Chapter 351

Qi Rui drove to the outside of the film studio and called Li Xiaonan. In a nearby coffee shop, Li Xiaonan asked a little excitedly, "Director Jiuchi, is there any mission?"

"Little man, that's right. Professor Fang Hanzhou of Jeren University is our comrade, but now he is being arrested by Shunsuke Kuchi. His daughter Fang Min is in danger now. Try to send her away."

"Qi Rui, the devils are very strict on the road now, so it's not easy to send him away."

"It's okay to let her follow the martial arts team first. In short, don't let her stay in Shanghai. Once there is a chance, send her to the base area or Yan'an." Qi Rui said,
"And what about her father?"

"I'm thinking of a perfect plan to save her, so you tell Fang Min that the organization is trying to save her father, and let her wait with peace of mind."

"Okay, got it!"

"This is the key to Xiaolou, can I become a big star now?"

"I can't be a big star, it will affect my work, a third-rate actor is just right." Li Xiaonan laughed,

"Our boy is smart too!" Qi Rui praised,

"I'm not stupid!"

"Since you are not stupid, I will give you another task."

"Hee hee, the more missions the better, it is best to have missions to kill the enemy, the members of the martial arts team are all anxiously waiting."

"Little man, go to the French Concession to find a man named Xu Tian. He has a batch of medicine in his hand. Our comrades bought it with their lives. Now this Xu Tian can't find our comrades. It is very difficult to put the medicine in his place." It is dangerous, so I want you to find a way to gain his trust and send the medicine to the base."

"Is Xu Tian our comrade?" Li Xiaonan asked.

"Not yet, but he will definitely be in the future. To find him, you must beware of Kiuchi Kagesa and Hase from the Japanese intelligence department. If you have a chance to help Xu Tian kill them, but you must do so under the condition of your own safety. Ask the martial arts team to assist in this mission, and I will tell you about Xu Tian in detail first."

Qi Rui told Li Xiaonan about Xu Tian and Tian Dan's affairs in detail, and then asked, "Do you know what I should do?"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Li Xiaonan had already thought of a way and muttered while drinking coffee,
"Be careful!"

After Qi Rui finished explaining, he went home first. Seeing that Muto Junko was very calm, he was not disturbed, so Fu Yingxue continued to watch her, and drove back to Jiuchi mansion.

After Li Xiaonan got home, he immediately sent a message asking Jing Yun to bring Jiang Xing and Jiang Tong into the city to help him.

In the evening, Jing Yun brought Jiang Tong to Fang Min's house and knocked on the door after making sure the surroundings were safe.

"Who is it?" Fang Min asked,
"Fang Min, open the door, I am your father's friend!"

Fang Min quickly opened the door, Jing Yun went in by himself, and Jiang Tong stood guard outside.

"Are you my father's friend?" Fang Min asked seeing that the visitor was not a few years older than himself.
"Fang Min, we are indeed your father's friends, now you pack some change of clothes for us immediately."

"What about my father? He is locked up in Jiuchi mansion now!"

"Is it Shunsuke Kuike's intelligence agency?" Jing Yun asked with a shock, because until now he still doesn't believe that the boss is really a devil.


"Has your father been tortured?" Jing Yun asked,

"not yet."

"Fang Min, we've already tried to save your father, now you hurry up and go with us." Jing Yun was full of thoughts at the moment, there was no torture for Comrade Hanzhou, boss!You should still be my boss.

"Okay, wait for me for a while." Fang Min casually packed up two sets of clothes and followed Jing Yun away. Now she can only choose to trust the person who came, and she is not willing to doubt.

Jing Yun and Jiang Tong took Fang Min to the small building given by Qi Rui in the French Concession, because the place where Li Xiaonan lives is too small to accommodate so many people.

Li Xiaonan said to Fang Min: "Fang Min! You can rest here with peace of mind, and we will send you away if there is a chance."

"Where are they going?"

"The base, Yan'an, I will take you wherever you want."

Yan'an, that's the place where you want to go even in your dreams. Fang Min asked excitedly, "Are you really my father's comrades?"

"Ah! If you're not sure, just follow along." Li Xiaonan laughed.

"No, I'm just wondering how you guys know me."

"Of course some comrades notified us. Don't ask who it is, because we don't know, and we won't tell you if we know. This is discipline."

"I want to be your comrade too!"

"That's definitely no problem, because we all know your situation, otherwise we wouldn't have thought of sending you to Yan'an to study."

"thank you all!"

"You rest for a while, don't worry about your father, he will definitely be rescued."

Li Xiaonan and Jing Yun left the small building and asked, "Did Xu Tian find out?"

"Found it, he is the accountant of the vegetable market, but how can we make him trust us?" Jing Yun asked,

"I will find a way! Xu Tian's lover Tian Dan's father, Tian Luning, is our comrade. Let's find a way from Tian Dan, and I will do it." Li Xiaonan said,

The next day, Qi Rui came to the room where Fang Hanzhou was detained at around ten o'clock. The old man's hair turned gray a lot overnight. When he saw Shunsuke Jiuchi, he asked, "Where's my daughter?"

Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to leave first, before he said: "She is fine now, is there anything you want to tell me?"

"I don't know anything, and I'm not a Communist Party!"

"It seems that you really don't want your daughter anymore!"

"You bastard, she doesn't know anything!"

Qi Rui didn't want to torture the old man any more, and said, "Since you don't care about Fang Min's safety, then I'll find someone who cares about him."

"What do you mean, what do you want to do?"

"I have good news for you. I asked Xiao Tu to take her away yesterday, because Xiao Tu has promised to do things for me, so I gave your daughter to him." After speaking, Qi Rui opened the door and left.

Fang Hanzhou was relieved when he heard that Fang Min had gone with Xiao Tu, and he was glad that Xiao Tu had access to the Jiuchi mansion.

Qi Rui had to have a reason if he wanted to let Fang Hanzhou go. He suddenly remembered that Xiao Tu's upline, Sun Zhengqing, code-named Gucheng, later rebelled in order to protect his son, and he could take advantage of him.

Li Xiaonan came to the pharmacy opened by the military commander Fang Changqing and found Tian Dan who was working here: "Miss Tian, ​​you are a doctor, right?"

"Yes, are you uncomfortable there?"

"I have some little questions about women, can I ask you?"

"Yes." Tian Dan followed Li Xiaonan to a place where no one was outside,
"Hi Tian Dan, I am a friend of your father Tian Luning!"

"Ah!?" Tian Dan was taken aback, because she knew that her father was a Communist Party member. These were all said by Kagesa Kiuchi and Hase, and now finally a comrade of her father came here!

"We finally found you!"

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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