Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 355 Do something in Tianjin

Chapter 355 Do something in Tianjin

The people under Xiao Hinata Bailang's subordinates were all the bandits in the Northeast back then, and they were all experienced and tough, much stronger than the gangsters in Tianjin. Qi Rui planned to do a few important incidents this trip , Let the traitors in Beijing and Tianjin remember themselves.

When Qi Rui left Xiaohinata Shiro's house, the system sounded: Congratulations for completing the E difficulty level task, reward; generate D difficulty level task of looting Xiaohinata Shiro's treasury.

"Haha, the system is really bad enough, you know this little Hinata Shiro is rich!" Qi Rui couldn't help laughing out loud,

"Boss, what's the matter?" Tang Rui asked,

"It's okay, I just think this little Mr. Hinata is very interesting."

Is Shiro Kohinata rich?Yes, this guy is too rich. He was an arms dealer in the Northeast. After arriving in Tianjin, he not only sold arms, but also sold opium with people from the Youth Gang. , This made the military neglect him.

Qi Rui thought that if I ransacked him, one person would not be enough!With these three people by my side, I can't use it. Then I thought about looting. It doesn't have to go to his house to steal and rob. It's okay to cheat.

Yi and Xianren and Mending Yamato went to the branch of the Black Dragon Club, Qi Rui looked at his watch and said to Tang Rui: "Go to Xilemen Song and Dance Hall!"

The Xilemen Song and Dance Hall is a place Shen Xilin often goes to. The first anniversary celebration of his Donghua foreign company in the spy war drama "Fengblade" was held there.

There were a lot of people in front of the gate of Xilemen. Tang Rui searched for the parking place. Qi Rui saw a figure rushing out suddenly. The rearview mirror on the right side of the car shattered. lying on the ground.

Tang Rui was taken aback and thought he had bumped into someone. Qi Rui almost laughed out of Chi Tiecheng's laughter, and secretly said: So there are people who touch porcelain in this era. After observing, there are at least a dozen people around. It seems that they are from the Qing Gang. the gangsters.

Tang Rui had already got out of the car. At this time, a group of people surrounded him and accused him one after another. Looking at the blood on the face of the person lying on the ground, he closed his eyes and pretended to be seriously injured.

Seeing that Tang Rui was a little confused, Qi Rui opened the door and got out of the car, and asked, "How is he?"

"How did you drive the car? Let's see how you hit people!"

"Yeah! What kind of bumps have been made, I think half of my life is left."

"Hey, let me tell you, are you planning to do it publicly or privately!?" A person asked,
"What if it's public, and what if it's private?" Qi Rui asked with a smile,

"Is it official, that is to return to the official position, people will be sent to the hospital for treatment first, and we good people will send you to the police station after finishing it..."

Qi Rui waved his hands as if he didn't want to be so troublesome and said: "Let's talk about it privately."

"If it's private, then it's easy. You can spend money to avoid disasters. Seeing that it hurts so badly, why don't you have to pay five hundred oceans to see the hurt!"

"I don't have five hundred dollars, can dollars do it?" Qi Rui asked as he took out a stack of [-]-yuan dollars from his pocket,
"U.S. dollars are also fine, these are almost enough!" The man stretched out his hand and snatched the money from Qi Rui,

Tang Rui reached out to block him and was about to attack, Qi Rui stopped him and asked the group: "Tell me whose subordinates you are, I will give you all the money."

"So what if I tell you! We are all Sanye Yuan's subordinates, why don't you go to him if you don't want to accept it! Our brothers are waiting!" He said and reached out to grab the money again.

Qi Rui avoided his hand and dusted off the money and said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Feng Si! In Nanshi, you are carrying two taels of cotton spinning and spinning, and you don't know me!"

Qi Rui handed the money to Feng Si and said: "You have to remember, my name is Qi Rui, and I gave you [-] dollars, and the interest on my money is very high!"

"What the hell? Interest! Haha, you're just having fun with me, aren't you?" Feng Si grabbed the money and kicked the person lying on the ground, who got up with a grunt.

Qi Rui smiled and said: "And this car, you will also have to pay for it!"

"Am I going to pay you?" Feng Si said and left quickly with his people. They probably didn't expect to make such a big deal today.

Qi Rui still watched them leave with a smile, Tang Rui asked puzzledly: "Boss! Why did you give them so much money?"

"Don't worry, in two days, I want them to return a thousand times. I'm worrying about the cost when 100 people come, so I'll send it to our door!"It's easy to spend money now, wait two days to find their boss, this group of people will probably have at least two arms broken, is it better than extortion?Then see who is stronger.

Qi Rui took Tang Rui to enter the Xile Gate as if nothing had happened, but was stopped by the person at the door and asked, "Please show your invitation card!"

It should be because he saw that he was so bullied and the gatekeeper didn't give him a good face, Qi Rui still smiled and asked: "Isn't this the Xilemen Song and Dance Hall? Instead of tickets, you need invitations! What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, Xilemen has been taken over by Donghua Foreign Firm today!"

Qi Rui glanced at Tang Rui, and then walked directly into the Xilemen. Two guards stretched out their hands to stop him, but Tang Rui pushed him to the ground.

Qi Rui entered the Xile Gate, and there were more people inside. The guard chased him in and bluffed, which attracted many people's attention.

Shigekawa Hidekazu saw that Shunsuke Hisaike was about to help, but he shook his head at him and signaled to leave it alone, knowing that he didn't want to reveal his identity.

Shen Xilin heard the movement and stopped the guard, saying: "Welcome, welcome, everyone here is a guest, please come in."

"Boss Shen?" Qi Rui cupped his hands and asked,
Shen Xilin took out his business card and handed it to him with both hands: "Donghua Yangxing Shen Xilin, hello!"

Qi Rui took the business card and said, "Shanghai Huimin Pharmacy Qi Rui!"

"It turns out that Boss Qi is in the business of medicinal materials, welcome!"

"I originally wanted to come to Xilemen to have fun, but I didn't want to catch up with the opening of Boss Shen's foreign firm. I just wanted to find a partner in Tianjin, and hoped to have a chance to cooperate with Boss Shen."

Shen Xilin must get to know him, the deputy director of the Secret Service Committee, the general manager of Donghua Yangxing, and he can't hide from him in Tianjin. In this case, it's better to get to know him better. If you don't come with Mo Chuan Xiuhe, you don't want to expose yourself in advance. Shunsuke's identity.

Qi Rui sat in the corner at the banquet, and he didn't get to know anyone except Shen Xilin. Even if someone came to strike up a conversation with him, he was dismissed by Tang Rui. The less people who want to meet people in Tianjin, the better.

Shen Xilin keenly discovered that this Qi Rui was coming for him. The person beside him had a hideous scar on his face. From the walking and standing postures, it could be seen that the force was not weak, and this Qi Rui gave people a kind of profoundness. Unpredictable feeling.

Mokawa Hidekazu couldn't help but sat beside Hisaike Shunsuke and asked in a low voice, "Kuichi-kun, do you have any plans?"

"Mr. Maochuan, I will make some disturbances in Tianjin in the next few days, but it will never affect the interests of our empire. Please support Mr. Maochuan."

"Jiuchi-kun just let it go, as long as you can catch Wang Tianmu!"

(End of this chapter)

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