Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 347 I'm Not a Communist!

Chapter 347 I'm Not a Communist!
Zhixiong Muto asked himself to protect Junko Muto because he knew that he and the people around him had good military strength.

"Curator Hisachi, Junko is coming to China for the first time. I am too busy here to take care of her. Let her follow you temporarily." Shio Muto said reassuringly,
"Follow me!?"

"Curator Hisaike isn't happy?"

"Oh! No, it's a great honor. I will take care of her like my own sister! Is this why the Consul General asked me to come?"

"Of course not." Muto Zhixiong said to Xiao Tu after finishing speaking: "Xiao Jun, you go out with Junko first, and come back in 15 minutes."

After the two left, Muto Shio said softly: "Master Kuchi, this is the first time I have invited you over after you established an independent intelligence agency. Are you still busy there?"

"not very busy."

"If you're not busy, help me investigate this Xiaotu."

"Isn't he your friend?"

"The Chinese who can be of use to me are my friends!" As he spoke, Muto Shio took out a photo to Shunsuke Kuike and said, "This is the person Xiao Tu visited after he returned to China before he even had time to put down his luggage. He is Ji Fang Hanzhou, a professor at Ren University, according to the investigation of our intelligence personnel, found that this person secretly promoted the anti-Japanese theory in the school and organized anti-Japanese rallies many times. We have determined that his identity is the underground party of the Communist Party of China.”

"Then why don't you grab it?"

"Use this Fang Hanzhou to try Xiao Tu! Then you take Fang Hanzhou and his students back for a trial! He should have a lot of secrets that we want to know."


"Curator Hisachi, don't let Junko know too much, just let her see the peace and prosperity of Shanghai."

"Consul Muto, can I take Junko to live at home?"

"Okay, I know Takeuchi Yunko also lives in your house, it's great to have Aoyama Masami take care of Junko."

"Then I'll take them away."

"Curator Jiuchi, I hope to dig out more communists along the line of Fang Hanzhou!"


Zhuang Xiaoman and Xiao Junru in the Hidden Guardian have already appeared, and now Junko Muto and Xiao Tu appear at the same time, and they will go to Fang Hanzhou's house next, so how can I change this plot?This was too sudden, and Fang Hanzhou's family is probably under control now.

Qi Rui drove Muto Junko home first, and asked: "Yami, this is Muto Junko, the daughter of Consul General Muto, please help me take good care of her, and let her live at home for a few days."

"Sister Yami, you are so beautiful!" Muto Junko exclaimed,
"Chunzi is also very good-looking! Come in quickly." Fu Yingxue already knew from the secret words of the micro-expression that this Junzi was harmless,
"Yami, I still have something to do, I'll come back later."

Qi Rui drove back to the Jiuchi mansion and asked Song Jian and the others to drive with him. The car asked, "Xiao Sang, do you know where we are going?"

"I have no idea!"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Coming to Masnan Road, Qi Rui saw Hu Yibiao leading a group of Japanese soldiers guarding the entire alley. At this moment, Xiao Tu should have guessed what was going to happen, and his face was very ugly.

"Bastard! This is Major Jiuchi Shunfu from the Jiuchi Mansion! Get out of here!" Song Jian said, pushing Hu Yibiao aside who stepped forward to stop him.

Qi Rui took Xiao Tu into Fang Hanzhou's home, at this time Fang Hanzhou, Fang Min and three male students had been controlled by the Japanese army.

The appearance of Xiao Tu at this time surprised Fang Min and the three classmates, and Fang Hanzhou's face became serious.

"Xiao Sang! I heard that Professor Fang Hanzhou Fang was the first person you visited after returning to China?" Qi Rui asked,

"I'm Professor Fang's student..."

What Xiao Tu said was the same as in the play, so Qi Rui had no choice but to use Muto Zhixiong's lines, saying that Fang Hanzhou was an underground party, and then threatened him with a gun: "Professor Fang! Either immediately tell who your superiors are, or Take you and your students with me now!"

"Shoot if you have the ability!" Fang Hanzhou wanted to die now, because he didn't know if he could survive the torture.

Qi Rui handed the Nanfang pistol to Xiao Tu and said, "Xiao Sang! I'll leave it to you."

In the next scene, Fang Hanzhou rushed forward to protect Xiao Tu and pulled the trigger to commit suicide, but unexpectedly, the gun didn't go off, Fang Hanzhou was stunned!Xiao Tu was also stunned.

Qi Rui laughed loudly and said, "What! Professor Fang, do you want to commit suicide? Or do you want to use death to cover Xiao Tu? It seems that you can only tell me the answer after you go back!"

Qi Rui waved his hand to signal Song Jian, Yi Yuxian, Mending Yamato and others to take all the people in the room away, including Xiao Tu.

Hu Yibiao had already called and learned that it was Shunsuke Nagachi, the curator of the Jiuchi Mansion, who immediately greeted him with a mean smile: "Director Jiuchi, do you want us to escort him back?"

"Need not!"

"Curator Hisaike! Can you take a step to speak? I have something very important to tell you."

Qi Rui followed him and took two steps to the side, Hu Yibiao said in a low voice: "Curator Jiuchi, Zhao Zhongyi is my informant, please be merciful, Consul Muto means to release the four students so that this The informant continues to play a role."

"I know!" Hu Yibiao didn't mention Qi Rui knew it,

The man was brought back to the Jiuchi mansion, Qi Rui first called Muto Zhixiong: "Muto Consul, I tried it just now, although Xiao Tu said it was very decisive, but I could see from his eyes that he was in Hanzhou It has feelings, Fang Hanzhou wanted to commit suicide, but he didn't expect that the gun I gave Xiao Tu had no bullets at all."

"Haha, Yoshi, curator Jiuchi is great, then you must help me find out who Xiao Tu is!"


Everything is in his own hands, so is it still necessary for someone to sacrifice? Qi Rui secretly laughed in his heart, because of his appearance, many of his own people in this parallel world will not have to die, and what makes Qi Rui most happy is that many war criminals are in this parallel world. The world can be executed, and I have already executed several.

"Curator Kuchi! Are you going to interrogate those people?" Yi and Xianren asked.

Qi Rui stared at him and said, "You don't have to worry about the interrogation! Do whatever you want!"

It must be because Fang Min is so beautiful, these devils have ideas, Qi Rui brought them back to protect them, how could the devils really touch them.

Yi, Xianren and a few ronin really wanted to interrogate Fang Min, and they all hid far away when they saw Director Kuchi seemed very angry.

Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to bring Xiao Tu to the interrogation room, and asked, "Xiao Sang! Your teacher Fang Hanzhou is a Communist, and so are you, right?"

"I'm not, and I don't know that my teacher is a Communist Party!" Xiao Tu said,
"You look nervous."

"How can I not be nervous when I come to such a place! I want to see Consul Muto!"

"It's okay to see Consul Muto, tell me everything you know."

"I really didn't know that the teacher was a Communist Party. I left for Japan two years ago and only returned to China for two days. How could I be a Communist Party!"

(End of this chapter)

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