Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 334 Jiuchi Mansion

Chapter 334 Jiuchi Mansion
Having figured it out, Qi Rui immediately regained his energy. He was about to put on his clothes and leave. Shigeharu Matsumoto said with a smile: "Is that right! I will personally go to the consulate and the headquarters of the Gendarmerie Commander, and I have already given the location You find it, build the mansion as soon as possible, and then we will talk about your future."

"I'm going back to Shanghai right now!"

"Major Jiuchi, do you still remember the man who followed me just now?"

"That's right! Where's the guy who followed President Matsumoto before?"

"His name is Junmu Yiji, and he is my student. He will help you set up the Jiuchi Mansion. You don't have to worry about office equipment, radio stations, cipher machines, weapons and equipment. All you have to do is recruit your own cronies as soon as possible. ” Matsumoto Shigeharu said,
"Hai! I obey President Matsumoto's arrangement."

"Master Kuchi, you not only need to cooperate with the special high school in the early stage, but also have more contacts with other intelligence agencies, so that you can open up the situation as soon as possible. Prime Minister Konoe and I hope that your Kuchi Mansion will be among the important intelligence agencies in half a year. Go to the institution, just like the Maochuan Mansion, Inoue Mansion, and Iwai Mansion.”

"Hay! I will do my best!"

One day later, Qi Rui returned to Shanghai with Song Jian, Tang Rui, Takeuchi Yunzi, and Junmu Yiji. When he met Mieko Sakai in the extra-high school, she asked regretfully, "Jiuchi-san, do you really want to give up?" have they gone?"

"Mr. Sakai knows everything?"

"Master Tanaka Masanori has already informed me that you are leaving the special high school, Hisaichi-kun, why did you leave after doing a good job?" Sakai Mieko asked very reluctantly,
Takeuchi Yunko was also surprised when he heard this and asked, "Jiuchi-kun, are you leaving?"

"I'm still in Shanghai and haven't left. I just created the Jiuchi Mansion according to Konoe's first request. This just allows me to focus on doing some things in the future, which may avoid some unnecessary losses."

"It is of course good to establish an independent intelligence agency, and I hope that Kuchi-kun will not forget the special high school." Mieko Sakai said,

"Section Chief Sakai, we are all colleagues, it would be great if we can share information."

"Well said, let's congratulate Director Kuchi."

Jiuchi Mansion is also in Hongkou, it is a small three-story building, Junmu Yiji is very capable, many things can be done without worrying about Jiuchi Shunfu, Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to help him, Go home and tell Fu Yingxue about the situation.

"Set up a Jiuchi mansion? Will it have a great impact on our future work?" Fu Yingxue asked with some concern, because Qi Rui would have to take the lead, and if he did nothing at that time, he would be suspected by the Japanese.

"It will only be better, because the special high school has certain limitations. Although you can also go to other places, the main task is still to focus on local work. The mansion is different, because it is an independent intelligence agency, just like Inoue Mansion Similarly, we can go to any place to carry out tasks, of course we will still focus on Shanghai and its surrounding areas.” Qi Rui said,
"But if you want to face the whole country, you must have corresponding information. How will you communicate with the Japanese?"

"How to use intelligence is also a science, it depends on how we deal with it ourselves, so Xue'er, you should inform the organization of this situation as soon as possible and ask the organization what it means." Qi Rui said,
"Okay, I'll notify the organization now."

After Fu Yingxue left, Qi Rui drove to Zhuang Xiaoman's house and asked her to tell Dai about the situation, because the incident was quite sudden and it was already a certainty that could not be changed, so he just let him know.

I received a reply soon, and Dai Jue is very good, because Qi Rui's scope of activities will be much larger, and more information will be involved, which will definitely be beneficial to the military command. All can play their role.

"Don't worry, Director Jiuchi?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked with a charming smile,

"Xiaoman, have all the equipment bought from the British been installed?"

"It's all done. The factory has been sold. The available equipment and the ones you bought are placed in the separated basement workshop. There is a warehouse above it. I have already started to use it." Zhuang Xiaoman's ability to handle affairs is also Very strong, basically she can immediately understand what Qi Rui says.

"Good job, Xiaoman, you still need to help me get some materials." Qi Rui wrote some chemical materials and gave them to her.

"What are these?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked without understanding,
"Raw materials for the manufacture of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin, which are used in the manufacture of bullet propellants."

It seems simple to launch gunpowder from bullets, but it is actually very difficult. In modern India, it is impossible to make bullets by itself because the ratio of gunpowder to launch is not good.

And the propellant used in our firearms only stays with the double-base propellant technology introduced from the former Soviet Union, which is completely inconsistent with our developed chemical industry, but our country is the number one artillery country because we have mastered the advanced three-base propellant technology.

"Ninth Brother, do you still want to make your own bullets?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked wonderingly,

Qi Rui smiled and said: "The bullets used in some operations must be made by ourselves, and you will know when the time comes."

"Ninth Brother, why do you know everything? I love you so much!" Zhuang Xiaoman admired Qi Rui even more, and now he will set up his own intelligence agency. An agent who becomes Ninth Brother is invincible.

"Xiaoman, I'm going to be very busy these days, so call home if you have something to do." Qi Rui took a set of warehouse keys and left.

Back home, Fu Yingxue also came back with news. The meaning of the organization is that the establishment of a mansion is of course better than that of a special high school, because at least the source of information will be more extensive, and the action will be more free, and there is no need to formulate multiple sets of actions. plan.

"Xue'er, I know what you're worried about. In fact, I'm also thinking about it, but Fummo Konoe and Shigeharu Matsumoto asked me to set up a mansion. They must have a lot of things that I need to do. This is a good thing. Besides, there are rouge in the secret service headquarters. Now, it’s not difficult for me to know any information about the special high class, so it’s only good for us and not bad.”

"Qi Rui, everyone recognizes that you are smart and capable. I'm just worried that you can't grasp the size well." Fu Yingxue said,

"Didn't you help me?"

"I'm not as good as you." Fu Yingxue laughed after finishing speaking, and continued: "No matter what you do, I will be by your side to help."

"Xue'er is the best!" Qi Rui hugged Fu Yingxue in his arms and kissed her twice.
Fu Yingxue asked: "Qi Rui, will the pharmacy be affected by the establishment of the Jiuchi mansion?"

"No, I will try to keep it as much as possible, because we can stock some medicines if the pharmacy is here."

"That's good. Sister Jiaying should also hope to maintain the current state."

(End of this chapter)

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