Chapter 341

Eliminating this puppet army is very simple. As long as someone informs them that anti-Japanese elements have been found in a certain village, they will go there immediately. Catching anti-Japanese elements is secondary to them. They use this as a reason to blackmail and rob the villagers. is the main purpose.

Waiting for them is the martial arts team and more than 100 guerrilla fighters of our party who just changed their shotguns. It is really easy to kill these traitors and bandits. You don’t need to shoot at the beginning, because the calculated time, the bandits arrived after dark. All members of the martial arts team quietly ambushed in the villager's yard.

In order to prevent the anti-Japanese elements from escaping, these traitor armed forces spread out and surrounded the village as soon as they arrived. When they entered the village, they would break in from house to house. This is the usual style of banditry.

And what was waiting for them was the sharp butcher's knife in the hands of members of the martial arts team. Zhou Daliang and Jing Yun had all received Qi Rui's training. It would be really easy for one person to kill three or five unsuspecting bandits.

After all the guerrillas and other puppet troops entered the village, they came to the oriole and then surrounded the village. When they found that something was wrong, the puppet troops who wanted to escape would directly hit the muzzles of the guerrillas. The military workers and some guerrillas chased after the traitors and bandits. , and the guerrillas outside the village flanked each other and wiped them all out.

The ambush armed forces and guerrillas designed in this way almost wiped out the gang of traitors without any injuries. The only regret is that the villagers had to move out of the village quickly, but the villagers knew that it was the gang of traitors and bandits who killed them, and almost no one Those who complained and those who had nowhere to go stayed in the village.

Qi Rui asked the guerrillas to cooperate with the martial arts team to eliminate the bandits and traitors bought by the Inoue Mansion. What is needed is a chain reaction. Killing these bandits will definitely attract the attention of the Devil Garrison and Toshihide Inoue, because if they can completely wipe out this bandit, the opponent's strength will definitely not be strong. Poor, at least double the strength.

Inoue Mansion
"Li Hannian's team was wiped out in Xiaobei Village?" Junxiu Inoue was shocked when he received the call.

"We have seen the corpses. More than 30 of them were beheaded with sharp knives. Li Hannian and the others should have found an ambush and wanted to leave the village, but they were chased and killed by armed forces in the village. Li Hannian and the others fled the village and were ambushed in the village again. In the end, all of them were killed, the villagers were worried about being implicated and ran away, and the gunfire lasted for less than 5 minutes after questioning the rest of the villagers."

"No one alive?"

"No, this armed team is not simple, and it is the first time it has appeared in this region. We guess it should be a well-trained special agent, because the weapons in their hands are much better than those of the communist guerrillas."

"Yankou, they must be still nearby. Search it. After all, there was a gun battle. There may be wounded among them. Check carefully to see if you can find any clues."


Toshihide Inoue put down the phone and looked at the location of Xiaobei Village on the map. The more he thought about it, the more he thought something was wrong. This time it was obviously not an encounter, but more like Li Hannian was designed, and the purpose was to wipe them all out. There is actually such a team around Shanghai. Armed! ?

"Hachimura! Nagaike!" Toshihide Inoue shouted,

"Curator!" The two Japanese spies agreed and came to Toshihide Inoue.

"Take people to check around Xiaobei Village carefully. Once you find the traces of this armed group, report it immediately. Maybe they are related to the kidnapping case of a tourist group, understand?"


Hachimura Yuuta and Nagaike Kentaro are both Inoue Toshihide's right-hand men, and each of them also manages some traitor spies, and the two of them took a few of their men and went straight to Xiaobei Village on bicycles.

Tang Ling and Tan Lin were already staring at the Inoue Mansion. Seeing that there were more than a dozen people leaving the Inoue Mansion in a hurry as Brother Nine said, Tang Ling immediately called Qi Rui.

When Qi Rui received the news, he immediately called the No. [-] special agent team and Song Mian, and asked them to rush to the designated place to ambush and kill the dozen or so secret agents of Inoue Mansion.

This is the chain reaction that Qi Rui wants. Once Junxiu Inoue discovers that there is a powerful armed force, he will most likely send someone to investigate, because with his ability, he will immediately think that this armed force is not simple.

Su Wenqian, Chi Tiecheng, and Song Mian are no strangers to the No. [-] secret service team now. He Jian, Ma Yunfei, Gao Han, and Ouyang Jianping are lying in ambush on the only way to Xiaobei Village. More than a dozen people, Su Wenqian and Chi Tiecheng each found a high point to ambush with their newly acquired sniper rifles, and let others watch and tell them not to shoot as much as possible.

"Why let us watch." Ma Yunfei originally wanted to enjoy himself and said,
He Jian comforted, "They're a team of judges. Don't you see that the guns in their hands are special? I guess they're here to practice."

"That's right, the barrel of the gun is really long, and a flame suppressor is also installed! I haven't seen them use it before."

"This is the sniper rifle Brother Jiu improved for them. This time they are here to try it out." Song Mian said,
"Ninth brother can modify weapons?" Ma Yunfei asked in surprise,

"There's nothing my ninth brother can't do." Song Mian said proudly,

"Your ninth brother, that's our ninth brother too!" Qi Rui said, who is also He Jian's admirer now,
"Shh! Here we come!" Ouyang Jianping reminded, several people were all in ambush.

Hachimura Yuta and Nagaike Kentaro came here on bicycles to facilitate the investigation. A total of twelve people were all wearing plain clothes. When they arrived in Xiaobei Village, their two teams would investigate separately.

Twelve people rode their bicycles fast. Suddenly Hachimura Yuta, who was riding in the front, fell off his bicycle and fell to the ground motionless. The same was true for the traitor spy at the end of the team. Individuals fall to the ground.

"Enemy attack! Hidden...!" Nagaike Kentaro was headshot by a bullet before he could finish his sentence, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

The rest of the traitors and spies were in a mess. They saw the people around them screaming and running away after being frightened by headshots. Su Wenqian and Chi Tiecheng just sniped and killed twelve people in a row without moving. .

The No. [-] secret service team ambushing around all watched this scene. It was broad daylight, and it was so real. He Jian admired: "It's really awesome! The judge team is still two judges! This shot is one They were all headshots!"

"If I had known we would not have come!" Ma Yufei said unhappily without firing a single shot.

At this time, Su Wenqian and Chi Tiecheng came back cheerfully. When they got together, they began to praise the gun in their hands: "Wen Qian, brother Jiu, this gun is really good! The magazine can hold ten bullets, and it is loaded After this flame suppressor, as long as you are not experienced, it will be difficult to find our position."

"We are using the [-]-Gai bullets. Wouldn't it be better to use the bullets made by our Ninth Brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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