Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 360 System Prompt: Anti-Japanese Heroes Cannot Be Killed!

Chapter 360 System Prompt: Anti-Japanese Heroes Cannot Be Killed!

Qi Rui had already guessed that Maochuan Xiuhe would want Wang Tianmu, and said, "Mr. Maochuan, let me interrogate for two days first, and then I will hand him over to you."

"Kuichi-kun, how did you find his hiding place?" Mokawa Hideka asked curiously, because Shunsuke Kuike didn't contact the latent personnel in Chongqing again.

"This will be kept secret for the time being! Please forgive Maochuan-kun."

"Then can I be a juror?"

"Mr. Maochuan, I have no intention of interrogating Wang Tianmu, let's persuade him to surrender first."

"Of course it would be great to be able to persuade you to surrender!"

Qi Rui and Mao Chuanxiu went to see Wang Tianmu together, and they tried to persuade them with good words, but Wang Tianmu ignored them without saying a word.

After Mao Chuan Hidekazu came out, he said angrily: "Kun Chi, take it to my Mao Chuan mansion for torture!"

"Mr. Maochuan, don't worry, the person is already in our hands, we still have to think of a way for such an important person."

As soon as Qi Rui's voice fell, the system's voice sounded: Complete the task of rescuing Zeng Che with difficulty level B, and reward the task of rescuing Wang Tianmu with level A difficulty!
Pfft...Qi Rui almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, cursing secretly in his heart: Your system is too abominable, I just caught him back by myself, I have already figured out how to kill him, now you actually asked me to save him he!

System: Wang Tianmu's rebellion was due to a scheming plan. The current Wang Tianmu is still an anti-Japanese hero. The host can't kill him, he can only save him.

What Qi Rui had been thinking before was that getting rid of Wang Tianmu could avoid the loss of the military command in the enemy's rear. When the system reminded him like this, he suddenly understood that Wang Tianmu might not rebel if Dai Zhongji was not allowed. Besides, Li Shiqun, who pitted Wang Tianmu, was dead. So Wang Tianmu's rebellion may not be realized at all!
The current Wang Tianmu is indeed an anti-Japanese hero, and it would be inappropriate to kill him before he rebelled.

Fuck!How can this person be saved?If Li Shiqun's trick is used, will Mao Chuanxiuhe agree?
How can this be done!

"Kuichi-kun! What's wrong with you?" Mokawa Hidekazu asked,

"Mr. Maochuan, Wang Tianmu has a high status in the military command and is one of the four major killers. If he can be used by me, it will deal the heaviest blow to the military command!" Qi Rui said.

"Did Hisaike-kun have a plan long ago?" Mokawa Hidekazu asked,

"Yes, this Wang Tianmu is very influential in Beijing, Tianjin, North China, and Suiyuan. If he can do things for us, Mr. Maochuan! At that time, we may destroy all the intelligence agencies of the military command in the appeal area!"

"It would be great if what Jiuchi-kun said can be realized, but will he really cooperate with us?"

"People are in our hands, we always have to try, and we have nothing to lose!"

"How to try?"

"First, treat him with good wine and good food. I will give him whatever he wants. I will lock him up for a few days before we talk about it."

"Then I'll wait for the good news from Kuchi-kun!" Shunsuke Kuike said, of course Hidekazu Mokawa agrees, anyway, he can't run away with people in his hands.

Qi Rui sent Tang Rui to find a clean and tidy room for Wang Tianmu. The furniture in the room was all new, and he also prepared a table of wine and food.

Chongqing Military Control Bureau
"Fourth! Sixth! Xiaojiu asked me for Wang Tianmu's address and arrested him. What do you think he means!" Dai asked in confusion,
"Boss, what do the Japanese say?"

"Major Jiuchi Shunfu from the Jiuchi mansion, within five days after he arrived in Tianjin, he arrested the Sanmu Wang Tianmu, one of the four major killers of the military command! All the newspapers praised him."

