Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 336 Brother Feng, give up this action!

Chapter 336 Brother Feng, give up this action!
There is no need for Qi Rui to disrupt the negotiation, because even if you kill Gao Zongwu and Yang Siping, as well as Liu Zongwu, Wang Zongwu came to talk with the devils, the negotiation will definitely be successful in the end. Didn't Gao Zongwu publish in the newspaper and expose Wang Jingwei's defection to the enemy? Have you betrayed the country, so Qi Rui will do his best to protect them.

The third task can be done without Matsumoto Shigeharu's words. Which Japanese intelligence agency is not effective as a traitor, and Kuchi Mansion is of course no exception.

The second task of catching the Communist Party, Qi Rui, is also a bit embarrassing. He asked Gemini to catch him. Qi Rui will inform Dai in advance that this is a devil's conspiracy, and also inform the organization of the situation of several underground parties.

Because it was a period of cooperation between the two parties, once a person was arrested, the party representative in Chongqing immediately went to ask Dai Dai to release him in order not to damage the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Some developments, so the second task does not currently affect the relationship between the two parties.

On November [-]th, Qi Rui brought Song Jian and Tang Rui to the Black Dragon Club, because he wanted to pick a few people to follow to protect the safety of both parties.

"Kuike Shunsuke!" Shouted Yi and Xianren, who had defeated him once,
"Yi and Xianren, hello!" Qi Rui came to the Martial Arts Hall with arms folded, this is the place where Black Dragon Club ronin practice swordsmanship every day.

"Curator Kuchi! Hello!" Moncho Yamato brought Ronin over to greet him.

"Mending Yamato, has your kendo improved?" Qi Rui asked loudly,
"Some progress has been made under the encouragement of Director Kuike." Mending Yamato said truthfully,

"Then compare it with my two subordinates." Qi Rui pointed to Song Jian and said to Mending Yamato: "This is Shifang Accelerator, seventh-dan swordsmanship! If you really make progress, then come with me to carry it out A mission to protect important people."

"Hayi!" The ronin of the Black Dragon Association was still willing to serve the military, and Mending Yamato immediately sent someone to bring two bamboo swords.

Song Jian and Tang Rui have practiced everything since they were young. Fighting, kendo, and spear stabbing are all skills that must be learned. Qi Rui has trained them again, so it is said that they are seventh-level kendo, but in fact they should be above eighth-level.

The two played against each other for more than 30 rounds. Song Jian defeated Mending Yamato, and Qi Rui praised: "Mending Yamato has really improved a lot. I'll wait for you."

"I want to compare!" Yi and Xianren said,
Qi Rui pointed to Tang Rui and said to Yi and the sage: "This is Uchiha Yu, who is also the seventh dan of kendo, remind me, in my eyes they are the seventh dan of kendo, as long as you can do the same as Mencho Yamato."

The two fought against each other, and Yi and Xianren lost more than 20 rounds, because Tang Rui's force was slightly stronger than Song Jian's.

"Papa..." Muto Keiji and Kojima Junichiro walked over with a few ronin applauding,
"Director Muto!"

"Curator Kuike is here!"

Qi Rui asked directly: "Let them carry out the mission with me, will they use guns?"

"They've all been trained and will work!"

Qi Rui pointed to Mending Yamato and the dozen or so rogues around Yi and Xianren and said, "Okay, let them prepare and report to the Kuchi mansion wearing samurai hakama and swords."


"Thank you for your support to the Jiuchi Mansion! I will definitely thank you again afterwards, so farewell!"

Qi Rui led the people away, and Muto Keiji said: "I have long seen that he is not an ordinary person, so he is a student of Prime Minister Konoe!"

Mending Yamato said: "The two people following him are also very powerful. We all exerted our full strength, but they seem to have only used [-]% of their strength."

"A master like Shunsuke Kuchi, how could he not have a senior brother, so you must obey the order of Curator Kuchi and complete this task well, even if you die, you can't embarrass the Black Dragon Society! Did you all hear that? ?”


Because Gao Zongwu and Yang Siping arrived today, Qi Rui didn't need to take anyone with them when they first arrived, because the Gendarmerie and the Special High School were responsible for the security work, what Qi Rui and the others had to do was close protection during their negotiations.

At eight o'clock that night, Qi Rui met Wang Tianfeng again by appointment.

"Xiao Jiu, we killed a few traitors in Nanjing, but the rest were really hard to kill, so we came back first." Wang Tianfeng said,

"You did a great job, brother Feng, I'm not in the special high school now."

"Did you get demoted because of the tour group?"

"I have now established an independent intelligence agency, Jiuchi Mansion, and I will be directly under the command of the cabinet."

"Isn't this the same as getting promoted? Wouldn't there be more and more accurate information in the future! All right! Xiao Jiu, he's getting better and better!" Wang Tianfeng liked Xiao Jiu more and more, and now he can't wait to marry him.

"It's true that there will be more information, Brother Feng, take a good rest these few days."

"I can't rest! Because we received a new mission, the chief asked us to assassinate Gao Zongwu and Yang Siping."

"Why kill them?"

"The old man already knew that Gao Zongwu betrayed him to help Wang Jingwei, and the boss asked me to find a way to get rid of them."

"Brother Feng, I advise you not to perform this task."


"Because it doesn't make any sense to kill them, and I'm the person appointed to protect them. I won't let you succeed, so you'd better not try, because this matter cannot be stopped at all."

"Can't be stopped?"

"Brother Feng, you heard me right. I will definitely not do anything to be sorry for the country and the nation. It is useless to kill Gao Zongwu. On the contrary, this Gao Zongwu will be used by us in the future, because he is running around. The purpose is to hope for a truce, and to say that he is a traitor would also wrong him."

"Then how do I tell the boss?"

"That is to say, without the cooperation of Shashen, this task cannot be carried out at all, because the Japanese side attaches great importance to this meeting, and they also know that Shashen, Poison Bee, and Judges are all in Shanghai, so they will be heavily guarded during the negotiations. You have a chance nothing."

"Okay, Xiao Jiu, I'll listen to you." Xiao Jiu's information has always been accurate, and Wang Tianfeng firmly believes in this.

"Brother Feng, my Jiuchi Mansion will also recruit some traitors and lackeys, and I promise to recruit hardcore traitors, Brother Feng, anyone who enters and exits my Jiuchi Mansion, except me, Shifang Accelerator, Uchiha Yu You can kill anyone you want!"

Qi Rui had this idea. If he wanted to recruit, he would recruit hard-core traitors and lackeys, and then directly send them to Wang Tianfeng and the others at gunpoint.

"Your trick is ruthless and terrific! Hahaha, you really deserve to be Xiao Jiu!"

"For traitors and running dogs, the Japanese devils must be worse than them!"

"You're right! Xiaojiu, from now on you'll recruit more traitors, and we'll have something to do at Shanghai Station!"


(End of this chapter)

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