Chapter 349
The death of Zhixiong Muto surprised Xiao Tu. Originally, his mission was to get in touch with senior Japanese military officers to obtain information. Now he really doesn't know what to do next. The teacher is still detained in Jiuchi Mansion, Fang Min has been arrested A classmate persuaded me to leave, so I should go to Comrade Sun Zhengqing to discuss what to do next.

After Xiao Tu left, Qi Rui drove to the Japanese Consulate, where Iwai Eiichi had taken over the work of the Consul General.

"Director Hisaike, I heard that Consul Muto left the consulate after receiving your call?"

"Consul Iwai, it's like this. Consul Muto entrusted his daughter Junko Muto to take care of me. Today I went to the mansion and asked Masami to accompany Miss Junko. As a result, the two of them separated while shopping in Hongkou. I was worried at the time. Miss Junko was kidnapped by someone, so I immediately called Consul Muto, and also wanted to ask the consul if he knew Junko's whereabouts."

Shunsuke Hisaike's actions were very reasonable, and Eiichi Iwai didn't doubt him, and asked, "Don't be nervous, Director Hisaike, I'm just asking casually, the technicians have already given the conclusion, and it is indeed the same as what you said, The bullet was remodeled, and it hit the heart precisely, causing Consul Muto to die on the spot. Have you ever seen remodeled guns and bullets before?"

"No, this is the first time, but it can be seen that they should have been planning and preparing for this operation for a long time, because there are no buildings within a kilometer of the consulate entrance, but there are several buildings a kilometer away, snipers I should have wanted to assassinate the consul a long time ago, so I specially prepared modified firearms and bullets, and then I plan to check if there are any gunsmiths in Shanghai."

Are there any gunsmiths in Shanghai?There are not many in the country, so it is useless to check this. Qi Rui will definitely not do it himself, so this task must be handed over to the Special High School and the Secret Service Headquarters.

"Jiuchi, do you think this person is in Shanghai?"

"I don't know. I've never heard of it. I'll send someone to look it up because it's the only way to do it now."

"Jiuchi, our enemy is far stronger than we imagined, it can be described as unfathomable."

"Yes, we still don't know their true strength!"

"Jiuchi, it's better to find them as soon as possible, otherwise we might be killed at any time."

"Hayi, Consul Iwai is right."

Qi Rui went to the special high school after leaving the consulate. They were in a meeting. Bi Zhongliang, Liang Zhongchun, Wang Manchun, and Feng Manna from the Secret Service Headquarters were also there, and Sakai Mieko was also assigning tasks. The main thing is that they want them to spread people out to find clues .

Qi Rui didn't disturb their meeting, and after the meeting ended, he stopped Wang Manchun: "Captain Wang!"

"Curator Kuchi!" Wang Manchun thought that Shunsuke Kuchi would ignore him when he became the curator, so he quickly agreed when he heard that.

"How is Captain Wang's work recently?"

"It's okay, curator Hisaike, is there anything I can do?"

"My Jiuchi mansion needs a few internal staff. If you see Gu Junru and ask her to come to my mansion, if she wants, I hope she can work there."

"Okay, I will definitely notify Uncle Gu as soon as possible, he will be very happy, because he told my uncle before that he wants Jun Ru to work in the secret service headquarters."

It's unlucky for Gu Junru to have such a father. It's not good to go to work somewhere, so I have to send a girl to such a place.

Qi Rui asking Gu Junru to work in his mansion will not have any impact on his work, but simply wants to protect her.

Gu Junru is actually a soy sauce character in The Invisible Guardian, but she is remembered by everyone because she is too similar to our ordinary self. She is also a character that Qi Rui pities in this drama.

Because Gu Junru is a very kind girl, she is very good at taking care of others, she will help you get hot water when you have a stomachache, and share candy with you when you are in a bad mood.

She is simple and ignorant, you rarely listen to her ideals, she is very filial and never disobeys her parents, she is such a well-behaved and lovely girl, she only seeks perfection in everything she does.

She doesn't have the independence of Muto Junko, Fang Min's persistence, Zhuang Xiaoman's bravery and determination, and she doesn't have Lu Wangshu's ability to sacrifice herself for love like Lu Wangshu.

But she is very cute, especially when she smiles, she is as warm as the sun. Occasionally, when you recall it, you will feel that such an ordinary she is the one you will never forget.

In fact, Gu Junru was not wrong, but he was wrongly born in a traitor family, in this troubled world!
"Kuichi-kun!" Mieko Sakai saw that Shunsuke Kuike was very enthusiastic,
"Section Chief Sakai, I'm here to tell you something."

"Go to my office."

Mieko Sakai poured a glass of wine for Shunsuke Kuike and said, "Kunichi, I really envy you now!"

"What do you envy me for?"

"I envy you that you don't have to worry about so many cases. I'm on the verge of collapse now."

"Who said I don't worry about it. I came here this time to tell you that the judges team used an improved sniper rifle, and the bullets used were also improved. The assassination of Consul Muto was planned and prepared for a long time. This time After they succeed, they will definitely have a second, third, and more assassination targets, Mr. Sakai, we are under a lot of pressure."

"What can you do if you know this? Do you have any good ways to stop it?"

"So we need to find out if there are any gunsmiths in Shanghai."

"Gunsmith!? This is a clue!"

"Let everyone investigate carefully, and bring back all those who can modify guns and bullets for interrogation!"

"I'll do it right away."

"Then I'll go back, Junko Muto needs comfort now."

When Qi Rui returned home, Muto Junko already knew that her father had been killed, and now she was crying and begging Aoyama Masami to take her to see Muto Zhixiong's body.

"Miss Chunzi, my condolences." Qi Rui stepped forward and said,
"Jiuchi-kun, who killed my father, why did they kill my father?"

"Junzi, your father is a soldier like me. As a soldier, you have to face the enemy and face death. Similarly, the number of Chinese who died at the hands of your father is beyond count."

"The number of Chinese who died at the hands of my father cannot be counted? Aren't we here to help the Chinese!"

"Junko, you are so cute. Just in Nanjing, our Imperial Japanese Army slaughtered 30 unarmed Chinese and looted thousands of tons of gold! Do the Chinese need such help?"

"Kuichi-kun! Why are you telling Junko these things?"

"I just want Junko to know that we are soldiers and are ready to sacrifice our lives anytime and anywhere! Because the Chinese will definitely resist in order to defend their home and country! As long as there is a war, there will be bloodshed!"

(End of this chapter)

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