Zheng Yaoxian lowered his head and thought for a while and said, "Boss, you can't let Lao Wu contact him and ask what's going on!"

"What if the fifth child also breaks?" Dai asked,
"Boss, I absolutely believe in Xiaojiu. There must be something going on here! Maybe he went to Tianjin because of Wang Tianmu. Could it be because of some news he got in advance? Besides, he just saved Lao Wu."

"Then do as you said, let Lao Wu go to Xiao Jiu to ask!"

"Boss, didn't you say that Lao Wu should not know Xiao Jiu's identity?" Xu Baichuan asked.
"Don't you believe in the fifth child?"

"Believe it! Of course I believe it!"

"Lao Liu! Contact Lao Wu immediately and let him find out what's going on."

Zeng Che had already arrived in Peiping, and he also heard that Wang Tianmu had been arrested, and was about to try to rescue him when he received a telegram from his sixth brother, Zheng Yaoxian. Quite a surprise, I didn't expect that the boss's ace agent killer is Shunsuke Kuike.

So Zeng Che returned to Tianjin alone. He secretly watched the Black Dragon Club Hall, and finally found a chance on the third day.

Qi Rui asked Shen Xilin to meet at Xilemen because he wanted to cooperate with him first. Zhuang Xiaoman was hoarding a batch of southern specialties, which happened to be sent to Tianjin for her, and Shen Xilin readily agreed to take the goods.

After the two had a good talk, Qi Rui left, and when he was leaving the gate of Xilemen, a person slipped a note into his hand, and Qi Rui left Xilemen as if nothing had happened.

Mao Chuanxiuhe would come to see Wang Tianmu every day, and seeing that he was eating and drinking comfortably, he asked, "Mr. Jiuchi, is this how you plan to raise him?"

"Maochuan-kun, I've already figured out a way!"

"any solution?"

"As far as I know, Dai is suspicious by nature. What do you think he would think if such an important person as Wang Tianmu was caught by us and released without injury?" Qi Rui asked, still planning to use Li Shiqun's method to deal with Wang Tianmu to save people.
"Jiuchi-kun is saying that Dai Hui suspects that he has rebelled?"

"Nine times out of ten, you will think so. Not only that, but Dai will definitely send someone to get rid of Wang Tianmu. When he has nowhere to go, do you think he will cooperate with us?"

"But what if it doesn't work?"

"Let me think about it again. We must convince Dai that Wang Tianmu has cooperated with us!"

"People like Wang Tianmu may only be able to cooperate with us under such circumstances. Mr. Jiuchi has such an ingenious plan, so we will do it like this!" Mao Chuanxiuhe thought carefully and found that this plan is indeed feasible.

"It's definitely a risk, but I think it's worth it."

"Jiuchi-kun, then if you think about it carefully, I won't bother you!"

After Mao Chuanxiuhe left, Qi Rui only read the note, and there was an address on it, asking him to meet alone, and it was signed by Fifth Brother.

Among the Eight Great Vajras, the old Ba Hai died for his country at the beginning, the eldest, the second, the fourth, the sixth and the seventh Qi Rui have all met each other, only the third and fifth have never met, and Qi Rui has never asked who it is.

Qi Rui drove to the agreed place by himself, and found that waiting for him was one of the two spies rescued from Mao Chuanxiuhe. Could it be that the fifth child is Zeng Che! ?
"Are you Zeng Che?" Qi Rui sat down and asked,

"That's right! I am your fifth brother Zeng Che! Xiao Jiu! We finally meet!" Zeng Che said with a serious expression,
"It seems that Wang Tianmu was arrested and the boss is in a hurry! Regardless of the danger, let you come to see me and ask me to understand!" Qi Rui laughed,
"Yeah, what's going on?"

 According to the outline, Wang Tianmu was to be removed, but after writing it, I found that it was wrong, so I rewrote it, and some plots also needed to be redesigned, so today's chapter will be published later.

(End of this chapter)

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