Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 340 Miao Dao gives us a mission again!

Chapter 340 Miao Dao gives us a mission again!
In the next five days, after Qi Rui personally gave a lecture to the ronin and the traitors from Rongshe, he asked Tang Rui and Song Jian to train them intensively.

The rogues were not bad, none of them were eliminated after five days, but more than half of the traitors in Rongshe were eliminated except for the fake traitor Guo Qiyun. There were only 50 of the more than 24 people who could barely survive.

Qi Rui is absolutely ruthless to the traitors. If he is eliminated, he will be taken away by Japanese soldiers in front of other traitors, and he will tell them that these people will be sent to work as laborers. If anyone fails to persevere in the next training, It will be the same fate.

Everyone of these people knows that being a laborer is a narrow escape and never want to come back, so they all wailed and begged for mercy like Shunsuke Kuchi, but Shunsuke Kuchi looked at them coldly as they were dragged away by the Japanese army like mangy dogs. Sneered twice.

Even the wanderers felt the viciousness of Shunsuke Kuchi. You must know that when these people came on the first day, he welcomed them with drums and gongs, and he also told everyone about the future of the Kuchi mansion impassionedly. It seems that the people present here are already masters, but after only five days, more than half of the Chinese people were directly sent to hell by him.

Song Jian and Tang Rui obeyed Shunsuke Kuike's words, and they could do whatever they wanted, plus they were trained from a young age, so even they were very strict with ronin, and they didn't like them a little bit. Just greet them with sticks, the ronin are far stronger than those traitors because they train their physical fitness every day, so they all carried it down.

But so what if they persisted, there was still more and more training waiting for them, and a few traitors wanted to escape and were directly beaten to death by Song Jian and Tang Rui to make an example.

With Song Jian and Tang Rui staring at the mansion, Qi Rui was very relieved. He hardly stayed in the mansion every day. He drove around in the car on the grounds of recruiting subordinates, and often went out of the city for a stroll.

In a wilderness in the outer suburbs of Shanghai, Qi Rui took Su Wenqian and Chi Tiecheng to try out the improved sniper rifle. They used the improved bullets he made himself. , 200 meters, and 300 meters of fixed targets all hit the gun target, but the accuracy is slightly unsatisfactory.

"Brother Nine, this gun is so handsome! We'll be fine if we get used to it for a few more days, and this bullet is awesome. If it was used to assassinate Ding Mocun last time, it would have succeeded." Chi Tiecheng held it The sniper rifle couldn't put it down and said,

"Ninth Brother, did you really improve this gun yourself? It's so easy to use, and this bullet is also powerful, and the cavity effect is much larger than the original [-]-cap bullet. If you are hit by this bullet, you will definitely be useless. " Su Wenqian said very expertly,

"Haha, that's right. Since we shoot, we have to kill them with one shot, because most of the time we only have one shot." Qi Rui said,
"Ninth Brother, did you make these bullets yourself?"

"I only did twenty experiments myself, and I will teach you how to do it later. The more bullets like this, the better."

"Brother Jiu, umm...hahaha, I really love you!" Chi Tiecheng smiled and came over to hug Qi Rui,

"Wen Qian, Tiecheng, usually bullets with a large cover of [-] can be used to perform missions, and some bullets with such high power and long range can be manufactured for special missions. In the future, this kind of bullet is likely to become the judge's combination sign." Qi Rui said,
"Brother Nine, your marksmanship is better than ours, so our brothers will take away all your achievements in the future." Chi Tiecheng said with a smile,

"I have a special status, and I don't have many chances to make a move. I still have to see you in the future!"

"Ninth brother, have you used tasks recently?" Su Wenqian asked,
"Yes, recently your task is to kill Toshihide Inoue from the Inoue mansion. I have given you the photos. In addition, everyone who enters and leaves the mansion will be killed. I don't dare to play tricks after I have this kind of bullet!" Qi Rui laughed,
"Isn't it! Brother Jiu, is this gun prepared for us for this mission?"

"Okay, finish this mission and return the gun to me!"

"Hmm...haha, how is it possible, now that Brother Jiu is in our hands, don't even think about going back!" Chi Tiecheng hugged his gun tightly after hearing this.

"I will ask Shanghai Station to cooperate with the two of you in the future. Remember to wear makeup whenever you perform tasks, and don't let others see your real appearance!" Qi Rui urged,

"Yes! Brother Nine."

Qi Rui brought the two back to Shanghai. No one dared to check his car. After sending them back, he went to find Li Xiaonan. She had collected information about some puppet troops in nearby towns.

After listening to Li Xiaonan's report, Qi Rui asked: "Who sent the news?"

"Comrade Miaodao, don't worry, all the information they send is delivered by mailbox. The guerrillas only know that their superior is a comrade with the code name Doctor, but they don't know who it is. Now only Jing Yun from the military workers team knows my identity. , Zhou Daliang, Jiang Tong, and Jiang Xing brothers, by the way, the two brothers still ask about you."

"What did you say?"

"I said that you are now the devil's major in the Jiuchi mansion, but they are dubious."

"Give them a task to eliminate the traitors and bandits outside the city of Suzhou. Don't they have more than 100 people, and the local guerrillas are not enough manpower. Stay." After speaking, Qi Rui told Li Xiaonan the battle plan,

"Yes! What about the puppet troops in other places?"

"First eliminate this group of bandits and puppet troops, and then I will tell them what to do next."


Jiang Xing and Jiang Tong have nothing to do and don't need to run into the city now, because Qi Rui has already given them the radio station. Jing Yun learned telecommunications in Yan'an, and Li Xiaonan directly sent the secret code written by Qi Rui to send the message. Call them the next task.

Jing Yun said happily after receiving the telegram: "Miao Dao has given us another mission!"

Jing Yun knew that his real superior was Comrade Miao Dao, and the doctor was just a liaison officer.

"What mission?" Zhou Daliang asked,
"Annihilate a puppet army of more than 100 people. I know them. The leader is Li Hannian. They were originally a group of vicious bandits nearby. They were bought by the devil's spies more than three months ago. They were given weapons and equipment to turn them into puppet soldiers. Army, after becoming a puppet army, they are even more unscrupulous, and they are almost all over the surrounding villages and towns, our task is to eliminate them."

"How to kill?" Li Nancheng asked,
"Yes, is ten of us enough?" Lu Zhengnian asked,
"Don't worry, Comrade Doctor sent Lao Zheng's guerrillas to help us. They have all changed their equipment now and are planning to try new ones."

(End of this chapter)

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