Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 356 Super Donkey Rolling Interest

Chapter 356 Super Donkey Rolling Interest

Shiro Kohinata's movements were still very fast, after all, he was the president of the Pu'an Association and a disciple of Rihachiro Sakanishi before, so it would be no problem to get 100 people to enter Tianjin.

Three days later, at the branch of the Tianjin Black Dragon Club, Qi Rui saw a hundred Northeast bandits personally selected by Kohinata Bailang, who had been repeatedly told by Kohinata at a glance, and the 100 people all obeyed the eyes of Shunsuke Kuchi.

"I, Shunsuke Kuike, with the rank of major commander, have my own independent intelligence agency in Shanghai. Once you officially become my subordinates, you must obey absolutely. If anyone can't do it, leave now, otherwise no matter who disobeys my orders in the future Order, will definitely receive the most severe punishment!"

"Willing to work for Chief Kuchi!" 100 people shouted in unison,
"If there is no objection, from now on you are all members of my Jiuchi mansion!"

"Good morning, Chief Kuike!"

"I don't want it from everyone. Let my three subordinates try your force now, and please use your full strength, because I will determine your basic remuneration and positions according to your force! Do you understand? ?”


After the assessment by Tang Rui, Yi Yuxian and Mending Yamato, Qi Rui was very satisfied with the 100 people, because each of them knew how to use firearms, and they could use all kinds of firearms proficiently.

"Very good! Now you all follow me to Nanshi to find Yuan San!" Qi Rui said,
"Curator Hisaichi! Why are you looking for Yuan San?" Xiao Hinata hurriedly asked, because he knew this person.

"His subordinate Feng Si blackmailed me for [-] dollars and damaged my rented car. Mr. Xiao Hinata, should I go?"

"Should!" Xiao Hinata heard that Shunsuke Kuike was deliberately finding fault when he heard that Shunsuke Kuike, because if you said that you were Japanese in advance, the youth gang would be scared to death and they would not dare to take your money.

Nanshi, who came to Tianjin, went directly to find Yuan San at the Huaihai Grand Theater. He had already found out where he was in the past two days.

"Third Lord, it's a man named Qi Rui. They are very aggressive, and they seem to have guys with them!"

"Qi Rui! I haven't heard of it. Which of you provoked him?" It must be no good to dare to come to the door, Yuan San asked around.

Feng Si is a gangster under Yuan San's hands. He happened to be here today. When he heard the name, he immediately thought of [-] US dollars and couldn't help but shiver in fright. He secretly said: "It's really here!"

Yuan San led a group of people to the door, and saw a handsome young man dressed in jewels, but he looked like a young man, so he asked, "What are you doing?"

Qi Rui looked the short and fat man in front of him up and down and asked, "Are you Yuan San?"

"It's me, your third master!"

"Your subordinate Feng Si borrowed a usury loan of [-] U.S. dollars from me, and it's time to pay it back today!"

"Feng Si? He borrowed your money, why are you looking for him, why are you looking for me?" Yuan San stared and asked,

"Because I told him the day he borrowed the money that the interest rate is very high for taking money from me. He said that no matter what happened, he would let me find you, Mr. Yuan!"

"Feng Si! Is there such a thing?"

"Third Master, there is no such thing! There is absolutely no such thing!" Feng Si quickly denied,

"Hahaha, I knew you would renege!" Qi Rui laughed a few times and waved his hands, and 100 people surrounded Yuan San and the others with their box cannons.

In Nanshi, everyone was carrying guns, and the Japanese soldiers patrolling around seemed to have never seen it. Yuan San knew it was not good. what happened."

After Yuan San asked what Feng Si and the others did tomorrow, he kicked Feng Si to death in anger and scolded: "You idiot, what the hell is wrong with his mind! Give you so much money It’s obviously a scam! How dare you continue! How about $[-]?”

Feng Si covered his face and said tremblingly: "Third Master, it's almost done!"

Yuan San knew that this Qi Rui would never end, so he called Mao Chuan Xiuhe and asked who this Qi Rui was. When he knew that it was Mao Chuan Xiuhe who could not afford to offend, he knew that this matter would not end without bleeding.

"Boss Qi, you see, I just found out about this. It's nothing to do with me, but I will find a way to get him to return the money to you as soon as possible!"

"Isn't it difficult to borrow and repay, so hurry up and pay it back! My money has interest calculated every second! You have to pay me back $98 with interest!"

"Boss Qi, your interest rate is too high!" Yuan San is a loan shark, and if 98 U.S. dollars rolled to more than [-] in less than three days, this is money grabbing.

"I told him before, what! Are you going to renege on your debt?" Qi Rui asked, and 100 people raised their guns again.

"Boss Qi, do you think this is good? I'll find all those bastards who have touched the porcelain. I can kill or cut it as you like, okay?"

"No! I want their lives, but I want my $110!"

"The interest rate increased again during the conversation!?"

"I, Nima, will fight with you!" Feng Si said as he pulled out a sharp knife from his waist and threw himself at Qi Rui. Tang Rui and the others wanted to stop him, but Qi Rui stopped him. He just watched the knife stabbing his mink coat, and then stepped back five or six steps with an exaggerated whoop.

Yuan San was so frightened that his soul was almost gone, so he immediately sent someone to press Feng Sihe to the ground, and he quickly apologized: "Mr. !"

"Is he your little brother?"

"Not now!"

"If you say it's not, then it's not! I'll give you the one million dollars within half an hour! Otherwise, I'll have to figure it out myself." Qi Rui said and looked at the Huaihai Grand Theater.

"I, I, I..." Because Feng Si is indeed his younger brother, and he really went to touch Shunsuke Kuchi, giving him a chance to blackmail himself,
"Hurry up, because it won't work if you look for anyone! If you can't get it after half an hour, all your properties in Nanshi will be owned by me, Shunsuke Kuchi!" After finishing speaking, Qi Rui asked in Tianjin dialect: "Do you believe it?"

Yuan Sanming knew that the other party was doing it on purpose, but he didn't have any temper at all. He was so angry that he picked up a stick and beat Feng Si faceless and shamelessly.

Half an hour later, Yuan San collected two boxes, which contained oceans, French currency, and gold bars, all of which were worth 60 to [-] U.S. dollars. He begged, "Taijun Jiuchi, I can only collect so much money. You are a friend of Chief Maochuan, please raise your hand."

"Since you have moved Mr. Maochuan out, I can't be too unreasonable. I will calculate the rest of the money according to your usury interest. I will come back in a few days!"

"Pfft!..." Yuan San's voice sweetened, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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