Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 339 Modification of sniper rifles and bullets

Chapter 339 Modification of sniper rifles and bullets
As soon as Akira Kagezawa and Shigeharu Matsumoto left, Keiji Muto and Junichiro Kojima from the Black Dragon Club came with a group of ronin. The meaning couldn't be more obvious. They very much supported the ronin joining the Kuchi Mansion.

"Director Muto, thank you very much for your support, but I still want to put the ugly words up front. I will report the list to the cabinet for those who pass the training and pass the assessment. At that time, the people on the list will become official intelligence personnel. , you can enjoy all the treatment of my Jiuchi mansion, but you will also bear the same risk while enjoying this treatment, that is, those in our business must have the determination to break the jade for the empire at any time, can you all do it? "

"Yes!" The rogues replied in unison.

After listening to the applause, Qi Rui applauded them and said: "Okay! I apologize to you, because I always thought you were gang members, but today I saw your determination to dedicate everything to the empire! Then stay Accept the training! I hope all of you can pass the test!"

The instructors of these ronin are Song Jian and Tang Rui, and their names here are Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu. Qi Rui allowed them to train these ronin according to their own methods, and the training time was only half a month.

After making arrangements for the mansion, Qi Rui drove to the residence of the No. [-] special agent team in the French Concession, and told them about the establishment of the Jiuchi mansion.

"Brother Nine, the devil asked you to set up an intelligence agency alone! You are still the boss! You are too good!" After hearing what Qi Rui said, Ma Yunfei's eyes, which were originally like copper bells, almost flowed from their sockets. Out.

"This will allow me to act more freely, and I don't have to pretend to look for you, okay?"

"Okay! That's great, so you can lead us to win a few more votes." He Jian said with a smile,
"There must be some action. Next, I plan to eliminate the Inoue Mansion first, because this intelligence agency is a great threat to us." Qi Rui said,
"Why didn't you say what they were doing during this time?" Ouyang Jianping asked,

"The task of the Inoue Mansion is to buy gangs and bandits in the surrounding area. Because they were willing to spend money, they gave them weapons and money. The Inoue Mansion quickly armed these people and became a puppet army. Persecution, because these gangs and armed forces have a Japanese spy as an advisor and command, so what they do is even more brutal than the devils' regular army, and then we have to find a way to eliminate these armed forces and the Inoue Mansion!"

"This Inoue mansion is so dangerous!" Gao Han said in surprise,

"Someone once said that although the Inoue Mansion is only about [-] years old, its function is equivalent to a Japanese army division. Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is enough to prove their harm, so it must be eliminated."

"Ninth brother, I also found out, as long as you say it, the plan is basically done, then we will listen to you." Ma Yunfei said,

"I'm here today to say hello to you. If you need your help, I will contact you again. Remember to act according to the plan."

"Brother Nine, it's best if we can make a move."

"Xiao Jiu, let me help you collect some information about Inoue Mansion." Ouyang Jianping said,
"Of course that's good. I really want to know how many traitors the Inoue Mansion has and where they are distributed."

"Perhaps I have a way to find these." Ouyang Jianping said,
"Then I'll wait for the good news, and you should make preparations in advance."

Qi Rui knew that Ouyang Jianping was going to contact the organization to inquire about these news, so go ahead, he wanted comprehensive information, so Qi Rui went directly to find Li Xiaonan when he left here.

"Comrade Miaodao, why did you give us so much money!" Li Xiaonan looked at the box of money and exclaimed,

"You are in charge of the money. It is mainly used to strengthen the guerrillas. Another function is to gather information. I want to know the details of the locations, numbers, equipment levels, and strengths of all the traitors in Jiangsu. data, can it be done?"

"Yes! Comrade Miaodao, are you planning to wipe them all out?"

"Yes, these traitors must be eliminated, because sometimes they are more harmful than devils."

"What about the martial arts team?"

"The armed forces team try not to do these things, all they need to do is stand by! I will give them combat missions at any time."

"Comrade Miaodao, I will pass this instruction to the guerrillas everywhere, and let them be responsible for collecting information in this regard!"

"Little man, how many people are in the martial arts team now?"

"So far there are only ten people, but they can fight against ten with one." Li Xiaonan said,

"Have you seen their strength?"

"Of course, we drove back to Shanghai from Huishan. Do you know that the devils set up multiple checkpoints on the road. One of the roads must be passed by the martial arts team to kill a small group of devils at the checkpoint. I didn't have time to make a move at the time. , They killed all the devils."

Shunfu Jiuchi didn't hear about such a big thing, Qi Rui asked in a reprimanded tone: "Why didn't you report this to me?"

"Is this still a report?"

"Little man, you must report to me no matter what happens in the future, because the details determine success or failure, remember?"

"Yes! Comrade Miaodao, I will report to you as soon as possible next time!"

"Call me directly if you have any news."

"Then I will report to the film studio a few days later."

"Then it will be a few days later."

This action was planned by Qi Rui himself, because such a task does not need to be given by anyone. After leaving Qi Rui from Li Xiaonan, he went to the workshop to work for more than two hours. Qi Rui modified four sniper rifles with [-] big covers. , the bullets were also refitted with [-] rounds, but they used double-based propellants prepared by himself, which he made in six nights.

At present, Qi Rui can only use the existing firearms in his hand to improve and improve. He tried the sniper rifle and felt good. Looking at his achievements, he said to himself: Let Wen Qian and Tiecheng try whether this gun and bullets can work. To achieve their expected range and lethality, I don't know if the effective range of 800 meters can make them like it.

6.5-type rifle, with a caliber of 760 mm, an initial velocity of 460 m/s, and an effective range of 1000 meters, but it still has lethality beyond 2400 meters (with a record of killing people), and its range is 800 meters. It was the gun with the longest range at that time, shooting the Allies from [-] meters away.

After Qi Rui modified the firearms and bullets, the effective range of this gun has been increased to 800 meters, and the target within 200 meters can definitely be accurately sniped, which is 98 meters higher than the 200K’s [-]-meter precision sniper. The advantage is that it is much safer to perform sniper missions.

(End of this chapter)

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