reason to catch them now. Meaning." Keiko Sakanishi said,
"Is there no clue about this hijacking?"

"From this incident, it can be seen that the strength of the military command Shanghai station is a hundred times stronger than we imagined. I calculated that all the crew members on the special train add up to 15 people. Because there are military escorts, there are not so many people. But the military command agents actually have the strength to replace all members, which really makes me unbelievable." Keiko Sakanishi said,
"Yes, according to the people in the sightseeing group, the desserts made by the chef are very authentic. They are definitely made by professional pastry chefs. The Japanese food at noon is also very authentic. Everyone on the train can speak fluent Japanese, and they are polite to Japan. They are also very familiar, so no one doubted them at the time." Mieko Sakai said,

"This is what puzzles me. It is impossible for a Shanghai station to have so many excellent agents."

"So, could these people have been transferred from somewhere else?"

"This may not be a big deal. The tour group only gave two days' advance notice when they came to Shanghai. I judge that these people who are proficient in Japanese may be by our side."

"With us?"

"Yes, we can pretend to be Chinese, and they can also pretend to be us Japanese, Mieko, do you have such people around you?" Sakani Keiko asked,

"How could there be such a person around me? No one in the special high class has left my sight these days, and they will never be the people around me." Mieko Sakai really paid attention, especially the special class People who are busy these days only sleep three or four hours a day, especially Shunsuke Kuchi and Yunko Takeuchi, and the others are also on duty, so how could they have time to go to Wuxi.

"I'm just asking, maybe they're hiding in other departments, or do we have to find them."

"Keiko, is there really nothing you can do?"

"In Shanghai, we really have nothing to do, because they are hiding in the dark, so I have asked the general, I will take Zhongjing and Qianchuan to Chongqing to investigate, I must find out the poisonous bee, kill the god to the end who is it!"

"You are going to Chongqing!?"

"Yes! I plan to take the young and beautiful Yunzi Takeuchi, can I?"

"You want her to use beauty?"

"That's right, it's not that she hasn't done it before, she should be familiar with it."

"But Juntong should have returned to her identity. I'm afraid she will be recognized soon."

"It seems that Mieko is reluctant, forget it! I'll find someone else!"

(End of this chapter)

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