Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 350 Fang Min Comes Again

Chapter 350 Fang Min Comes Again

Fu Yingxue stopped Qi Rui because what he said implicitly meant that Shio Muto should be damned. After all, the other party was a Japanese. It would not be good if this word got out.

Qi Rui originally meant this, to let Muto Junko understand that the Imperial Japanese Army is not righteous, and the jihad propaganda in Japan is even more deceitful nonsense. If there is a chance, let her take a good look in China. Doesn’t she like it? Writing? Then let her write some real things to tell more people.

Qi Rui still took Muto Junko to see Muto Shixiong's body. On the same night, Zhao Zhongyi, Hu Yibiao's informant who had a good relationship with Fang Min, was killed by Xiao Tu.

Early the next morning, Gu Chunhui led Gu Junru to the Jiuchi mansion with gifts.

"Officer Jiuchi! I was so excited that I received a call from my niece Manchun yesterday, so I didn't sleep all night. I brought Junru here today. It is her blessing that you can see her, and it is the glory of our Gu family." Gu Chunhui Putting the gift on Shunsuke Kuike's desk, he nodded and said,
"Boss Gu, do you agree with Miss Gu working here?" Qi Rui asked,

"Yes, very much! It is an honor for Junru to work with you!"

"Then let her stay. I still have a lot of things to do here. I will treat you to dinner when I find time! Thank you for your support."

"Then I won't bother you anymore." Before leaving, Gu Chunhui told Gu Junru: "Listen carefully to Chief Jiuchi's words, do you hear me?"

"Understood." Gu Junru was a little nervous, blinking her big eyes and peeking at Shunsuke Kuike, because she had met before, seeing this handsome Japanese officer with a smile on his face, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief,
"Miss Gu, I know you have studied telecommunications, so you can work as a sender and receiver with me."

"Yes, Chief Kuike!"

"You come with me."

Qi Rui took Gu Junru to the telecommunications room. Because it has not yet been scaled up, it has not yet been divided into details. At present, the three special agents of the black gold project are still in charge of these, because they still have to receive the telegrams from the black gold team and Gemini.

Although the telegram sender and sender was sending and receiving telegrams, she didn't know the contents of the telegrams, so there was no need to assess Gu Junru at all, because it didn't matter if she took the telegrams and went out to post big-character posters.

In this way, Gu Junru became the first female employee of the Jiuchi mansion, and her salary was the same as that of others.

The headache for Qi Rui now is to find some reason to release Fang Hanzhou, sitting in the office trying to find a way, Song Jian knocked on the door and reported that it was Fang Min who asked to see him.

This silly girl, didn't she come here to go into the mouth of a tiger!Qi Rui thought to himself,
Because many people can think of using her to threaten Fang Hanzhou to tell the truth, and it should be very useful. The reason for letting her go before was to let go of Hu Yibiao's informant, Zhao Zhongyi.

Qi Rui thought about it again, Fang Min's doing so was justifiable, because she had no relatives now, and she didn't know who could help her save her father. She must have come here to ask her father who she could go to now.

"Miss Fang, what are you doing here?" Qi Rui asked,

"I want to see my father."

"Your father is a Communist, can you persuade him to tell everything he knows?"

"I can try."

From Fang Min's micro-expression, Qi Rui found out that this girl came to ask for death, and she should have come with a knife.

What is this girl going to do!Do you want to die here with her father?
"Okay! Come with me!" Qi Rui intends to teach Fang Min a lesson and let her know how stupid her current decision is.

When they came to the room where Fang Hanzhou was detained, Fang Min threw himself into Fang Hanzhou's arms and cried bitterly, while Qi Rui stood aside and looked at their father and daughter.

Fang Hanzhou was very nervous. He knew exactly what a girl would encounter in such a place, so he asked Shunsuke Kuike, "What do you want to do?"

"Professor Fang, I hope you will reconsider and tell what you know, so that not only will I not embarrass your daughter, but I will also release you all immediately."

"Fang Min doesn't know anything, she hasn't done anything! You let her go!" Fang Hanzhou said,

"I had set her free, but she came back by herself."

"Can I have a few words alone with my father?"

"Do you think I will agree!?" Qi Rui asked without moving,
"I know you won't agree!" Fang Min said as she touched her lower back, but she didn't touch anything.

"Are you looking for it?" Qi Rui smiled with an extra dagger in his hand: "Do you really think you can enter my Jiuchi mansion with a weapon? Did you feel lucky that you weren't searched when you came in? "

Fang Min was so dumb that he couldn't say a word, and Fang Hanzhou, who was in a hurry, didn't know what to say about Fang Min.

At this time, Qi Rui went over to control Fang Min, and Fang Hanzhou said: "Your daughter is very beautiful, you should know that here are some Japanese wanderers, they are less disciplined than soldiers of the imperial army, and they will walk away when they see beautiful girls Don't move, I'll give you one night to think about it, if you don't satisfy me tomorrow, think about what will happen to your daughter."

After Qi Rui finished speaking, he left Fang Min who was struggling with his arms, and he didn't care about Fang Hanzhou shouting there.

Back in the office, Qi Rui closed the door, threw Fang Min on the sofa, and said, "Do you know how stupid I am now?"

Fang Min is really stupid now, not only did he not help his father, but also became his weakness, so it seems that he is really stupid to the extreme.

"Why don't you talk?" Qi Rui picked up the phone and called Yahui News Agency, asking Xiao Tu to come to Jiuchi mansion.

"Why are you calling him?" In Fang Min's eyes, Xiao Tu was a traitor.

"Do you want to stay and be the wife of all the men here, or leave with him?"

Fang Min immediately stopped talking, thinking about what this Japanese devil wanted to do.

Xiao Tu heard that Fang Min was in the Jiuchi mansion, so he ran over without thinking, and saw her sitting in Hisaike Shunsuke's office, and asked, "Director Jiuchi, please let her go, is she really do not know anything."

"Xiao Sang! Do I need you to teach me whether I will let someone go or not?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean that."

"It's fine if I let her go, but you have to promise to do things for me!" Fang Min must have an excuse to let her go, and Xiao Tu is a good excuse.

"Okay! I promise." Xiao Tu said without thinking,

"I want you to publish a few articles on the friendship between China and Japan first! If you don't satisfy me, I'll take her back."

"I promise you!"

"Fang Min, follow Xiao Tu, you should know the consequences of staying." Qi Rui said,
Xiao Tu pulled Fang Min away, and Song Jian asked puzzledly: "Curator, why did you let Fang Min go, is it not good to use her to make Fang Hanzhou confess?"

"Fang Hanzhou now thinks that Fang Min is here with us, that's enough, Song Jian, Tang Rui, I taught you, and I hate people who bully women very much."

"Yes! We know, and we didn't think anything about her."

"It's best like this! I have something to go out, and you stay at home."

(End of this chapter)

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