Chapter 338
Qi Rui had long expected that the ronin from the Black Collar Society would be willing to join the mansion, and he hoped that as many people would join the mansion, the better. Anyway, sooner or later, these devils would be killed by him, but he couldn't let them feel that it was easy for them to get in here.

"The hired people need to pass the assessment, but before the assessment, you will all participate in the training plan formulated by our mansion, and you will be hired only if you pass everything. Of course, the more people, the better."

"Director Kuike and Director Muto will agree, and we are also willing to work for you!" Said Moncho Yamato on behalf of the ronin,

"It's not for me, it's for the empire! I'm glad you guys think so, please ask Curator Muto to come after you go back, I'll have a good talk with him."

The rogues left, and Kosojiro (the black gold plan left-behind special agent) who was temporarily in charge of communication came to report: "Mr. Not achieved, but Zheng Guoan and Shen Hongkai were praised by Dai."

"This matter still needs a long-term plan! Let Gemini continue to work hard and strive to be reused." The second task given by Shigeharu Matsumoto is a long-term plan, which is to continue to provoke the Chinese civil war, and they will benefit from it.

Qi Rui looked at the empty mansion and called Song Jian and Tang Rui to drive to the Rongshe to find Huang Jinrong. There are many traitors in the Green Gang, and there are also in the Rongshe. Sharp will too.


"Curator Kuchi is here to welcome you!" Huang Jinrong is now in a cooperative relationship with Shunsuke Kuike, because the profits from the opium business will be distributed on time every month.
Qi Rui also accepted it unceremoniously. Now is a special period, Qi Rui will not be hard on money, because he can't stop the sale of opium in the country at all, so the money might as well be exchanged for anti-Japanese supplies and sent to the rear go.

"Master, I need help from people in my mansion. I know you don't want to get involved with the imperial army, but as far as I know, there are many pro-Japanese people in Rongshe. Do you think this is good? Would you like to come with me?" Don't stop me, if no one wants it, I will never force it."

"Curator Jiuchi opened his mouth and I have no reason to refuse, so let's do as you said."

"Master, please call all the people from the Rong Club together. I want to take away those who serve the imperial army sincerely." Qi Rui deliberately picks people like this, even if there are those who want to be traitors in front of Huang Jinrong. It's not easy to go, as long as they are willing to follow, most of them are hard-core traitors, because these people belong to the traitors who left Rongshe to join the devils,
Huang Jinrong still respects Shunsuke Kuike very much. First of all, people call him master every day, which saves him a lot of trouble. Otherwise, the Japanese army will come to your door every day. He will not refuse, mainly because Shunsuke Kuike has never made excessive demands.

It would be great if he wanted to take away those who wanted to be traitors in the Rong Club, so Huang Jinrong immediately sent someone to gather his subordinates, and he was all targeted, he probably knew what was going on with everyone in the club.

In less than two hours, hundreds of people gathered in Rongshe. Finally, under the lure of high salaries, Qi Rui actually picked out more than 50 people, and asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to write down their names and ask them to go to Jiuchi Mansion to report early tomorrow morning.

"Curator Jiuchi, do you want to keep all these people?" Huang Jinrong asked,
"That shouldn't be the case. These people need to be trained. Master, I won't let them come back even if they fail."


"Master, in fact, I didn't want to take anyone away from you. Since these people are willing to go with me, they are no longer members of Rongshe."

It’s really what Shunsuke Kuike said, even if these people want to come back, Huang Jinrong won’t accept it, so he laughed: “Curator Kuchi, is this here to help me clean up the house?” ?”

"Master, I dare not use someone who is loyal to you. Now this result is good for us."

"Curator Jiuchi, now our business is getting better and better. If you can, please say hello to the water and land checkpoints. We have to manage every time we go, and we are not happy if we don't give less. If it counts down to a month That's a lot of money."

"There is such a thing, I will go and tell them."

After finishing his work, Qi Rui took Song Jian and Tang Rui back to the mansion, but found Matsumoto Shigeharu and Kagezuo Zhenzhao waiting for him.

Kagesa Haruaki was an important participant in the talks at the Shigemitō Hall, and he played a big role in the talks, and Takeo Imai became a supporting role.

"President Matsumoto! Colonel Kagesa!"

"Curator Hisaichi, are you busy recruiting your subordinates?" Kagezuo Zhen Zhao asked with a smile,

"Yes, I just came back from Rongshe Jinrong."

"This cunning old guy, let him stop thinking about making money. It doesn't matter if he doesn't cooperate with the imperial army, but he must do what needs to be done!"

Satomifu came to Shanghai because he was appointed by Kagezuo Shakiaki. Now Jinrong is the largest opium dealer in Satomifu, and he has earned a lot of money in a short period of time, so he hopes that Jinrong can donate some.

"Yes! I have already reminded him of this, I don't think he will disappoint Colonel Ying Zuo."

"Director Hisaike, you did a good job at the Shigemitsu meeting. I heard that the instigation of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party failed?" Matsumoto Shigeharu asked,

"Yes, President Matsumoto, but I don't think this can be done overnight. We need a long-term plan, and it also depends on the situation in China. Judging by the current situation, our plan cannot be successful."


"Because the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are cooperating now, whoever messes up will sabotage the war of resistance. They have a common enemy now, which is us."

"Then when do you think it's more appropriate to implement this plan?"

"Aren't we already implementing it? The people in the military command arrested a few Communists. Although they all went back safely, how could the Communists not feel bad? This kind of thing happens a few times. In addition, many people from both sides The ideas are different, so it will be a matter of time before they split."

"What Director Hisaike said is very reasonable, President Matsumoto is indeed a little anxious." Kagesa Haraaki laughed,
"Curator Hisaike, then you will be responsible for continuing this task."

"Hayi, entrust this task to me, and I guarantee that they will fight themselves within two years."

"Hahaha, very good, Curator Kuchi, I'm here to ask you for a favor." Kagezuo Zhen Zhao said,
"If you have anything to do with Ying Zuo, just ask."

"Curator Jiuchi, I want you to help bring Wang Jingwei and others to Shanghai."


"At any time, I am now waiting for news from Wang Jingwei. Once they leave Chongqing, they will definitely be hunted down. At that time, I need you to help me escort them back."

"Understood! I will immediately train a team dedicated to this task and be on standby!"

(End of this chapter)

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