Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 335 Three tasks after the establishment of the mansion

Chapter 335 Three tasks after the establishment of the mansion
Qi Rui now has only six subordinates, the three left-behind spies of the Black Gold Project, Tang Rui and Song Jian, and the other is Jaimi Yiji, who said that he only cares about the financial and logistical work of the Jiuchi mansion, and will not interfere with anything else.

It looked like he was worried about Shunsuke Kuike and the others spending money. Qi Rui knew that he should be here to supervise, and it was Matsumoto Shigeharu's eyes.

On November [-]th, the Jiuchi Mansion was officially listed. Qi Rui kept a low profile and did not inform anyone, but Shigeharu Matsumoto, Masanori Tanaka, Mieko Sakai, Toshihide Inoue and others all came to congratulate him, and Shigeharu Matsumoto also came with Black Dragon Shunji Muto and Junichiro Kojima who will meet.

Toshihide Inoue pulled Kuchi Shunsuke and said, "Kuichi-kun! We need to communicate with each other in the future."

Inoue Toshihide has been busy recently, and Qi Rui has really investigated everything. Some of his spies have been sent to various places to inquire about news. In Shanghai, he basically used people from gangs, mainly from the Anqing Association and the Zodiac Association. public.

"Okay, even if Mr. Inoue doesn't tell me, I will go to you." Qi Rui said,
"It's really enviable. When I established the Inoue Mansion, it wasn't as lively as yours."

"Mr. Inoue is humble. I only have six people including myself, so I can compare with you!"

"Jiuchi-kun, don't be humble. There are thousands of people in Shenghui and Rongxiang car dealerships for you to drive, and there are thousands of people in Rongshe. Muto Shunji and Kojima Junichiro are here. It is obvious that the Black Dragon Club It will also be the help of Jiuchi Mansion, so it seems that Jiuchi Mansion is much stronger than Inoue Mansion!" Inoue Junxiu said enviously,

"Mr. Inoue knows better than myself, it seems that he has been investigating me behind the scenes!" Qi Rui half-jokingly said,
"Jiuchi-kun was joking. I dare not investigate you. It's just that Huang Jinrong is your master. You have sent people to take care of both Shenghui and Rongxiang car dealerships, and they are in good order. If you want to say that I am compared to Jiuchi-kun But it’s far away, I only spend money, and you make money while working for the empire, I really admire you.”

"Inoue-kun is really overrated."

Mieko Sakai pulled Shunsuke Kuchi aside and said, "Kuichi-kun, although you are no longer in the special high school, you still have to help us investigate the person who hijacked the tour group."

"Didn't all the portraits be given to you? My solution is just to take the portraits and send people down to find someone. Could it be that the portraits don't look good?" happy,

"No, I have asked people in the sightseeing group about these portraits, and they all said that they are very similar, basically exactly the same as real people, but it is strange that these people are as if they have never appeared before, without any clues."

"It should be hiding, relax a little, they will show up sooner or later."

"Mr. Jiuchi, you probably don't know yet. During this period of time, officials from the reform government have been killed one after another in Nanjing. The Luo Junqiang you brought back was shot dead by two people yesterday in front of his house. He was shot three times in the head."

"Ah! Luo Junqiang is dead! Do you know who did it?" Qi Rui really didn't know that Wang Tianfeng and his people really succeeded.

"Looking at his methods and acting style, he looks like a military commander's killer."

"I don't have time to take care of these things, because President Matsumoto gave me some things to do. Mieko, you don't need to worry about this matter. Our people in Nanjing will check it out."

"Yes, I just want to tell you that our opponents have never been idle!"

"Mieko, we will definitely cooperate closely in the future, just like before, I will never shirk what I can do, you can rest assured about that."

"I believe that if there is anything that needs our T-Tech's assistance, just say it, and I will fully support it."

Seeing Shunsuke Kuchi finished talking with the beauty, Shunji Muto and Junichiro Kojima came to him and bowed: "Mr. Kuchi! We are ordered to cooperate with the Kuchi Mansion, please take care of us in the future!"

"Muto-kun! Kojima-kun! Please forgive me if I offended you before. At that time, I had to do it for some purpose!" Since we are here for cooperation, we must treat each other with courtesy, and Qi Rui is also very polite.

"Mr. Jiuchi, if you have time, please teach our disciples of the Black Dragon Society a lot. They all admire you!"

"It's all my own people, I will definitely go there when I have time!"

After Toshihide Inoue and Mieko Sakai left, Shigeharu Matsumoto called Shunsuke Kuike to him and said, "Master Kuchi, these are the three tasks you need to do now! Take a closer look, what's the problem?" Just ask." After speaking, he gave Shunsuke Kuike an information bag.

After reading the documents, Qi Rui asked, "President Matsumoto, let us protect the negotiators in Chongqing. I guarantee that this task will be foolproof!"

"Well, General Takeo Imai and Colonel Kagesa Sadaki both believe this."

"Are General Imai and Colonel Kagesa in Shanghai?"

"They are currently in Shanghai, negotiating with representatives from Chongqing, Gao Zongwu and Yang Siping."

"Gao Zongwu and Yang Siping, I really want to hear their names."

"They are all political leaders in Chongqing."

"Are they here on behalf of Chiang?"

"On the surface, he came on behalf of him, but in fact he was talking about Wang Jingwei."

"Wang Jingwei? Chiang's political enemy!"

"Yes, this is Wang Jingwei. Your task is to ensure the safety of Yang Siping and Gao Zongwu, because Chongqing seems to know what they are doing."


"You don't have to worry about the manpower, I will let the Black Dragon Association assist you." After Matsumoto Shigeharu said, he whispered: "Jiuchi Shaozuo, your force is outstanding, try to use your strength to conquer some of the Black Dragon Association for your own use, Inoue Aren't most of the mansions are spies trained by the Black Dragon, you are short of thugs, and they are very suitable."

"Thank you, President Matsumoto, for your suggestion!"

"President Matsumoto, can you give me some advice on the second mission, because I'm too far away and I really can't think of a good way to help them."

The second task is to find a way to promote Gemini's meritorious service, because now they are all under the management of Jiuchi Mansion.

"I've already figured this out for you. There are quite a few communists lurking in Chongqing. After working hard, our people managed to find a few. Just let them catch them."

"Isn't the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperating now?"

"Don't believe this, the Chinese are in a state of disunity, and Jiang can't tolerate them. The war is gradually entering a stalemate. We still have a task to provoke the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party again! This is the real purpose of your second task. If you discover the Communist Party where these people are lurking, you will disclose the news to the Communist Party.”

"Sure enough, you are brilliant!" Qi Rui greeted Shigeharu Matsumoto's eighteenth generation ancestors in his heart, the little devil is vicious and vicious.

"The third task is to quickly establish an intelligence team composed of Chinese. Prime Minister Konoe has always felt that using barbarians to control barbarians is the best way to govern."


(End of this chapter)

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