Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 359 Capture Wang Tianmu Alive

Chapter 359 Capture Wang Tianmu Alive

Shen Xilin and Jiuchi Shunfu had a good chat, but their ideas were completely different. Qi Rui really wanted to cooperate with him, because it would supplement Shen Xilin's warehouse of plumpness, needless to say the benefits.

What Shen Xilin was thinking was to be careful not to be fooled by the devils, after all, he came to the door by himself. The Chinese language is so slippery, it is very likely that he is a spy of China Hands.

Qi Rui doesn't care what Shen Xilin thinks, because he is in a hurry to start this business, and he is in Shanghai, so far away from Tianjin, Shen Xilin will re-understand and adjust the cooperation relationship when he tastes the sweetness.

Leaving Xilemen Qi Rui to meet Bailang Xiaohinata, thanked him for the 100 people he had chosen for him, and said, "Mr. Xiaohinata, can I use your radio station?"

It is enough to use the radio station in the Mochuan mansion once to let Hidekamo Mokawa know that he is connected with Chongqing. The radio station at Xiaohinata’s house is now his personal, so it is safe to use his.

"of course can."

"Mr. Kohinata, in order to express my gratitude to you, I recommend you to President Shigeharu Matsumoto."

"There's no need to worry about this."

"You're right, it's better to make a great contribution before recommending, so the effect will be better."

"Make a great contribution?"

"Yes, to tell you the truth, my Jiuchi mansion has an undercover agent inside the Military Control Bureau. I asked him to check on Wang Tianmu, the station chief of Tianjin Station. There should be news today. I'll ask first."

"This is a top-secret matter, I won't bother Curator Kuchi!" Shiro Kohinata handed the radio to Shunsuke Kuchi and left.

Qi Rui directly sent a telegram to Dai Yao Wang Tianmu's contact address. Dai didn't know what Qi Rui meant and wanted to ask, but Qi Rui's telegram said it very clearly. A little intelligence work behind enemy lines.

With such seriousness, Dai gave Wang Tianmu's address to Qi Rui without hesitation. Xiao Jiu is his trump card. He just saved his beloved general Zeng Che, so Dai has no reason not to believe him.

"Mr. Xiaohinata! Thank you for allowing me to use the radio station. Please keep this matter a secret for me. It's time for us to make great contributions!" Qi Rui said excitedly holding the message,
"Curator Jiuchi got Wang Tianmu's information?"

"I got it! I will personally take someone to investigate, this matter must be foolproof!" After Qi Rui finished speaking, he showed Xiao Hinata the telegram he had translated, and then burned it.

"We have been arresting this Wang Tianmu for a long time. We never thought that curator Jiuchi would find his hiding place as soon as he arrived. He is really strong!"

"This is the address given by the intelligence personnel in Chongqing, but Wang Tianmu must be the Three Caves of the Rabbit. We still need to confirm whether he is here or not."

"What is Curator Hisaike going to do?"

"I will personally lead someone to catch him! There must be no mistakes." Qi Rui said,
"Do you need me to do anything?"

"Mr. Xiaohinata, you have helped me a lot. After I catch Wang Tianmu, I will definitely recommend you to President Shigeharu Matsumoto. If not, you can go to Shanghai with me! That's where you can use your skills!"

Kohinata was really moved when he heard this, because he would always be suppressed by Mogawa Hidekazu in Tianjin, but this matter needs a long-term plan, so he said: "Curator Hisaike! Let's get down to business first, and I'll talk about it when I'm done."

"Okay, thank you again, I'll go to business first."

Qi Rui returned to the Black Dragon Club that night, and immediately ordered Yi Yu Xianren and Mending Yamato to take 20 people each to the place where Zeng Che and Li Shengyi were lost and continue to look for them.

The next day, before Qi Rui went to find Yuan San, he brought the money himself, probably because he was worried that the interest rate would be too high later, and the usury of 50 US dollars a day was enough for him to help his family for a month.

"Yuan Sang, how much is it?" Qi Rui looked at the box and asked,
"Taijun Jiuchi, this is all my belongings. It should be worth more than 60 U.S. dollars. Please hold your hand high. For the sake of serving the imperial army, please spare me. I have already buried those people who provoked you alive." Yes! You also saw Feng Si beaten to death by me!" Yuan Sanyang begged,

Qi Rui glanced at the box, which was mostly gold bars, and there were some jewelry. If he ran on him again, he would be suspected by Mao Chuanxiuhe, and said: "You have a good attitude, and you must discipline your subordinates after you go back!"

"Yes! Taijun Jiuchi! After I go back, I will strictly restrain my subordinates, and such things will never happen again in the future."

"Okay! Let's end this matter here. If Maochuan-kun didn't plead for mercy, I will toss and ruin your family! Go and thank him!"

"Thank you, Mr. Jiuchi, for your noble hand! Thank you!" Yuan San said to himself: I died unjustly,

After Yuan San left, Qi Rui took Tang Rui into ordinary casual clothes, and Wang Tianmu is currently hiding in the concession.

Why didn't Qi Rui bring people over to kill Wang Tianmu? That would definitely not work. Shunsuke Kuchi is the curator of the Kuchi Mansion, and he can also be said to be the director of the agency. It's just because the scale is not up to the point that he dare not call it that. If he directly kills Wang Tianmu After Wang Tianmu, that's not what he should have. Such an important person must be caught alive.

Another very important point is that Qi Rui must find out how many people are following Wang Tianmu, preferably by himself, Qi Rui must minimize the loss of the military command.

After two days of investigation, Qi Rui determined that Wang Tianmu was at the address given by Dai. He rarely went out. There were five people in this stronghold, and people often came to him, including young college and middle school students.

This reminded Qi Rui of the famous anti-Japanese anti-traitor group. This organization was established by Zeng Che, Wang Tianmu and others with progressive students from Pingjin. Qi Rui knew it was because most of the members of this anti-Japanese team were high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Among them are the eldest daughter of Tongrentang, the nephew of Qi Xieyuan, commander-in-chief of the Puppet North China Appeasement Army, and the grandson of Puppet Manchukuo Prime Minister Zheng Xiaoxu, and so on.

Zeng Che and Wang Tianmu were personally in charge of their training, but the members of the military command had never participated in commanding the resistance regiment. This group of highly educated patriotic youths were completely self-governing, and they only exchanged experience with the military commander.

After two days of observation, Qi Rui dispatched a few experts to enter the stronghold when the number of people in the stronghold was the least, and captured Wang Tianmu alive.

Qi Rui didn't worry about what to do if Wang Tianmu was arrested and went back to defect, because he knew why Wang Tianmu defected, so he had already thought of a perfect plan.

Mao Chuanxiuhe heard that Jiuchi Shunsuke had captured Wang Tianmu, but he still didn't believe it, so he took people to the Black Dragon Club Hall to confirm that the person caught was really the three-eyed king Wang Tianmu, which made him look at Jiuchi Shunsuke with admiration.

When he first met Shunsuke Kuchi, he said that he was here to arrest Wang Tianmu, but now it seems that he came here only after he had the accurate information.

"Hiuchi-kun! Give me this Wang Tianmu!" Mokawa Hidekazu begged,

(End of this chapter)

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