Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 348 Killing Shio Muto

Chapter 348 Killing Shio Muto
Qi Rui personally interrogated the few people brought back. He didn't give Muto Shio any news on the first day. He asked Song Jian to take Guo Qiyun to watch these people, and no one was allowed to approach them.

Qi Rui was also worried that he would not be there, and the rogues would bully Fang Min with all their might, but with Guo Qiyun around, nothing would happen.

Back home, Junko Muto was chatting with Yunzi Takeuchi, Fu Yingxue was cooking, and Qi Rui gave them the cake he bought from Chi Tiecheng: "Junko, do you like cake?"

"Of course I like to eat it! Thank you Kuike-kun."

"Did you go out with Yami?"

"Come on, I just went grocery shopping with Sister Yami."

"Let Yami take you to Hongkou tomorrow, and buy whatever you like."

"Thank you, Director Kuike!"

Junko Muto gets along very well with Masami Aoyama and Yunko Takeuchi, which is what Qi Rui expected and what he wants, he doesn't want to see the kind-hearted her turn into Junko sauce.

Sleeping at night, Qi Rui told Fu Yingxue in bed: "Xueer, be more attentive to Muto Junko, I guess she will stay with us for a while."

"What do you mean by staying with us for a while?"

"Today, Zhixiong Muto asked me to arrest Professor Fang Hanzhou of Jiren University, his daughter Fang Min and four male classmates. One of them named Xiao Tu just returned from Japan. Today I interrogated them."

"The results of it?"

"Fang Hanzhou is an underground party, and Xiao Tu should also belong to us. The latter is my guess."

"Can it be saved?"

"I'll try, you can do it tomorrow..." Qi Rui told Fu Yingxue his plan.

The next day, Qi Rui went to interrogate a few people as usual, and received a call from Fu Yingxue at about ten o'clock, saying that she was taking Junko Muto to Hongkou for shopping, and she couldn't find her when she turned around.

Qi Rui immediately called Muto Zhixiong and promised to find Junko, so he rushed to the accident site with his people.

Zhixiong Muto heard that his daughter was lost and left the consulate anxiously. His car was attacked by a grenade as soon as he left the consulate. Worried about the safety of Junko Muto, he got out of the car and wanted to change another car. At this moment, a bullet pierced his chest, and Zhixiong Muto, the general director of the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai, was shot dead on the spot.

Qi Rui led people to the place where Junko Muto was lost, and found that Junko Muto and Masami Aoyama were together. It turned out that the two had separated. At this moment, Qi Rui got the news that Consul Shixiong Muto was in the consulate. The door was sniped.

Qi Rui hurried to the consulate with people, and according to the ballistics, he led people to find the sniper spot, when Sakai Mieko Takeuchi Yunko arrived.

"Kuchi-kun! What's going on?" Mieko Sakai panicked when she heard that the Consul General was killed.

"Section Chief Sakai, this is a well-planned assassination. The judge team should have been ambushing at the sniper point! As long as the Consul General's car is found to leave the consulate, someone will throw a grenade under his car. Car." Qi Rui said,
"Have you found the sniper spot?"

"I found it. What's incredible is that the sniping point is almost 300 meters away from Consul Muto's position. The marksmanship of this judge team is too abnormal! They can hit the target at such a distance."

"300 meters? How is that possible!" Sakai Mieko also exclaimed,

"That's why I said it's unbelievable! It's also because our people didn't find the sniper point when they came up to such a far away place, and because no one heard the gunshots at that time, their sniper rifles should be equipped with silencers. "

"Jiuchi-kun, you say that the combination of judges is getting more and more terrifying, and why are you so sure that it is the combination of judges?"

"Because the jellyfish marker was found at the sniper point."

Knowing that Consul General Muto was killed, Kagesa Haraaki also rushed over, and asked after hearing Shunsuke Hisaike's judgment, "Kagechi, you said the shooter used a sniper rifle with a silencer?"

"Yes, I asked people near the sniper spot, and none of them heard the gunfire."

"How do you know it's a sniper spot?"

"Since bullet casings and jellyfish markings were found at the scene, it can be determined that the judges did it."

"Can you tell what kind of gun it is from the shell casing?" Kagesa Shaki asked.

"Type [-] rifle."

"Type [-] rifle? Kuike-kun, you are right!"

"Director Yingzuo, this is the bullet casing!" Qi Rui said as he handed the bullet casing to him.

"It's really a 6.5mm bullet shell! But I just saw that Consul Muto's wound didn't look like it was hit by this bullet." Because Shio Muto's wound was trumpet-shaped, this is by no means the damage that this bullet can cause.

"Captain Yingzuo! They seem to have modified the gun and bullets! Because the Type 6.5 cannot be equipped with a silencer, and the bullets of the Type [-] are not so powerful, or the shooter is not using the Type [-], but just The bullets are [-]mm."

"The killer ran away again. Could this team of judges really be able to go to heaven and earth!" Kagesa Haruaki said to Mieko Sakai after finishing speaking: "Section Chief Sakai, you have to work hard!"


"Hiuchi, please help the special high school investigation!"


"Hurry up and investigate the case. I will send someone to deal with Consul Muto's funeral."

Qi Rui took people back to the Jiuchi mansion, all of this was of course designed by him, it was Fu Yingxue who deliberately separated from Muto Junko, and gave the task to Song Mian's team when he went to buy cakes yesterday.

The purpose of ambushing outside the consulate is to reduce the suspicion of Shunsuke Hisaike. If you do it in the place where Junko Muto lost it, it will be easy to be seen as a design. The person was lost by Masami Aoyama, and the phone number is Junko Kuchi It must be difficult to get rid of the suspicion that the assistant called Muto Zhixiong, but it is completely different to do it at the gate of the consulate.

Because it makes sense for the killer to be in an ambush where the target frequents, the design is that Muto will be attacked whenever he comes out.

Qi Rui killed Muto Zhixiong mainly to change the plot. After Xiao Tu died, he would not enter any Muto intelligence agency. Many plots would naturally not be triggered. Besides, the plot had already changed. Zhuang Xiaoman's role now is no longer the same as Xiao Tu What is the intersection.

As soon as Qi Rui came back, he released Xiao Tu, Fang Min, and Zhao Zhongyi. I hope we can cooperate in the future, because Consul Muto asked me to take care of you more! Said you are his friend!"

"I am very willing to cooperate with Director Kuike, can I go and see Junko?"

"I will take good care of Miss Junko, because this is the entrustment of Consul Muto. If Miss Junko wants to associate with you, I will not stop her, but I don't want you to take the initiative to find her!"

(End of this chapter)

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