Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 354 The Legendary Ronin

Chapter 354 The Legendary Ronin

Qi Rui asked Mao Chuan Xiuhe, these six were the only military agents arrested recently, Zeng Che was only 27 years old when he was betrayed and died for his country, Qi Rui looked at them one by one, and only two of them matched the age.

Qi Rui pointed to the two 26-year-old youths and said, "Mr. Maochuan, I want these two people."

"Why both of them?"

"Just pick at random."

"Are you going to interrogate here?"

"Let's not judge for now, Mr. Mao Chuan kept the two of them for me, and I will come over when I use them."

"Okay, I'll keep it for you, by the way, Jiuchi-kun, I'm going to a banquet at noon, you can go with me."

"What banquet?"

"Shen Xilin's Donghua Foreign Firm opened today. He invited celebrities from all walks of life in Tianjin, and he also invited me. This is a good opportunity to get to know people from all walks of life in Tianjin."

Qi Rui naturally knew Shen Xilin, an outstanding party member of our party, who is the protagonist in the spy war drama Blade, and asked, "Why does Mr. Maochuan want to attend such a banquet? Is Shen Xilin, a Chinese, special?"

"Jiuchi-kun, he is a member of my special committee. He is slick and good at doing business. We are going to support him."

"No wonder, but I still have things to do, so I won't go."

"OK then!"

After Qi Rui left, Shigekawa Hidekazu's assistant Daisuke Matsuna asked, "Why is the head of the agency so polite to him?"

"It was Mr. Kagesa Akira who sent a telegram to ask me to assist him. This Shunsuke Kuike is a student of Prime Minister Konoe. He has done several important things. Maybe he can really help us catch Wang Tianmu, otherwise he would do nothing. Well, it's embarrassing to run such a long distance!"

"Oh, that's right!"

"Okay! Lock up these two people! Pull the other four out for execution!" Mao Chuanxiuhe ordered,

Qi Rui's second stop was Xiao Hinata Bailang's residence. After a while, Shang Mansion in Shanghai was opened by this person. It was called Shang Mansion because his Chinese name was Shang Xudong, and he was once the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army in the four eastern provinces.

Yui Araki in the spy war drama Awakening of Insects is Xiao Hinata Bailang's subordinate, this person has a very legendary life, the system makes him befriend Qi Rui for some reason, maybe he will know after completing the mission.

After posting the invitation post for a while, a middle-aged man with a short stature and handsome appearance came out. No wonder he was nicknamed Xiaobailong when he was a bandit in the Northeast.

"Curator Hisaike!?" Kohinata Hakuro was being excluded and had nothing to do now, and it was flattering that Prime Minister Konoe's students came to see him.

"Mr. Kohinata? I'm Shunsuke Kuike from Shanghai!" Qi Rui bowed and said,

"Curator Hisaike, please come in!"

Xiao Hinata invited Shunsuke Kuchi to the living room, quickly asked his subordinates to make tea, and asked, "I don't know what the purpose of curator Kuchi's visit is?"

"I have heard about Mr. Hinata's legendary deeds for a long time, and I have admired him for a long time, so I came here to pay a visit. I really want to make friends with Mr. Hinata!"

"Curator Hisaike is overrated, I'm just a ronin."

"Mister seems to be idle at home now?"

"Maybe I offended someone who shouldn't be offended."

"How can you treat such a capable person as Mr. Kohinata! I will definitely recommend you to the teacher!"

"Ah!? Really!" Shunsuke Kuike said that the teacher was Fumma Konoe,

"of course it's true!"

"Then what can I do for Curator Kuchi?" Shiro Kohinata asked as if he felt a big cookie had been dropped on his head.
"Mr. Kohinata, how many people are there in your Xingya advance?"

At that time, Kohinata Bailang moved [-] volunteers from the northeast to Beiping and formed the Xingya Advance Army. However, because of its size, such an army seriously affected the stability of the surrounding area. Yamashita Fuwen ignored the order of the military department and regarded this army as bandits. dealt with.

Kohinata lobbied Bailang everywhere to no avail, so he had to let the remnants of the Xingya Advance Army disband and lurk on the spot. In [-], his turning point came. Under the order of Major General Muto Akira of the North China Dispatch Army, Kohinata summoned the old troops to form the Rapid Advance Appeasement Army , the purpose is to disintegrate hundreds of thousands of anti-Japanese armed forces in North China.

Since Qi Rui found this little Hinata Shiro, he had to make a fuss about him, because the fast-moving appeasement army still exists.

"Director Jiuchi, the Xingya Advance Army has long since ceased to exist, and now there is only a pacification army of hundreds of people left."

"Are these people very reliable?" Qi Rui asked,

"Absolutely reliable!" Xiao Ri said to Bai Lang, patting his chest,

"Mr. Xiaohinata, my Kuchi mansion has just been established, can you give me some reliable and capable people and let me bring them back to Shanghai, so that I can start my work!"

"Of course! That would be great!" Kohinata Bailang knew that the appeasement army would soon cease to exist, and it would be their good luck if they could follow Shunsuke Kuike.

"That's right! I heard that Mr. Kohinata is still a disciple of the regular generation of the Qing Gang?" Qi Rui cannot avoid the Qing Gang when he is active in Tianjin, and the seniority of the Tianjin Qing Gang is higher than that of Shanghai. Since he has come to Tianjin, he should not make a fuss For a moment, why don't you ask Xiao Hinata what the important person is doing.

"It seems that Director Kuike really wants to make friends with me, you all know that."

"Mr. Kohinata, don't get me wrong. I'm not investigating you. I'm doing intelligence. If you want to make friends with you, just inquire. Please don't take offense."

"will not!"

"I'm also helping, but I'm just a generation younger than you."

"Curator Jiuchi is from the Wuzi generation?"

"Yes, my master is Huang Jinrong, one of the three tycoons in Shanghai."

"Haha, Director Jiuchi is indeed a dragon and phoenix among young talents!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Kohinata is indeed a China hand, and the words used to praise people are Chinese."

"How many people does Curator Hisaike need? I'll call you immediately to arrange."

"A hundred elite soldiers and strong generals, is there any?"

"Yes! I will transfer the 100 strongest people to Director Hisaike!"

Qi Rui asked Xiao Hinata for important people, because he would bring people with him when he went to Shanghai in the future, and he would get rid of his elites in advance, so as to save them from being difficult to deal with in the future, and he also wanted to employ people here in Tianjin.

"Then thank you Mr. Kohinata!"

"Please take care of Director Kuike in the future!"

"Mr. Xiao Hinata, there is a saying in China that gold will always shine, and your talents will never be buried. I firmly believe in this, and I will definitely recommend it to the teacher!" Qi Rui said with micro-expression management very sincerely,

"Thank you, Director Kuchi!" Kohinata Hakuro was considered experienced, and he could see that Shunsuke Kuchi said it sincerely, otherwise he wouldn't be so relieved to use his 100 people.

"There is one more question, is there a place for Mr. Hinata to accommodate these 100 people?"

"This one……"

"Curator! They can be placed in the Black Dragon Club Hall!" Mending Yamato said,
"That's right, the Black Dragon Guild Hall is really not small, it's no problem to accommodate 100 people." Xiao Hinata said to Bai Lang,

"Okay! I will pay for the Black Dragon Association, Mending Yamato, Yi and Xianren, you go and talk to them!"


(End of this chapter)

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